Holy Spirit Pt.2-The Meaning of Pentecost I Jewish Holidays Fulfilled I Passover I Pentecost I Tabernacles I Power

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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In this episode of Kingdom Come with Andrew Nkoyoyo podcast: The Holy Spirit Pt.2-The Meaning of Pentecost, I share about the three Jewish holidays that Jesus came to fulfill and show you the true meaning of Pentecost and reveal the three areas, in which the Holy Spirit will empower your daily lives. 

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Announcer (00:00):

This broadcast is a presentation of kingdom impact ministry. It is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (00:13):

Hello, dear friend. And welcome back to week two on our series. The holy spirit today's message is the meaning of Pentecost. We are going to talk about the meaning of Pentecost. Again, let's go back to our key scripture, uh, acts 19 verse one and two, while Apollos was, was at Corinth. Paul took the road through the interior. He took a shortcut and arrived that Ephesus there. He found some disciples and asked them, did you receive the holy spirit when you believed? They said, no, we have not even heard that there is a holy spirit. Now, many people don't know the holy spirit or they don't know what the holy spirit will do for them. So people perish for lack of knowledge and people miss out on God and all that God has because they haven't really known many people know God, the father, they know Jesus Christ, but not many people know the holy spirit. So that's our desire. So if you haven't watched part one, go back and watch part one and then come back to this. Cause part one, we led the foundation of the nature of the spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (01:24):

So let's look at the Jewish holidays fulfilled. Okay. Um, Matthew chapter five 17, do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Okay. Jesus did not come to abolish the law to, to stop it. He came to fulfill it. And so let's look through these three different, uh, holidays and see what did Jesus do and what is still doing? Okay. First, the Passover, the Passover represents salvation, a little backstory. You remember in the book of Exodus, when the the still doing? Okay. First, the Passover, the Passover represents salvation, little backstory. You remember in the book of Exodus, when the children of Israel went in Egypt, that there came the time through the plagues, the th the, the last plague, the tennis plague that every first born male child had to die. So in order for God to save the Israelites in Guian, they had to go slay a blameless, you know, lamp and take the blood, which is symbolic of the blood of Jesus and sprinkler it, or put it, smear it on the front door, post of the doors.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (02:48):

And then when the angel of death was going through, when he saw the blood, he passed them over. That's the idea, that's what happened. Okay. And so we see Jesus fulfilling, you know, this holiday when it comes, so he's not abolishing it, but he's fulfilling it. Okay? Because now we see in, in the Testament, what was a type or a shadow. Now we see the fulfillment of it in the new Testament. In first Corinthians chapter five, seven for Christ is our Passover lamp. Now we don't have to take the animals on slaughter because Christ is our Passover lamp that has been sacrificed. You see the law and the prophets, as I'm gonna show you here is being fulfilled in the work of Jesus. When Jesus comes, he's fulfilling it. Okay? So we see that Jesus is our pastor of the lamb. Okay? He's our savior.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (03:56):

His blood does not cover our sin, washes our sin, Ephesians two verse eight and nine for it is by grace. You have been saved through faith. And if this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God, not by works so that no one can boast. You have been saved. You remember, in the old Testament, the blood of the blameless lamb that was put on the doorpost seven them, okay. When the end of death saw the blood, he passed them over today. The blood of Jesus that was shed at Ry saves us. Okay. But now, because he became our Passover land, he died in our name and in our place. And his precious blood now does not only cover our sin, but washes them away, brings us the freedom, the, the protection, the deliverance from the enemy, we are covered in the blood of Jesus.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (05:04):

We are hidden in the blood of Jesus in the that's. Why we talk a lot about this power in the blood precious friend, there is so much power in the blood of Jesus. As a matter of fact, you know, in my book, catch and release, God's supernatural. I call it the, it is like the, the greatest of them, all the keys of the kingdom, the blood of Jesus is the greatest of them. All. You know, there is a story in there that I share when God met me. When I, I think it was the first time I had, I, I heard that the audible voice of God and I, I looked and I, I mean, I, there was nobody in the room. I was in a secluded place by myself, fasting and praying. And I, I heard, you know, the voice of God, which I knew later that it was the voice of God calling me by my name and asking me Andrew, three times, Andrew, do you know what the devil fear is the most? And I thought that devil fear is the name of Jesus. And he said, yes, but do you know what he fears the most? And I went through, you know, the word, the holy spirit. And he said, yeah, he fears them. But what does he fear the most?

