Signs You May Need Deliverance and How To Be Delivered From Demonic Oppression

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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In this episode of Kingdom Come With Andrew Nkoyoyo podcast, Andrew and his guest Evangelist Betty Jones reveals the signs you may need deliverance and give you step-by-step guidance on how you can deliver yourself and others.  Listen now to unlock your freedom from demonic torment, oppression, and affliction in your life.

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Freedom On Purpose

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Broadcast/podcast opener: (00:01)
This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact ministry. It is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (00:45)
Hello, dear friend, and welcome to Kingdom Come with me, Andrew NKoyoyo. Thank you for joining us today. We have a treat because we have a special guest. We are going to talk about signs that you may need deliverance and how you may be free from demonic attacks, demonic operations, and so forth. So thank you for listening to our podcast. Thank you for listening and watching on YouTube on our website, kingdom impact, and on Kingdom Impact Network, connected channels on Roku, Amazon tv, and Android tv, and all kinds of platforms are out there. So they're available on our website. So we thank you for joining us. So I'm gonna start with a scripture that we all know. In Mark 16 verse 15, 17, and 18, Jesus said, go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all creation.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (01:44)
Okay. Verse 17. And he said, these signs will accompany those who believe in my name. They'll cast out demons. They'll speak in new tongues. They'll pick up serpents with their hands. And if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them. They will lay their hands on the seek and they recover. Dear friend, we are on a mission to help Christians like you to demonstrate the spirit and power, because here Jesus says, the signs of the believer are going to be evident in each and every one of our lives. And today, I have a special guest who moves in deliverance who's going to be taking us on this journey in this episode. Help me to welcome evangelist Betty Jones. Sister Betty Jones has worked in deliverance ministry since the early 1970s. She was introduced to the Freedom on Purpose Ministry during a season where she and her husband were pastors under the leadership of Pastor Joan Austin in South Texas. She's a counselor. She's a, a deliverance minister and a prophetic voice and an evangelist. Sister Betty, welcome to the broadcast.

Ev. Betty Jones: (03:01)
Thank you. Such a privilege, such an honor.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (03:04)
Oh, yeah. We are so excited to have you, dear friend. Would you go ahead and tell us a little bit more about yourself and your ministry? You have worked done a wonderful work, wrote this wonderful book that will tell our listeners and viewers a little bit later about called Freedom on Purpose, a Guide book to Deliverance. Would you tell us about what your ministry is, about, what you've been doing, and how God is using you and the amazing things that God is doing into your life and your ministry?

Ev. Betty Jones: (03:37)
Well, I started doing deliverance about 50 years ago when deliverance wasn't cool. Mm-Hmm. When it wasn't popular, when it wasn't on the front burner. . Now we're seeing in the church today, a real move in the deliverance ministry. It's coming from the back burner to the front because of what's coming, because of the bondages people are in mm-hmm. . And so I have been casting out demons for about 52 years. Wow. I didn't chase the ministry to do this . In fact, I

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (04:12)
Ran, that's a little bit longer than I've been alive on this earth.

Ev. Betty Jones: (04:17)
Go ahead. Has a sense of humor because I thought, Lord, I'm a woman, and surely you have not called me into predominantly a deliverance ministry. Mm-Hmm. But people started showing up. I myself went through deliverance and outside of salvation and baptism in the Holy Ghost, deliverance catapulted me into real freedom in my soul. Yes. You know, the thing about demons is you either have one or you don't.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (04:50)

Ev. Betty Jones: (04:50)
Yes. That, that's about it. Yeah. Either you have a demonn or you don't. Mm-Hmm. If you're a believer, demons don't have you. Mm-Hmm. Because then that would be ownership.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (05:02)

Ev. Betty Jones: (05:03)
But as a believer, either you have a demonn attacking your soul or your body, or you don't. Mm-Hmm. And number two, if you do have a demonn attacking you or living in your soul, it is there by legal permission.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (05:21)

Ev. Betty Jones: (05:21)
It is there by a legal pathway in the spirit, either ancestral, brought it in, trauma, brought it in something you participated in, known sin, brought it in. Mm-Hmm. . I do private sessions almost every day, taking people through deliverance. I do over 3000 sessions in three years.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (05:44)

Ev. Betty Jones: (05:45)
And I have done this for many, many, many

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (05:47)
Years. And this is mostly people who are Christians, right?

