How To Experience The Glory of God, Pt.4 of The Work of The Holy Spirit

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What You'll Learn:
In this episode of the Kingdom Come With Andrew Nkoyoyo podcast, I reveal the secret to personal transformation and how to experience the glory of God in your life.

Also, you'll learn how to access and grow in the work of the Spirit of glory, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, and the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.  Listen now to unleash the full potential of the Spirit within you! 

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Opener: (00:01)
This broadcast is a presentation of the Kingdom impact ministry. It is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you,

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (01:22)
Dear friend, and welcome back to Kingdom Come with me, Andrew Nkoyoyo. Thank you for tuning in from wherever you're watching us. We are so delighted that you can be with us on this journey. We are continuing in the study on the Holy Spirit. We are in episode 14. Can you believe that? And we are talking about the work of the Holy Spirit. You know, everything we have been learning up, up to and now was about who the Holy Spirit is. You know, the meaning of Pentecost, spiritual gifts, you know, and the names and the titles. Now we are putting it all together and we are talking about how the names of the spirit and his titles, you know, relate to his work and really digging deep and putting together this person of the Holy Spirit. How can we connect with him? Well, one of the ways that we can connect and engage him and his power, his resources, all that he desires, and all that he will do for us is by knowing, you know, his names, his titles, his person, his nature, his character, because that triggers, unlocks, unleashes, you know, the resources of his person and power.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (02:30)
Let's read our key scripture here. For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I encourage you to go back to episode one because these episodes build upon each other and you'll have a better understanding of what we are talking about when you watch them in that particular order. So at 19 verse one and two, while Apollos was at Coth, Paul took the road through the interior and ar arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples and asked them, did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believe? They answered, no, we have not even heard that there's a Holy Spirit and dear friend, this is the reason why God led us on this journey of study an importation, really, because as you are watching this, you are receiving an importation of the spirit, the importation of knowledge, understanding of the Spirit. People perish for lack of knowledge.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (03:21)
When we lack knowledge in any area, we perish, we fail. You know, we can live below the, the standard that God has for us, just because we don't not know. Now, God wants to bring enlightenment and knowledge and clarity. You know, there's nothing weird or spooky about the Holy Spirit. It's all about understanding who he is and how we connect with him. Now, again, I'm gonna emphasize first Corinthians two 14. This was, you know, Paul, he said, my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in the demonstration of the spirit and of power. Oh, [inaudible] Let that sink in. Dear front, this is why the gospel can be powerful. It is when it's demonstrated with the Spirit and with the power of God. Apart from that, we are just good storytellers. Apart from that, we are not any, any different than any other person having a lecture.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (04:20)
But when our speech is infused with the spirit and the power of God, there is life transformation. There is kingdom transformation, there is community transformation. There is nation transformation. Anything that this, the gospel of power touches, is going to transform it. Now, again, I I'm emphasizing this, you know, so bear with me if I repeat it in these episodes here, because I want you to get it. You gotta put this in your spirit. Demonstration means the act or circumstance of proving, of being proved conclusively. This is the Webster definition of demonstration as by reasoning or a show of evidence. An outward expression or display is what means to demonstrate. That's why the gospel has to be demonstrated. There has to be an outward expression of display. There has to be a show of evidence. Amen. For those of you that have come into to the School of the Anointing, I talk about Act one eight.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (05:30)
You know, Jesus said, you shall receive power to be witnesses. The word witness means to produce the proof, to give evidence. Our gospel and our administration of the gospel of Jesus Christ is supposed to have a show of evidence, a display of evidence. Otherwise, we are not any different than any other religion that has good tenets and good principles and good values that they follow. But what makes us difference is that our God is alive and is able to prove himself. Okay? So that's what demonstration mean according to the addiction. Now, let me give you my definition of demonstration. According to really to the scripture demonstration of the spirit and of power means the act or expression or display of the work of the Holy Spirit revealed in his names and his titles and his power. That's what it means, is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (06:31)
You can say that the Book of Act really is the act of the Holy Spirits, is the book of act of the Holy Spirit through healed vessels. Look, people like you and me, and so that's why we are talking about this, because God, the spirit is here to demonstrate himself and his power. Now, let's talk about the spirit of glory. Again, we are continuing to go through these names, the spirit of glory. The spirit of glory demonstrates and imparts the glory of God and the glory of the Lord. Remember, the Lord means Jehovah God, the redeemer, okay? And, and, and so the spirit of glory demonstrates and imparts the glory. In other words, it reveals, displace gives an evidence of the glory of God. What is the glory of God? The glory of God is God himself. The glory of God is the goodness of God, is the nature of God, is the character of God, is the person of God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (07:37)