Andrew Nkoyoyo (06:12):

He fears the blood because it is everything else works on the basis of the blood. As a matter of fact, we are talking about the holy spirit. The holy spirit works on the basis of the blood. You know, first joined chapter five, verse seven and eight. He says there are three witnesses in heaven is the father son, holy ghost on earth is the spirit, the water and the blood, all those three. Agree as one, if you're going to see the work of the word and of the holy spirit, you better have the blood of Jesus. That's how crucial that's how PA powerful and Jesus has shed his blood. He became our Passover lamb and shed his blood in our name and in our place so that we can have access. Dear friend, I don't know how many demons have cast our people. How many, you know, battles with war, you know, witches and warlocks have over have overcome because of the power of the blood.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (07:10):

How many, you know, lives have been changed? How many shrines or, you know, that have, have burned down, you know, and they have repented and confessed Christ because of the blood of Jesus. And yet in a few, you know, just a few moments befo, you know, they wanted to kill me. They're giving me ultimatums. And all of a sudden I apply the blood of Jesus and all of a sudden, all the snakes and all they have voodoo and all their staffs like falls dead to the ground who mighty God, I feel the anointing right now. The power of the blood of Jesus is remember, dear friend, Jesus is our Passover lamb. And with his blood, he has purchased us. You and I are saved, not because on the basis of trying to be good people or good Christians, no, it's on the basis of the blood of Jesus that was shared at Cal's cross. When we accept what Jesus did, then we can receive the blessings of God. And that is including the gift, the work, the power, the anointing of the holy spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (08:22):

The second holiday that was fulfilled is Pentecost. You see in Pentecost, we are given power to make a difference. You see Pentecost. Sometimes we complicate things about Pentecost. It's just a day. It was just a holiday. We're gonna read it here. It's just a day. And it's 50 days after the resurrection. So there was celebrating, it was 50 days to the celebration, um, of Pentecost, which was, was, um, and on that day, as they were gathered in one room in one place, 50 days after resurrection, you know, we see that the, the holy spirit, okay, this what, which was a celebration, which they had done, you know, for the giving of the 10 commandments. Now Jesus comes on the day of Pentecost is not only just, uh, giving, you know, tablets that they're gonna try, you know, laws and rules that they're gonna try to fulfill on their own, but he's gonna write those laws, the word of God on their hearts. You see today, he's, he's not just giving us tablets and, uh, uh, tablets of rules.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (09:40):

He's giving us his law. He's giving us his word and he's writing it on our hearts. Okay. So act one, verse three to five. Let's read. After he's suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days and spoke about the kingdom of God. On one occasion while he was eating with them, he gave them this command, do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift of my father, my father promised, which you have heard of me speak about for John, the John baptized with water. But in a few days, you'll be baptized with the holy spirit. He had appeared to them over 40 days. Okay. So now I, I'm assuming that this is just a few days before, you know, before the holy spirit, before Pentecost, you know, because he, he, he had appeared to them and he talked about the kingdom of God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (10:42):

Now he tells them, now I want you to go, because he knew that, you know, the day is coming near for him to fulfill, you know, this holiday, this festival, okay. Which remember, again, he did not come to abolish the law, but he came to fulfill the law and the prophets. Okay. And so this part, we see he's fulfilling it. He's like, yeah, you've been celebrating, you know, the, the giving of the 10 commandments that were given on, on stone tablets that Noman could actually keep, because it was just words written on stone. Now I'm coming. And because of my holy spirit, who is gonna indwell you and with you is gonna write, my law is gonna write my word on your hearts. And he's not only gonna do that, but he's gonna give you the power to be able to fulfill it. He's gonna give you the power to be able to leave what I command you to do.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (11:45):

Okay. Let's read acts chapter two, verse one to four. Actually, before we read that, let's read acts one eight. He says, but you receive power when the holy spirit comes on you. And you'll be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judaism area to the ends of the earth. Okay. He gives them the promise that they're going to receive power. He's going to re fulfill this festival. This law is going to fulfill it and give them the power to live it out the power. Because now this law is being written upon their hearts no longer on tablets and stones, but on their very hearts and on their minds, act two, one to four. When the day of Pentecost, again, remember, we're talking about the meaning of Pentecost. Pentecost just said day. I know we have gone as far as, you know, creating denominations and all kinds of labels and whatever, but Pentecost is just a day.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (12:49):