Ev. Betty Jones: (05:51)
Yes. These are Christians. These are people that are saved mm-hmm. baptized in the Holy Ghost, a lot of them mm-hmm. and they have bondages in their soul. The demons aren't in your spirit. Yes. That is not where a demonn lives and abides, but he will live in your soul. That's your mind, your will, your emotions, your personality, your intellect. Yes. Or he can live in your body. Mm-Hmm. , he can live in an organ. Mm-Hmm. . So after the legal right is canceled, and that person does not want that, they do not want that addiction. Mm-Hmm. , a lot of addictions are demonic. Yes. And the demons are driving them to do what they're doing. Suicide. I've always found it to be demonic. Mm-Hmm. if you're suicidal, I would say you need deliverance. If you have ever been raped or molested, I would say you need deliverance.

Ev. Betty Jones: (06:50)
Because demons enter at that moment of trauma and drama, and then fear and torment start taking over. Mm-Hmm. . So we need to realize demons are defeated. Yes. that always is a revelation. Just got a brand new revelation of that. This past week I was in Boston. Mm-Hmm. and a demonn jumped up out of the congregation and challenged me mm-hmm. . And it was, it was quite the moment. And it brought the revelation you are defeated mm-hmm. now in the name of Jesus, she will obey what I say. Yes. And as that woman began to scream, and the demonn took her over took her voice box and that thing was coming at me. Hmm. And I'm 77, so, you know, it's not, I've got one good hit in me, . And after that hit . And so this thing rose up in the congregation and challenged me, and it was a demonn of witchcraft. Yeah. And that had been in her family line. It was a demonn called Mamba. Mm-Hmm. . And this thing was yelling, I'm gonna whatever to you. And I said, you are gonna bow your knee and you're coming out.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (08:09)
Now, do you know what that, what mamba means? What that demonn

Ev. Betty Jones: (08:13)
Was. Now it's a Brazil witch mm-hmm. . And you know, every society kind of has their own version of witchcraft down on Bourbon Street, it's kind, voodoo and juju. And then you get into the mamba and Pama, and then you get into the Hispanic culture. And it's San or Santo. Mm-Hmm. . It's just witches. Yes. It's just and so as that thing began to attack me there was about three men holding her back for me, and I said, looser and let her go. Mm-Hmm. I said, we're not gonna do this with our arm of the flesh. We're gonna do it by the power of the Holy Ghost. Exactly. And the name of Jesus and the, the living word of God. And I have the authority, God given me the authority to cast you out. Yes. And I've told the men holding her, I said, let her go. Hmm. I said, if this thing wants to challenge the God in me, he will answer by fire.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (09:11)

Ev. Betty Jones: (09:12)
And so, you know, not,

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (09:15)
Did not tell us. Did did, did she get delivered? Did the demo come out? She

Ev. Betty Jones: (09:19)
Delivered it threw her to the ground like a napkin. Mm-Hmm. . And it just threw her to the ground. And she began to vomit up all those spirits. And but you, you know, you have something, you know, something on one level of revelation. And then the Holy Ghost says, Betty, I want you to have another level of revelation on this. Exactly. And, and I have been doing this for a very long time. But we have his authority to cash out demons. Yes. We have his name, we have his blood. Yes. And when I began to tell that demonn according to the blood covenant that I have with Jesus, yes. You will obey my command.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (09:59)

Ev. Betty Jones: (10:00)
And it's just like that fresh wave of revelation comes on you and that, and you see that demonn begin to whimper and cry Yeah. And bow, and you see that woman begin to get free.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (10:13)

Ev. Betty Jones: (10:14)
And it was a hallelujah moment. And I remember saying, I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Mm-Hmm. , I am a son of God, and you'll obey me.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (10:25)

Ev. Betty Jones: (10:26)
And as, as you know, the Holy Ghost will teach you hands-on training.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (10:30)

Ev. Betty Jones: (10:31)
And I have so many people say, I don't feel equipped to cast anma out. And I said, you never feel that. But the power of the Holy Ghost in us Yes. Is actually the one moving through us to cause that demonn to bow.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (10:47)
Amen. Yeah. And I'm gonna ask you a little bit later to kind of share a little bit more on, on that, on how, you know, anyone watching listening can do that self deliverance for themselves. But could you go a little bit deeper on on those signs that, you know, somebody may need deliverance? Cause I know a lot of the prayer requests we get here from our viewers and listeners, they either for healing or deliverance, but the majority is deliverance. Some something ising me, something is choking me in the middle of the night. You know, it's like, you know, how can I be delivered? I'm being tormented. And these are dear Christians, you know, who have accepted Christ. And, and so what are those signs that people can be on a lookout for, you know, to see, oh, oh, maybe the enemy is coming in. I need to shift the way I'm trying to go into really warfare mode cause I need to be delivered.