Hallelujah. That's the glory of God. Oh, I've done a teaching a whole series on the wonders of God's glory. You can go and watch it on you, you know, on our website and on on our networks, the glory of God. When you know the glory of God, you enter into a different rem of the demonstration of the par God. And here for Spirit of four 14 says, if you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed for the spirit of glory and of God rests on you. What does that mean? That as you go forth, that as a believer, you are going to be insulted, you are going to be attacked by you, you know, for your faith. You're gonna get, you know, eggs thrown at you, stone, stone thrown at you. You're going to be, you know, ridiculed because of what you believe.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (08:27)
You know, the, some may call you simple minded, but he says, you are blessed because the spirit of glory and of God rests on you. Hallelujah. So when you are going through life as a Christian, you know, God desires that you and I know the glory of God, and how we know the glory of God is known by striving to impress God for his glory. We know that the glory of God is imported by the spirit of glory. That the glory of God is worked in our lives. Oh, let me give you, listen to this, dear friend. Oh, I feel the anointing who, Jesus, listen to this. If you want to see transformation, reformation and revival, listen to this, the Spirit, God shown me this a few years ago, and he said, Andrew, the key to transformation, especially personal transformation, is the demonstration of the glory of God. Let me give you a scripture for that Second Corinthians chapter three, verse 18. And we all who with unveil faces contemplate the Lord's glory, who are being transformed, other version, say, transfigured into his image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (09:59)
Put this in your spirit, dear friend. If you don't get anything from this, I, you know, get this. We want to be transformed into the image and the likeness of Jesus. Really, this is the end purpose and goal of the gospel, is to transform us into the likeness of Jesus, so that we talk like him, we act like him, we behave like him, you know, and we are holy. Like He's holy. And then we go to join, spend e on it with him, right? So that purpose, but what is the key? The key is the work of the spirit of glory. He says, we are being transformed. We want transformation. You want transformation, personal transformation. You want transformation in your city, in your marriage, in your family, in your finances. Right now, I'm calling upon the spirit of glory to come and do a work of transformation in any areas of my life.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (10:52)
He says, we are being transformed. We begin to behold the glory. We begin to look into the, the glory of God. As we contemplate now, the Lord's glory are being transformed. You see, we have to contemplate. In other words, we have to begin to engage with the glory of God. This is goes beyond about theology, goes beyond about knowledge, about knowing something. I'm talking about engaging, about talk, talking about in contemplating. I'm talking about meditating, thinking and engaging the spirit of glory for his glory, for his work of glory, for his acts of glory. Dear friend, you can walk in the glory of God, and there comes a time when that glory becomes even visible on you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (11:39)
A few years ago, I was at a prayer meeting, and as we were sharing what God was doing, you know, there was this couple that kept, you know, looking at me and pointing at people, and they were looking at me, and, and, and I didn't know what was, was that all about? At the end, they came to me and he said, did, did you see the, the, the gold that was on you? You know, and actually some was still on my shirt. I I didn't see it. I didn't see the glory, but others saw it. And all of a sudden people came to me and they said, we want an implication of the glory of God. So I told them, well, I could pray for you, but I want, I want you to go and begin to engage the spirit of glory. Because when you were in an environment where the glory of God needs to manifest, you are going to.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (12:24)
Now, for me, I didn't even know that there was a actually a visible manifestation of the glory of God, but it was, the people in the room begun, began to see it as I was talking about a pure heart, this message that I was sharing, and they began to see it visibly. They be, they told me there was this glow and then gold dust all over me. You know, that that was sprinkle kept coming all over me and, and tangible and it shining everywhere and it can be. Now, was I asking God to do that at that moment? No. But when you live in the glory of God, the glory of God is going to demonstrate his glory. You got it? The spirit of glory when you need it, because you are living a lifestyle, you are living in the glory. I know I was at a meeting, a leadership meeting on some preacher said, no, you can't live in the glory of God because the glory of God to him, the glory of God was in the third, what he called the third heaven.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (13:23)
That you cannot only experience the glory of God because you have to go transcend the first heaven and the second heaven and the third heaven, and then in the highest rams. That's where I use, you know, and I disagree because here we are told that the glory of God that we are transformed and we even begin to behold is by the spirit of glory. You know, and, and, and so I don't believe that you have to be this super spiritual hyperspiritual person to experience the glory of God. But you can be an, I don't wanna say average. I you can be a regular person who loves Jesus, who knows the Holy Spirit and who knows the spirit of glory. And when you begin to engage with him, he's gonna begin to impart and work that glory within you. I could talk about the glory all day long cause there is just so much that there is embedded in the glory of God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (14:18)