It was a day that they celebrate on that day. The day of Pentecost had fully come. 50 days after resurrection. They were all in one accord in one place and suddenly, and suddenly came a sound from heaven as of a rushing, mighty wind. And it fueled the whole house where they were seating. Then they appeared to them divided tongues as of fire, and one set upon each of them. And they were all say it with me, filled with the holy spirit. Okay. On the day of Pentecost, it was a day they were celebrating. They had come together to celebrate this day that they had celebrated every year, 50 days after resurrection. Um, yeah, 50 days. It was, um, 50 days commemorating the giving of the 10 commandments. So now it was 50 days after his, you know, resurrection. Then in one accord in the upper room, the holy spirit came and they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit, give them utterance.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (14:01):

Okay. So the day of Pentecost is a day of power. Okay. So we don't wanna just dwell on the day, but we just wanna dwell on what Jesus was doing. You know, he was fulfilling this Jewish holiday, the celebrating of the 10 commandments. Now it is God in us because when the holy spirit came, he did not only come to only be with, be with us, but he's also in us. And so he came and fulfilled that, and they were all filled with the holy spirit. Now the Greek word, you know, fulfilled, you know, is the same word, you know, be filled in Ephesians, meaning, you know, to have influence over or to take control. So there were, that's why the holy spirit had, you know, absolute influence, absolute control and, and possession of them that he began to give them, you know, utterance. He began to move the amounts and their lips and their tongues into a prayer language into this.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (15:16):

You know, I believe it was in a session because they were, they were praying in tongues and others who were around began to hear them, you know, you know, uh, talk about the blessings or praying in tongues. They began to hear them just magnify God, glorify God, you know, talk mysteries the wonders of God on that very day. So that's the meaning of Pentecost. The meaning of Pentecost is the day when the holy spirit came to the early church and a birth, the early church, you can have your own Pentecost. <laugh> so to speak. You know, you can have the experience of the holy spirit because he comes, you know, as you open your heart, as you, you know, Jesus came already, he has poured out the holy spirit. You don't have to do anything else to receive it. Just gotta receive it. As I'm gonna show you, you don't have to do anything extra.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (16:16):

You, you know, to qualify really the first qualification, you gotta repent and receive Christ into your life. Now let's talk about the third one. The Tabacco okay. The, the, the third holiday, uh, the Tabacco this signifies, the second coming, this was the celebration of the, the wondering or living in temporary tent or hearts. Now, I, I love this. Cause when God showed me the, this part of this, uh, FET and the, the, the fist of Tabac course, you know, they were wondering, and there were surge earners, and there were wonders. They had no home. And they were living in temporary hearts. You know, do you know that we are wonders with your surge earners? This is not our home that we are here, temporary. This is temporary here, here, what the word of God says first, the Theon chapter four, 16 to 17 for the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the Ajo and with the trumpet call of God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (17:28):

And the dead in Christ will rise first. See, after that we who are still alive and the left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the load in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. See, dear friend, we might be accumulating things we might be worried about, you know, retirements and all the things that they, you know, but in, in the greater scheme of things, we are wonders. And so this is going to be, uh, fulfilled when Jesus comes back. But we see here, he didn't come to abolish that, you know, because that was for them to remember the wonderings and living in temporary hearts and tents. And today, really, as we celebrate these, you know, FES, we are remembering that we are so generous. This is not our home heaven is our home. We are here temporary.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (18:26):

Okay. So as we do that, then we begin to really detach from, you know, from the world and live more of a heavenly minded life than a, you a worldly life or earthly life, because we are not gonna be here forever. Okay. Because we see that, you know, he's gonna come back. There's gonna be a, you know, a trumpet call of God and the dating Christ are going to rise up. And those of us who are alive and remain, you know, will be caught up, depend, you know, when, if he tears, you know, but if, if, if not, if we, he comes back and we are dead, we we're gonna be as a matter of fact, raised first, you know, and then we'll meet the Lord Jesus in, in the clouds and we will be forever with him.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (19:16):

You see all this. So this prophecy, Jesus is not come to abolish. It is actually fulfilling it because now he shows us the picture of what is coming. And he will be fulfilled when Christ comes. So, as we think about, you know, Pentecost, you know, what is the meaning? Because we see when the holy spirit came in, acts two 12, they says, um, they were amazed and perplexed and they asked one another. What does this mean? Well, this is what it means. Really? This is the meaning, the true meaning of Pentecost. Number one, that the holy spirit empowers you to live righteously. That's what it means. He comes Romans eight, verse nine. You however are controlled, not by the sinful nature, but by the spirit, if the spirit of God lives in you now, when the holy spirit comes, the meaning of true Pentecost is that the holy spirit empowers you and I to live righteously, to live a holy life, to prepare us, to make us red heart for heaven, because Jesus is coming back and he's coming soon and you and I need to be ready.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (20:35):