Ev. Betty Jones: (11:43)
You know, one of the first signs that I have found is they attack you in your dreams. Mm-Hmm. , if you were being demonically attacked and oppressed, you will know it through your, your dreams. Mm-Hmm. , you'll have night terrors, you'll have dreams that torment you, you'll have demonic visitations in your dreams. Mm-Hmm. . So number one, if if demonic oppression is really hitting you, you will know it because your sleep is not restful. Yes. You'll be mented either you'll have insomnia, you can't rest. Demons don't have rest. Yeah. And they want yours. Mm-Hmm. And so one of the first signs to me that you're being demonically attacked or your children are being demonically attacked, is that they, they don't sleep. They have nightmares. They wake up screaming, they can't sleep. Mm-Hmm. More than an hour or so. And so torment in the sleep is, is probably the number one.

Ev. Betty Jones: (12:40)
Yeah. That's a big one. The number two one Mm. Right. Past the sleep is mental oppression. Mm-Hmm. They will attack your mind. It's like you can't control your thoughts, intrusive thoughts. Yes. Just bombard your mind thoughts that aren't yours. Mm-Hmm. Like thoughts on suicide, why don't you just kill yourself and hit that tree? Mm-Hmm. So you'll hear a mental oppression that will come at you very strongly and, and, you know, this thought isn't you. And so mental oppression the third one is negative emotions. Yes. Just negative all the time you're thinking about, you worry, you your mind is spinning, the emotions are out of control. You might cry a lot, and you really don't know why you're crying. Yes. But your emotions are not steady. Mm-Hmm. , your nerves are not steady panic attacks. Yes. Those are negative emotions. Yes.

Ev. Betty Jones: (13:47)
And you're, if you are dealing with panic attacks, I would tell, I would say you have a spirit of fear because the root of panic attacks that I have found in 50 years is fear. Yes. And so your heart palpitates and your emotions are all over the place. And the the next one that I have written down is a desire for defiled things. A desire to something will wake you up in the middle of the night to watch pornography. Yeah. Something will come against you in the middle of the night, a defilement Yes. To do things that, why am I thinking about that? Uncontrolled thoughts that lead you to defiling? Hmm. And sexual defilement. I've been in this a long time and I've never seen anything like what I'm seeing right now. Yes. Is the, they attack sexually strong sexual dreams attack even in the daytime and Wow. And I personally believe there is such a thing as spirit wives and spirit husbands, incubus and succubus spirits have to be removed. Yes. So I'm seeing that. And I wrote down right after that one is profanity.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (15:12)

Ev. Betty Jones: (15:12)
People kinda wink at profanity and think, well, that's not major. It is, demons can live on the mouth, the lips and the tongue.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (15:21)
No, it's not just a cultural thing. Oh, I, you know, I curse, so I

Ev. Betty Jones: (15:25)
No, because

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (15:26)
I know a lot of Christians think that, oh, that's okay.

Ev. Betty Jones: (15:30)
You know, the other night at church I had a prayer line for I want everybody that that's in here. There was about a hundred people in the auditorium, and I said, I want everybody to come up if you have a cussing issue. Mm-Hmm. , because that is a profane spirit. Yes. I was delivered of one, in fact 50 years ago when I went through my own deliverance mm-hmm. , the first in that came outta me was murder.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (15:58)

Ev. Betty Jones: (15:58)
And that was through my family lineage. Mm-Hmm. my great-grandmother was a white witch. My dad was 32nd degree Mason. So I had witchcraft on both sides, and I had spirits of defilement. And the tongue is one of the things those demons want you to do is to God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (16:20)

Ev. Betty Jones: (16:21)
And so that spirit of profanity taming the tongue is part of deliverance. Mm-Hmm. And the next one is sexual perversion. I dealt with a little eight year old boy the other day that he didn't know whether he was a boy or a girl.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (16:39)
Yeah. And and that's a big one right now.