Hallelujah. Remember, you need transformation. You need to be transformed. Get to know the transformer. You know, the transformer is the spirit of glory. You know, we are talking about community transformation, you know, people transformation, church transformation, nation transformation. If America can know the glory of God, if our churches, we make room to know the spirit and the spirit of glory, we can't see transformation because the Bible says he's the one that actually transforms us into the image of Jesus. The Bible didn't say that too much. Teaching is what we need or pray, and fascinating. He says, the spirit of glory. Hallelujah. I can't emphasize this enough. Amen. Let's move on to the next one. The spirit of wisdom, an understanding. Now in this Isaiah 11, verse two, there are couplets here that I want to draw your attention to. Again, we are talking about the work of the Holy Spirit, the work of the Holy Spirit works, the glory, the next one works, the wisdom and the understanding of God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (15:23)
Now, this is a prophetic word about Jesus. Isaiah chapter 11, verse two, the spirit of the Lord will rest on him, meaning Jesus, the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of council and, and might and the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. Now, what I, in the previous episodes, we have broken all that down, so I'm not gonna repeat that. But what I want to highlight out to you is that the spirit of wisdom and understanding is the work of the Holy Spirit. So the spirit of wisdom and understanding demonstrates God, God's wisdom and understanding in all areas of our lives. Again, just for reminder, wisdom is the ability to apply the knowledge of God's word and God and his word in our daily lives. That's what wisdom is, and the spirit of wisdom is going to impart that to you and I.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (16:16)
Amen. And the spirit of understanding is going to impart understanding specifically, okay? So when you talk to the spirit of understanding, when you invite the spirit of understanding, he's not gonna do healing, he's gonna do understanding. He's going to give you specifically what you're called upon according to his name. Okay? And the Bible in Luke chapter two, verse 40 and 50 and 52, the Bible talks upon, and, and, and the child grew and became strong. He was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was on him. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in the favor and in favor with God. And man, Jesus was filled again here when, you know, we see the fulfillment of this prophetic in Isaiah was prophesied by spirit, is who's gonna be on him? And, and to have wisdom now we see in look, it is fulfilled.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (17:08)
He has wisdom, and he's growing in this wisdom. The same thing happens to, to all of us who are believers, we can grow in the wisdom of God, but we have to know that he is the work of the Holy Spirit as the spirit of wisdom and understanding to do work that if we'll look to him, okay, in March six, 12, again, when the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue. And many who heard him were amazed. Where did this man get these things? They ask, what's this wisdom that he has been given? Even at a young age, Jesus was filled with the spirit of wisdom and understanding that he, I mean, his wisdom in all things was, was amazing. I mean, they, they say, say, where they were amazed. They were asking, where did he get these things? Where does he get it?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (17:54)
How come we don't have it? And he has it. You see, the difference was because the work of the Holy Spirit in his life as the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and when we look to him that were dear friend, we can have the same experience. Understanding is discernment in wisdom. Listen to this is discernment in wisdom. The Hebrew word for understanding means having the power of judgment and perceptive insight. Amen. Having the power of judgment and per perceptive insight proves two, one to six. And I know that, I know we have covered this in the previous episode, but I wanna read it because it highlights something here, okay? It says, my son, if you accept my words and store up my commands with you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to your heart to understand it. Indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, he says, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, in other words, you have to cry out for it, you have to ask for it.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (18:58)
You have to, to engage the Holy Spirit and to engage God the spirit to, for insight, for understanding. A verse four. And he says, if you look for it as silver and such, for it as a hidden treasure, he says, if you want it, if you are gonna seek it and you desire it out of necessity, he says, then verse five, you understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. He, he says, did you get the key here different? He says, if you desire it that bad as a hidden treasure, and you search it and you look for it, he says, you are going to find it. You're going to understand the fear of the Lord, and you're going to find knowledge. For the Lord gives wisdom from his mouth, come knowledge and understanding who is the Lord, the Lord the spirit, the Lord the spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (19:54)