Okay. And while we wait, he empowers us to do the will of God on this earth. Okay? So this is really what it means. I chapter 30 verse 21, he says, whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, this is the way walk in it. Now this is way, way back. Many, many hundred years, years, when is Isaiah prophesy this? And we see it fulfilled by Jesus. When the holy spirit comes again, remember he says, I did not come to abolish. I came to fulfill the law and the prophets. Now we see his fulfilled the law in the Passover and in Pentecost. And we is fulfilling. Now the pro you know, the profits, you know, in, in Isaiah 30, 21, when we look also on the fist of Tabacco, we see that he's fulfilling the profits, the, what was prophesied, okay?

Andrew Nkoyoyo (21:43):

He says, where, whether you turn to the right or the left, you'll hear a voice whose voice will you hear? It is the voice of the holy spirit behind you saying, this is the way walk in it. The voice of the holy spirit, the meaning of Pentecost is the holy spirit is here to lead you and guide you. That's why the Bible calls him. He's your guide. He's your helper. He's your counselor. He's your teacher. He's gonna show you the way he's gonna keep you in the right way. He's gonna keep you in the right path until Jesus comes. The second meaning of Pentecost is that the holy spirit empowers you to live supernaturally. He empowers us acts 10 verse 38 from the new living translation. And you know that God anointed Jesus of Naru with the holy spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (22:40):

All who oppressed by the devil for God was with him the same way. God anointed Jesus of us with the holy ghost and with power. How was Jesus anointed? Now, let take a little, you know, um, ban trail here for a second. Many people think they cannot walk in the power of God because they are not the original disciples, or they say, oh, well, those were the chosen disciples. Or that was Jesus. The Bible shows us the blueprint of how God works, how the disciples were anointing and how Jesus, the son of God, Jesus was not anointed based on the basis that he was the son of God. He had to live. Heaven came on earth, lived a hundred percent God, but I also a hundred percent man in covenant with God. In other words, anything that you and I go through, he went through, he was liable to, to hunger and tiredness and fatigue and even frustration.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (23:41):

And, and even you remember, he turn, turn over the tables. He was frustrated and began to beat them because they were doing the wrong. He went through all the emotions and all the things that we all go through, even the pains. But we see here, Luke tells us the writer of acts. He tells us how Jesus was anointed. He was anointed with the holy spirit. If you and I want to be anointed, we need to look to the holy spirit. He was anointed with the holy spirit and with power. That's how he was. We see the apostles before the holy spirit comes on them. They're just really me. Men who love Jesus. And after the holy spirit comes on them, now their world changes. As a matter of fact, you know, the, the, the Bible tells us in, in, in acts eight, that when, wherever they went, even when they went down to some area, the it's like people are saying that the, these guys who have turned the world upside down, they even call them small gods have come to our town.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (24:45):

You see, they were that influential. They had impact. They had substance, they had influence. They were making a difference for the kingdom of God in people's lives, everywhere they went. But that was after the holy spirit. That's why Jesus, uh, uh, told them go and wait until the holy spirit don't do anything else because you don't have what he takes. But when the holy spirit comes, he's going to give you what he takes to continue in my footsteps, to continue in my assignment, in my work, in my great commission to live righteously, to live supernaturally, listen to these first Corinthians chapter two, verse four and five. Paul says my message. And my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, different listen to this. Paul experienced the power of God wrote, wrote 80% of the new Testament by revelation from the holy spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (25:59):

And he says, my preaching and my teachings were not in Cann cleverness of, of man's words. It was in the demonstration of the spirit and power. It was not in the demonstration of, in, in of the intellectual powers. You know, it was not in the demonstration of, you know, how, uh, good and orator he was. I'm sure he was a good orator. He was an educated man. He, I mean, he tells you I'm a PHY of the Pharisee. I mean, he, he was all that, but he tells us that his preaching was not just intellectual. It was in the demonstration of the spirit and the power of God so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power, this is the meaning of Pentecost. Pentecost is about power is about God writing his heart on our hearts, writing his words on our hearts, you know, transforming, imparting to us the very mind of God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (27:03):