Ev. Betty Jones: (16:42)
And so, you know, the demons aren't gonna miss God's creation. I believe it'll be one of the last attacks against the body of Christ and against people is sexual perversion. Mm-Hmm. and not knowing whether you're male or female or feeling trapped. Yes. And I believe number one, it's the spirit of confusion, delusion, and deception.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (17:09)

Ev. Betty Jones: (17:10)
And when we deal with someone on sexual perversion, we have them divorce all the spirit wives and take 'em through a process. Yes. And resent the highest form of freedom is repentance.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (17:27)

Ev. Betty Jones: (17:27)
It's not demon come out. I'm not against demonn come out. Yeah. But the highest form of any freedom is repentance before God. Yes. And humbling ourself before God. And renouncing sin, I was deep into sin. Mm. When, when God found me, and I gave my life to Jesus. Yes. My spirit man was saved, but my soul was messed up.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (17:55)

Ev. Betty Jones: (17:56)
And and mind renewal, shutting out the world, crucifying the flesh, those are all forms of deliverance

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (18:03)

Ev. Betty Jones: (18:04)
As well as demon come out. So sexual perversion, adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, a spirit of uncleanness, a DeBary spirit, a reprobate spirit, all of those have to be dealt with.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (18:19)

Ev. Betty Jones: (18:19)
And when we take someone through deliverance we don't miss that door , we

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (18:26)

Ev. Betty Jones: (18:28)

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (18:28)
I mean, the Bible calls them the works of the flesh

Ev. Betty Jones: (18:31)
And behind every work of the flesh, I believe. Not always, but there can be a demonic entity mm-hmm. behind driving that. And so I, we have just found that in the last year there has been such an increase in sexual perversion, people really wanting to get free, but not knowing how to get free.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (18:55)
Amen. Well so can we transition into, so you can spend some time on helping our viewers and listeners, how can they, you know, they, they, you have listed, you know, a few things there that perhaps, you know, someone is watching and they're, they're listening and say, oh, that's something I'm struggling with. Can you give us some keys or some ways they can begin to take action, you know, and pursue this deliverance, even their own self deliverance. I know you deal with that in the book, but can you share some of those with us today?

Ev. Betty Jones: (19:32)
You know, as the first thing we do is bring them to a place of repentance. Repent, rebuke, renounce release. Yes. And renew.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (19:42)
Mm. . Wow. That's a lot.

Ev. Betty Jones: (19:45)

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (19:46)

Ev. Betty Jones: (19:47)
renounce. Mm-Hmm. release. Mm-Hmm. . And then renew your mind. Those are the basic steps into freedom. And when you c when you close the door mm-hmm. through repentance, cancel that demon's permission.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:06)

Ev. Betty Jones: (20:07)
Then you can command it out.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:09)

Ev. Betty Jones: (20:10)
So it's close, cancel command.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:15)

Ev. Betty Jones: (20:15)
And deliverance is not hard. We don't need to make it hard. Deliverance is the children's bread. Mm. And you'll be as free as you desire to be.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:26)

Ev. Betty Jones: (20:28)
I wasn't all cleaned up when I came to Jesus. My spirit was saved, but my soul and my body were messed up. Yes. And God began to take me down the path of deliverance. Mm-Hmm. . And I found that it really wasn't hard once I canceled the permission. Yes. And I closed the door.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:48)

Ev. Betty Jones: (20:49)
Because demons have to have a door to come in mm-hmm. . And the good news is Jesus is the door that they go out. Yeah. You can command that demonn to go out. Mm-Hmm. . And people don't think they can. But this is my personal opinion, until you've learned self deliverance mm-hmm. , you probably won't maintain your deliverance.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (21:13)
Can you give us like a practical example? For example, somebody who's struggling with, you know, perversion. How can they practice what you're saying? Can you kind of give us like a a practical application on how could somebody, you know, start with repentance and then do the other steps?