He is the spirit of understanding and is the spirit of wisdom. And then that brings up us into another capite, the spirit of council, and might the spirit of council and might demonstrates God's counsel and God's might. This cannot of go together again. This was a prophetic word in Isaiah verse chapter nine verse six, for to us, a a child is born to us. His son is given the the government will be on his shoulders and he'll be called, wonderful councilor, mighty God, everlasting Father, prince of peace. Now, I want you to point out a few things here in order for you to ha to really to govern if we are called to rule and reign, and in order for us to rule and reign as kings and, and queens and priests, and to our God, we need to be full of the spirit of council and the spirit of might remember, he says, this child government is gonna be upon his shoulders.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:52)
In other words, he's gonna rule and reign. We are called to rule and reign on earth, right? In order for us to exercise, to have what it takes, it takes the spirit of council and the spirit of might for us to be able to rule and reign in Christ through Christ on earth as it is in heaven. Did you get it? The same way Jesus had the spirit to govern the spirit, to govern is the spirit of council, the spirit of might he is he was again called, he will be called wonderful councilor. Why? Because of the spirit of council. He will be called mighty God. Why? Because of the spirit of might. Now we get to partake in the mighty power of God. In the mighty acts of God, we get to par protect in, in, in governing, in ruling and reigning for Christ in our lives, in our cities, in, in our communities where God has put us, we, we begin to ruin reign.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (21:48)
How? By the spirit of might and the spirit of council. And as we are accepting this, then we can begin to walk in authority. You see, council and might is tied to the authority that God will give us. You know, God is called you to operate. You see, I have a, a certain authority that I don't have in other areas because in that area I've accepted my position to rule and reign and govern for Christ, right? And with that comes the spirit, the impartation of the spirit of council and my, for me to, to rule and reign in that area. And as a result, I am given authority to rule. I'm given authority, authority to ruin, reign and set captive three, cast out demons, heal the sick, be able to speak for God, and, and, and the devil trembles. Why? Because there is a spirit of council and there is a spirit of might that God will give to each one of us to be able to rule and reign the same way we have, you know, Jesus was, you know, as supposed to reign this, this, you know, the government on his shoulders, you know, God continues to reign through his sons and daughters through the church and through the imputation of the spirit of might and council, hallelujah.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (23:02)
Again, here is another couplet is the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord. Again, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord demonstrates the knowledge and the fear of the Lord in our lives.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (23:17)
Amen? This is known by the canning cleverness of man. This is known by striving. This is known by trying to impress God. This is known, trying to read enough scriptures for so that we can work out, you know, our salvation with fear and trembling. We can have that fear of the Lord. No, he says it is by this, the spirit of fear of the Lord and the spirit of knowledge. You know why? Because you cannot have the fear of the Lord without knowledge. Now, the knowledge I'm talking about is not just intellectual knowledge. There are many people who have intellectual knowledge about God, but they have no fear of God. I'm talking about the revelation knowledge that the spirit of God will work in you to know God, and that knowledge out of the revelation of the scriptures and the word of God and what you, you've read about God and what has become real to you, that knowledge drives you into the f the real, the true fear, the reverence of fear of God that goes beyond just respect.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (24:23)
It is the fear, the holy, passionate fear of God that you, you'll have in your heart. Proverbs chapter one, verse seven, he says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Remember the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord, they go hand in hand. But here the scripture says that it is the fear of the Lord that rings forth knowledge, but fools des despite wisdom and instructions. You know, in AURs chapter 20, verse 20, our Moses said to the people, do not be afraid. God has come to test you so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning. You see, this is where the religious spirit came in. They say to Moses, you can read the whole chapter for context. They say to Moses, we don't want God to speak to us.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (25:14)
We don't want that kind of intimacy, that kind of relationship. You go, no, you go and know God and come tell us. That's why they had no fear of the Lord. And Moses, did you see? Because they had no intimacy. They had no, they had, they knew about God, but they did not have the revelational knowledge and what I call experiential knowledge. You see, when you know God from Revelation, you begin to have experiential knowledge because God is gonna back up this revelation with experience, and that experience is gonna drive you into the true holiness, the true righteousness, the true fear of God. So, dear friend, will you yield to the spirit of God, to work the knowledge of God and the fear of the Lord to bring you into that freedom where you are not afraid of God? Or today, I do not pray enough.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (26:09)