The very mind of Christ by the spirit is about empowering us to live righteously, supernaturally as part of our everyday life. And the third point is the meaning of Pentecost is that the holy spirit empowers you on mission to live on mission. He empowers me to live on God's mission each and every day. He empowers you. That's the meaning. It's not about all the other things that we are putting around. It's not about listen to this. I love denominations and all these labels, but you know what? That's not what God is all about. I mean, we created that. God didn't create all that. He did not. He can careless whether I label myself this or that, but what he cares is that I walk and live in the reality of Pentecost of what he has poured out for me to be able to do what he has put me on earth to do while I wait.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (28:07):

Okay. While I wonder and live on these temporary tents here on earth, he's called me and has given me the holy spirit to empower me to live righteously, to live supernaturally and to live on mission that my, my, my sight and my focus, I zero in on the things that are above not beneath, because the things that are of this world and of this earth, they perish their temper. You know, David said, life is a vapor. It is here today, and tomorrow is, is gone. What we all have is that, that we have done for God in God, with love and with faith, for the glory of God. That's what we have.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (28:54):

And so the meaning of Pentecost was to empower the early church to live righteously and live supernaturally and to live on God's mission until God Jesus comes back and takes us all. Now listen to this statement. As I finish being filled with a holy spirit does not make me better than you. It makes me better than me being filled with the holy spirit does not make you better than anybody else, but it makes you better than you. Why? Because the holy spirit takes you the weak fearful feeble person. And he begins to do a work on the inside of you. He begin to transform you and transf you from the inside out. He says, come as you are, but I'm not gonna leave you. There will some way I met you. I'm gonna change your life for Jesus. I'm gonna transform you. I'm gonna empower you to overcome sin and inequity and all the things that are contrary to God's nature, holiness, and righteousness. I'm gonna empower you to live righteously. Dear friend, you are not left to yourself. You are not left to fend for yourself to try to go through life, trying to do the law and to fulfill it. That's why, you know, in all religion, men have failed because it was not by the CN cleverness of man. It's not by the human arm of strength. It is always from beginning to end. It is by my spirit says the Lord.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (30:44):

So if you don't know Jesus as Lord and savior, or you are not sure that you have a solid relationship with Jesus, I invite you to pray this prayer with me. Say, dear Lord, Jesus. I confess that I have seen against God. I am a sinner, but I need a savior. And you are that savior. I confessed. You are the son of God. God raised you from the dead. Forgive my sin. Wash me with your precious blood. Fill me with your holy spirit to do your will and live for you. Lord Jesus. I opened the door to my heart and to my whole life. Come in, fill me with your life, with the fullness of your life. From this day, going forward, I am your, I am saved. Amen. Dear friend. You've said that prayer, as simple as it was, if you said it from your heart, you meant it. Jesus has saved you. He has come into your heart. And right now from this moment on the holy spirit is in you and is with you. And he's beginning a work to empower you, to transform you, to live righteously, to live supernaturally and to live on its mission.

Andrew Nkoyoyo (32:11):

So dear friend, our viewer and listener, I encourage you as we finish, uh, to make an investment into this ministry, I invite you to so into this ministry and helpers, to continue to share the gospel and make disciples of all nations, right to us kingdom, impact ministry, the information is on your screen, or send us an email. You can give online on our website. And I look forward to hearing from you, and I wanna hear your testimonies of what God is doing and how this message is changing your life. May God bless you. God loves you. And so do we hear amen

Announcer about Working The Works of Book (32:47):

As a believer, the keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them, you can access your inheritance in his newest book, working the works of God. Dr. Andrew teaches us how through the glory of God and his anointing. We are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today to become a kingdom impact ministry partner, or so a financial seed call us toll free one eight five, five, four, one voice that's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2, 3, or log on to

Announcer on where to Watch Andrew (33:29):

Watch Andrew on the kingdom come broadcast 24 7 and on our kingdom impact ministry, TV channels available on Roku, apple TV, Amazon fire, TV, and Android TV to stream on the go get the kingdom impact ministry mobile app for apple and Android devices from the app store today to receive prayer order resources order become a partner with kingdom impact ministry. Call us toll free one eight five five, four, one voice that's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3. Or visit us You can also write to us app kingdom impact ministry PO box 2 0 73, Montrose, Colorado 81 4 0 2. This broadcast is a presentation of kingdom impact ministry. It is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.


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