Ev. Betty Jones: (21:34)
Yes. Repentance has gotta just forgive me Lord. Mm-Hmm. , I have disobeyed you. Yes. And I have sinned and they repent. And then we have them by their own mouth. Confess renunciation, I renounce you. I do not want you in me. I'm not your house. I am not your home.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (21:59)

Ev. Betty Jones: (22:00)
And as an act of my will right now, I submit my will to God. Yes. I submit my feet to the path of God. Amen. I bind my will to the work of the cross. Now in Jesus' name, I speak to every wicked spirit that is living in my soul, to wake up and get up and line up in order of your rank. Mm-Hmm. , and I believe that is vital. Mm-Hmm. . And after we get those spirits awakened and and out of hiding. Yes. And, and they're standing in order of rank, and then I rebuke you. Mm. You have no legal right to me anymore.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (22:49)

Ev. Betty Jones: (22:50)
And I just start having them take very deep breaths because demons, the same Greek word for evil spirit is pneuma.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (22:59)

Ev. Betty Jones: (22:59)
Or, or spirit. Spirit. Yes. It's pneuma, it's breath. Breath. Yeah. So we have them take deep breaths as deep as you can go and just release that. And as they are releasing that I am commanding in the name of Jesus, you come out. Hmm. You come out right now, no resistance just come out. Yes. And as they begin to take deep breaths if they, if they are not hiding any hidden sin and they truly wanna be free, demons will start coming out immediately. Mm-Hmm. , I mean, it's not hard. They're all defeated. Yeah. And they have to obey the command, whether I'm given the command or the person. Yeah. I have found one demonn that's really almost impossible to get delivered of yourself. And that's deception.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (23:52)
Exactly. Yes.

Ev. Betty Jones: (23:54)
Because you don't know. You haven't, and you don't think you're deceived . Yes. And and so and one of the spirits in the last day is going to be deception. Mm. Delusion and lawlessness rebellion. Mm-Hmm. . And so once they repent and they, by their own mouth re renounce and rebuke, then they can release that spirit. Mm-Hmm. and I, I have 'em do that by taking deep breaths mm-hmm. and the demons will normally make yourself known and come out mm-hmm. . And if you're really watchful and you're really seeing, you've been doing it 50 years and you know what you're looking for, and you kind of know how to take someone through deliverance in that process, it's really very easy. Yes. And I will have the person say, get out of me now. Mm-Hmm. loose me, now unwrap from me. Wherever you've been hiding in my body, you get out. Mm-Hmm. normally demons of pornography will live in the eyes mm-hmm. as you have an eye gate and an irrigate and a mouth gate and a touch gate.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (25:10)

Ev. Betty Jones: (25:11)
And so demons we remove 'em from those gates. And I always have the person cooperating with their own deliverance. Mm. Get out of me. You are not wanted. I release you, I rebuked you, I renounce you. Yes. I am a child of God, and you will no longer live in me. Mm-Hmm. , I have resented, I am cleansed by the blood. Mm-Hmm. , now you get outta me. And you were literally driving those demons out, just like d Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (25:44)
Yes. And after, after they go through that process do you try to replace where those demons Yes. Were with the Yes. With the Holy Spirit or the power of God, how do you go about

Ev. Betty Jones: (26:01)
That? Absolutely. We lay hands on them and ask every empty and void place mm-hmm. that is now left because the demons is not there. Yes. Holy Spirit, we ask you to fill, shine your light, come into those areas and fill them with your presence and your light, your revelation. And if they're not baptized in the Holy Ghost, that is vital. Mm-Hmm. , it is vital that the baptism and the Holy Ghost with the evidence of tongues, they need their own prayer language. Yes. They need that king's language to speak supernaturally. Mm-Hmm. and the fire and the power of God. And normally it's quite an explosive thing because their faith is so high, because demons just left. Yes. And they're so excited about Jesus. It's just like the veil is gone and they feel so good. We had a girl brought to us day before yesterday, they drove four hours.

Ev. Betty Jones: (27:05)
She was in full manifestation mm-hmm. the whole time getting her to us. And we waited at the church for 'em. And it took us a while to get her free, but she called last night and just was weeping. And she said, I've been praying in tongues. I've just been loving Jesus. And she said, I don't, I don't really understand everything that happened to me, but I am free. I am free. And she was just weeping on the phone and I was weeping with her. And deliverance ministry is not the whole gospel, but the gospel is not whole without it.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (27:45)
Yes. Hmm. Say that again.