God, I don't have his favor today. I, I, you know, I, I I didn't read the Bible enough then God is not gonna be with me. No, you are cultivating a relationship that is best out of knowledge, out of intimacy. You know God, and there is no condemnation upon those why in Christ Jesus, right? Because the law of the Spirit, we have talked about the, the spirit of life sit you free from the law of sin and death. You see, it is all different at the end of the day. It is known by, might known by Power Secretary chapter four, verse six. It is by the Spirit says the Lord Almighty or says the Lord of host. And so dear friend, as I bring this episode to a conclusion, I want to invite you, will you connect? This is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (27:00)
Would you connect with the spirit of glory today? Would you yield, make a decision to begin to engage the Holy Spirit, the spirit of glory? Would you engage the spirit of wisdom and knowledge and understanding, begin to unlock his work? Would you yield to the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and the fear of God? This is where God is taking all of us into the depth of his goodness, of his fullness, of his nature and his character, and it's all by this Holy Spirit, but we have to pull on the Holy Spirit, yield to him and look to him. And I'm telling you, dear friend, he's delighted when you say, holy Spirit, spirit of understanding, give me understanding, give me your knowledge, spirit of might, and spirit of counsel, counsel me now, give me counsel. Empower me, infuse me such at me, demonstrate your spirit of counsel and might in my life, spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord, demonstrate your, the knowledge and the fear of the Lord in my life. [inaudible] There and there, dear friend, he is like, oh, heaven has opened up the glory of God begins to overwhelm you. All of a sudden you go from fight, fighting and trying to figure out finding answers on your own to having the divine omnipotence of God at your disposal. Hallelujah.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:48)
Dear friend, you are watching on your a believer you don't have a relationship with Jesus. Would you make him his, your Lord, and your Savior today? He wants to be your Lord. He wants to fill you with this Holy Spirit that I'm talking about. Will you satisfy prayer with me? Say, Jesus, I yield my life to you. I confess that I have sined against God and I confess that I am desperate in need of you. Save me, be my Lord and my savior. Wash me with your blood. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and empower me to do your will from this moment going forward. Amen. Dear friend, you've said a prayer. The Holy Spirit has come into your heart. You have the indwelling of the Spirit, and Jesus is your Lord. You are saved. Find the Bible, believing church and get plugged in right to us and let us know of your decision.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (29:59)
We have resources to help you to grow in your work with God. And dear friend, I want to thank you for watching. I want to thank you for listening, and I invite you, you know, as as as we come to the conclusion of this teaching, I invite you to go get catch and release God's supernatural, the keys to operating in God's miracles, hearing and power. Again, I am teaching this case and all I'm teaching, you'll be able to take this tool and take it deeper in your work as you practice in your own life and in the lives of others. Again, I invite you to partner with us, give a gen a generous gift to our ministry and help us to continue and we'll even send you a copy of this book or autographed as a thank you for helping us and supporting us. Again, let, let me, let me pray for you [inaudible] Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit for your anointing, but you're touching that one person listening right now and the verge of divorce that you're bringing healing counsel and might and healing and wholeness in their situation.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (31:18)
Thank you. Oh yes, right now that you are touching someone right now watching with arthritis in your left hand right now, the power of God is dissolving it right now. In your left hand in Jesus smiling it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. There's an anointing for miracles and healing. I just invited to touch where the pain is. If it's all over the body. Just put your hands on your head right now. In the name of Jesus, I release the miracle healing power of the Spirit of miracle Sons and wonders of the spirit of life. The spirit of power, the spirit of the Lord, Lando Roha. I release touch in Jesus' name and be healed from the top of your head to the souls of your feet in Jesus smiley name, yes, receive now. Receive healing and deliverance. Mm, depression dissolve, anxiety be destroyed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Freedom. I realize freedom to those that are depressed, bound, frustrated right now. [inaudible]

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (32:49)
Yes, yes, yes. There it is. The mighty praises, the mighty power of God. Hallelujah. Somebody waking your knees and your ankles rise, upk in Jesus name. Rise up and be healed. In Jesus name. I speak strength in those knees and in those ankles in Jesus, my and son of the living God, thank you. New muscles, new tendons, sins, nurse Ka. There is a healing miracle, creative miracle power that is flowing right now. Just receive in Jesus smiling hand, son of the living God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Blessed dear friend, write to me and let me know if the miracle you are one of those people that God is touching, I'll love to hear and I'll love to celebrate with you. Write to me and share with me your testimony. Hallelujah. Bless it. Be the name of the Lord. May God bless you. I'll see you next time

Working the works of God book: (34:39)
As a believer, the keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, working the Works of God, Dr. Andrew teaches us how through the glory of God and his anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today to become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner or so a financial seat. Call us toll free one eight five five four one voice. That's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3 or log on to

How to watch and support the broadcast: (35:20)
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