Ev. Betty Jones: (27:49)
Deliverance is not the whole gospel.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (27:52)

Ev. Betty Jones: (27:53)
But the gospel is not whole without it.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (27:56)

Ev. Betty Jones: (27:57)
And it's an amazing freedom by Jesus. Hmm. You know, the Israelites had to drive the Canaanites out, even though God gave them the land

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:11)
They had to go fight.

Ev. Betty Jones: (28:12)
They, there were still Canaanites in the land, , and they had to go fight and remove the hises and the parasites and the js and the gis and all the heights. And that's,

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:23)

Ev. Betty Jones: (28:24)
And people say, I'm, I'm afraid to come in. And I said, mercy, don't be afraid to come in. You'd be afraid if you don't come in. Yeah. You need to come in and get free. And we do mass deliverance at our church once a month. Mm. And I mean, that's just a whole service is we do mass deliverance and it's quite amazing.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:47)

Ev. Betty Jones: (28:48)
And deliverance can also be done at an altar.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:51)

Ev. Betty Jones: (28:52)
A demonn never manifest unless he's afraid or nervous.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:56)
Mm-Hmm. Yeah.

Ev. Betty Jones: (28:58)
And they will manifest. And in mass deliverance mm-hmm. They are afraid and nervous.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (29:04)

Ev. Betty Jones: (29:05)
And they manifest. And our church has a whole team of over 20 people. We've trained them for four years to cast out demons.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (29:14)

Ev. Betty Jones: (29:14)
And I just kind of direct traffic now. Yeah. Cause they're trained. They don't need me. Glory to God. You know what you're doing,

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (29:22)
? Yeah. Oh, I I I'm telling you. Cause this is a big, you know, I'm, I've done mass deliverance, I've done one-on-one, but what I'm finding out right now in, in, in our, in most of the churches is this ministry of getting people set free is really left to a handful who are probably not trained to deal with it. You know, in the back room is not part of the, you know, like you said, it's not the whole gospel, but it's part of the gospel. Sure. And, and, and Jesus, you know, is wasn't a great suggestion. It was part of the commission. You know, as you go preach, you know, I'm making disciples of own nations. These signs are going to follow you and you're gonna cast out demons. You know, that's is in relation to the gospel being preached, you know, discipling of the nations and healing the seek, you know, casting out demons is part of that.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (30:21)
And so what I believe you are doing right now for our listeners, I mean, we have laypeople, we have new believers, you know, we have ministers that listen and watch our, our podcast and watch our broadcast. And you are speaking into those people. Would you take a moment and speak into those? Maybe they're on the fence in their ministry. Maybe some are called into the ministry of deliverance. Yeah. Maybe others. They just have this hunger to see people set free. What would you say to them and how can they how can they start?

Ev. Betty Jones: (30:59)
I would say this study to show yourself approved mm-hmm. I believe the Ministry of Deliverance has some great pioneers that have pioneered the way Derrick Prince Lester Summerall, some other, they're already with Jesus now. Yes. But there are some cutting edge deliverance ministries today, and I believe we need to cut our teeth on them. There are on the front lines. So study to show yourself approved, have deliverance workshops brought into your churches. Mm-Hmm. we do deliverance workshops one day, two day, three day, however many days they want. Yeah. Yeah. But the, the leadership needs to understand deliverance, not just by in, in experience, but by revelation.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (31:45)

Ev. Betty Jones: (31:46)
They need to understand if we're gonna minister to people that are coming into our churches and into our ministries, we're gonna have to understand deliverance.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (31:55)

Ev. Betty Jones: (31:55)
It's gonna have to be experienced as well as revealed by the spirit. And the Holy Ghost will back you up. Mm. I mean, a lot of ministers are being faced with it because demons are manifesting at the altar.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (32:11)
, yes. I What to

Ev. Betty Jones: (32:12)
Do this. Let's, let's get a, let's get some, some understanding on deliverance mm-hmm. and take the stigma away from it. Yes,

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (32:23)

Ev. Betty Jones: (32:23)
And people see me and they go, you're a deliverance minister. And I said, yeah, I'm mm-hmm. and been doing it for a long time, and I love people. Mm-Hmm. , and I love to see people get free. And without the deliverance ministry, I don't think we're gonna see people walk at the level of freedom they need. Mm-Hmm. . So I say debunk it. Let's have some deliverance sessions and deliverance ministries and deliverance times. I have never done a deliverance workshop where leadership didn't break out in deliverance

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (32:56)
Mm-Hmm. ever. Exactly. Exactly. Because

Ev. Betty Jones: (32:59)
You start teaching on it, those demons get nervous and they're gonna manifest. Yeah. And we're gonna drive 'em out. And I teach everybody at those workshops to do self deliverance. Mm-Hmm. , you don't have to have a big name minister praying for you. Yeah. We're all ministers.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (33:19)

Ev. Betty Jones: (33:20)
You just need to some, somebody that can help you. They know their authority.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (33:25)

Ev. Betty Jones: (33:26)
So, study to show yourself approved God, God took me on about a three year study of deliverance. I studied it, I memorized scripture, I Holy Ghost teach me how to set people free. I was having witches. Mm-Hmm. , warlocks, wizards. Drew, it's coming to me.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (33:47)

Ev. Betty Jones: (33:47)
And I, and I'm thinking, oh my, how, what do I do now? Yeah. And these were very high level demons, but I found as I fasted and prayed, I don't think you ought to be in the deliverance ministry unless you fast.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (34:05)
Yeah. And pray.

Ev. Betty Jones: (34:07)
If you're not willing to fast, you're not ready for the deliverance ministry. Yeah. because fasting, you go on a 21 day fast, you'll see the difference.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (34:16)

Ev. Betty Jones: (34:17)
And you'll know the difference. Exactly. And those demons know the difference. You know, the, the demons knew who Jesus was, and it took the disciples a year and a half to figure out who Jesus was.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (34:28)

Ev. Betty Jones: (34:30)
But demons knew it right away. .

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (34:32)
Yes. Then oh, dear. I'm gonna ask you to pray for those that are watching, those that you know, we don't know exactly everybody who's watching what they're, you know, dealing with, but would you just pray a prayer of deliverance along the lines of those, some of those things that you highlighted for those that may be watching and listening, you know, just for freedom into their lives.

Ev. Betty Jones: (35:01)
Okay, father,

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (35:02)
Just release the anointing.

Ev. Betty Jones: (35:05)
Father, you know, every person watching this broadcast, you know every hair on their head. You know when one comes in and one falls out. Yes. And in the mighty name of Jesus, I release the power of the Holy Ghost. There is no distance, no time. And I speak to every demonic entity that has been attacking you in the name of Jesus. Now, everybody watching, if you wanna go through deliverance, just start taking deep breaths. Yes. I command every wicked spirit that has been attacking you to go now. Mm-Hmm. , deep breath. Deep breath. Deep breath, deep as you can go. Get out of them. Get out of God's people. You don't own them. The blood of Jesus is on their doorposts. Now. You get out spirits of fear, spirits of suicide, spirits of death, spirits, sexual demons, occult demons, crazy demons, insane spirits of madness.

Ev. Betty Jones: (36:02)
Get out of them in the name of Jesus, spirits of rebellion, spirits of guilt and shame. Fre, regret, condemnation. Go now. In Jesus name. Let's take deep breath. Some of you are already beginning to feel the oppression coming off your chest, coming off your body. Now, in the name of Jesus. Father, I thank you. Wherever there's a void place, fill it up by the power of the Holy Ghost and the name of Jesus. Lord, I thank you. Demons are defeated. We don't glorify, we don't elevate 'em. They are defeated. Mm-Hmm. And in the name of Jesus, they will obey my command.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (36:45)
Oh Lord.

Ev. Betty Jones: (36:46)

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (36:47)
Amen. Dear friend, you have just been touched by the Holy Spirit. Continue in that atmosphere of receiving, going deeper. If you are needing deliverance, you can start by doing deliverance on yourself and, and, and trusting God. We have shown you the keys of the kingdom, the blood of Jesus, the authority that God has given you, the Holy Spirit is in you. Start there and begin to take action. And I want to encourage you to go on Amazon and anywhere, you know, books are sold, and re request our dear Sister Betty's book, freedom on Purpose by Betty Jones. I encourage this book is gonna equip you, show you how to go from where you are struggling, striving, being oppressed, tormented to finding the freedom that is in Christ. Okay? So I encourage you to go get a copy. Dear sister Betty, thank you for joining us. Thank you for, you know, speaking into us and encouraging us and, and sharing your gift. And please come, come again anytime. We'll love to continue to share more on deliverance. Thank you for joining us today,

Ev. Betty Jones: (38:09)
. Okay. God bless you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (38:11)
God bless you, sister.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (38:15)
So dear friend, we are at the time when we are pushing back darkness, and you just received the message during this holy week of resurrection. I believe the power to bring you from captivity is in you, is with you, is upon you. And through the blood of Jesus, you have access, okay? Through the blood of Jesus. So I'm gonna encourage you to go grab our book, catch and Release, God Supernatural anywhere from Amazon, from our website, even for those of you on our podcast. There's a link in the description below on our YouTube. Click on those links, go get a copy. We show you how to do these things, self-healing, self deliverance for yourself. And I encourage you for our podcast listener, and go ahead and subscribe, follow us. So every time we release a new episode, you don't miss out on what God has in this episodes.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (39:12)
My goal is to bring you interviews, to bring you teachings and talk on those topics that you wanna know on how to demonstrate the spirit and the power of God in your own life. And I invite you you are being blessed by this ministry. Become a partner. Scan that cord on the cure code on on the screen, or click in the link below and go and support our ministry. We want to bring more interviews of those men and women on the cutting edge of what God is doing to equip you to pour into you. You know, that's why the Bible says he has given, you know, these, what they call the Fivefold ministries, but not only fivefold, actually there are over 20, you know, five gifts in the Bible. He has given all those gifts so that we can equip the body of Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (40:00)
So no one pastor has all these gifts, no one preacher, no one person. But when we bring a collective of, of these different gifts from different men and women, we begin to raise up an army of, of men and women Christians that are changing lives. But first, before you can change other people's lives, you gotta change your own life. God wants to change your own life. And so I encourage you, and we have created an online course at the School of the Anointing that you can join. Again, the link is on your screen and in the description below that, you can join for a donation of $25 a month or more, where we'll give you access. This is a course that we have recorded. I've put in everything that helped me to go from a struggling believer to change my own life and the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world through the power of God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (40:49)
I show you the one thing that you need, and that one thing is the power of God. And we show you how to unlock that power. So our desire is that you unlock God's supernatural in your life to impact your life and others because God wants to use you. So, dear friend, we thank you for being part of this community, and I thank you for those of you that are, are watching and you don't have a relationship with Christ. This is your time. Would you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Would you say this prayer with me today? Dear Lord Jesus, I open up my heart. I confess that I have fallen short of the glory of God. I invite you to come into my life to be my Lord and my savior. I turn over my life to you from this day going forward.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (41:38)
I am yours. Empty me of all that hinders your love, and fill me with the Holy Spirit and empower me to do your will from this moment going forward. In Jesus name, dear friend, you have said that prayer, Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. He is coming to your heart. Now you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and you can begin to go deeper into the power and the anointing of the spirit, to walk in miracle signs and wonders, deliverance, and, and be delivered and even deliver others. And we'll love to hear from you right to us. And send us an email. Go to kingdom impact ministry org and send us an email. We'll love to hear your story. We'll love to send you resources that can help you to grow in your relationship. Again, make sure you get on our newsletter, you get subscribe to our YouTube channel. You get to get in touch with us. Will love to be part of your journey. That's why we are here, to help you to go deeper, to grow in the power of God so you can experience the breakthrough, the victory, all that Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead for to give you access even as we celebrate this resurrection week. May God bless you, resurrection and a big thank you to Sister Betty and her team in Texas. May God bless you, join again

Promo of Working The Works of God book: (43:41)
As a believer. The keys to the supernatural are in your hands. And with him, you can access your inheritance In his newest book, working The Works of God, Dr. Andrew teaches us how through the glory of God and his anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today to become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner or so a financial c Call us toll free one eight five five four one voice. That's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3 Or log on to

How to watch Kingdom Come and support us: (44:22)
Watch Andrew on the Kingdom. Come broadcast 24 7 and on our Kingdom Impact Ministry TV channels available on Roku, apple tv, Amazon Fire tv, and Android tv. To stream on the go, get the Kingdom Impact Ministry mobile app for Apple and Android devices from the App store today. To receive prayer order resources or to become a partner with Kingdom Impact Ministry, call us toll free. One eight five five four one voice. That's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3 or visit us You can also write to US App Kingdom Impact Ministry, PO Box 2073, Montrose, Colorado, 81 4 0 2. This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry that is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

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