The Holy Spirit Pt.15 The Work of The Holy Spirit Pt.5, Good Spirit, Spirit of Life

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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What You'll Learn:

In this episode of Kingdom Come with Andrew Nkoyoyo podcast, I reveal HOW to activate the work of the Holy Spirit in leading and demonstrating God's goodness, God's life,  abundant life, the truth of the Word of God and Jesus Christ, holiness, righteousness, and sanctification in your life. 

  • Discover what the Spirit of truth does and how to activate His work of revealing and leading you into all truth.
  • Discover what the Spirit of life does and how to activate His work of demonstrating God's life in your life. 
  • Discover what the Good Spirit does and how to activate His work of leading and manifesting God's goodness in your life. 
  • Discover what the Spirit of holiness, righteousness, and sanctification do and how to activate His work of holiness, holiness, righteousness, and sanctification in your life. 

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Opening Introduction: (00:00)
This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact ministry. It is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (01:23)
Hello, dear, your friend, and welcome back to Kingdom Come with me, Andrew Nkoyoyo. Thank you for tuning in. We are continuing on this study. We are in the last listen in the study on the Holy Spirit as we finish, this wonderful exhaustive, really look at the person of the Holy Spirit, his names, his titles, his nature, his divinity, you really, and now we're talking about his work. As we finish, this is episode 15. Can you believe that on, on the, on part five, on the work of the Holy Spirit. Again, for those of you that are just tuning in, and this is your first time joining on this particular study, I encourage you to go back and begin from episode one because these teachings build upon it, each other so you get a better context of what we have been talking about.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (02:13)
And our theme scripture again, is Acts 19, verse one and two. Apollos was at Corinth. Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples and asked them, did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? They answered, no, we have not even heard that there were there was a Holy Spirit. Now, when he says, did you receive the Holy Spirit? He wasn't talking about the indwelling o of the Holy Spirit when you get saved. He was talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Did you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? And again, baptism means baptismal from the Greek, and which means to immerse, to dunk. Did you get immersed in the Holy Ghost when he believes? We don't even know there is such a thing as the Holy Ghost. And I'm telling you, this is a big need.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (03:00)
There is a big problem, if I may put it that way, in the church today, because we have those that are Jesus only. We have those that don't believe in the Trinity. We have those that believe in the Trinity, but they, you know, the, the Holy Spirit is only just a third person of the Trinity. And, and that's it. But that's why we felt really the need to answer this question. Is there a Holy Spirit? We have vindicated in this study that there is a Holy Spirit and everything that you need to know. We have covered it. Now we are talking about how you get to engage with the Holy Spirit. Why is he here? Why? What are all these names about? Why would God have all those names and titles and refer to the Holy Spirit by all these names? What's the point?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (03:47)
The point is that they relate to his nature, his character, his person, his divinity, and also his work. And when you understand that, dear friend, your relationship goes to the next level. And your engagement, your involvement, your partnership with him, you know, goes to the next level. Oh, dear friend, I've taught a teaching that I love to you when you're done with this one to go look, you know, take a look on our website and on our network, kingdom Impact Network. It's called Your Greatest Need. It's a part two teaching that I talk about. Your greatest need. Your greatest need is no prayer. Well, the Bible say we do not know. And your greatest need is no prayer. Your greatest need is the Holy Spirit and is fire. Because when you know the Holy Spirit and His is fire, he's gonna take you into prayer.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (04:37)
Oh, he's gonna take you into much more than just being a good Christian. He's gonna take you into the power of God. He's gonna make you dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. So now you're no longer just a pure woman coming on Sunday morning looking for good message to make you feel good, take you through the week. So he come back, come back next Sunday for another 30 minute fix. No, you are a transformer. You are a reformer. You are a revivalist. You are a life changer. You carry the kingdom of God and you know it. And this kingdom in you has the power to transform the kingdoms of this world into the kingdoms of our Lord and our Christ. Oh dear friend. That's why our ministry is called Kingdom Impact. [inaudible]

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (05:20)
Kingdom impact. Why? Because God wants to impact the kingdoms of this world. Yes, we impact the kingdom of God with the results and the fruit of the, the kingdom that we do here. But guess what? The kingdom impact is about impacting the kingdoms of this world with the kingdom of God. And how we do that is with knowing the spirit of God. Dear friend God, the Father is in heaven. Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father is not here right now, but you know who is here is the Holy Spirit. That's why Jesus said, I am going and I'm gonna send you the comforter. And we have talked about the name comforter. Oh, how it means helper, how it means advocate. One who pleads your case, one who stands for you, one who's alongside you. Oh, dear friend, have you called on the comforter lately?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (06:13)
Have you, you know, just tapp into his help or dear friend, every morning, every day of my life, I have known this comforter, and I can encourage you and challenge you to know this comforter. Now we want to talk about the spirit of truth. Have you known him as the spirit of truth? Have you known what he will do? John 14, verse 17. He says, the spirit of truth, the world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he leaves with you and he'll be with you. What does the spirit of truth do? The spirit of truth demonstrates, reveals, and leads us into all truth. That's what Jesus says. So if we want to be led and to know the truth, grow in the truth, walk in the truth, we need to look no further than the spirit of truth.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (07:10)
This is what he does. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. Again, these names relate to his work. So when you need to know the truth of God, you need to look to the spirit of truth. Call him by name. You see the, the name of a person or something is the active presence of that person, or that that's something, okay, that thing. So if you call the spirit of truth, I begin to address him as the spirit of truth. You begin to find that he begins to reveal what is deception and what is truth about you, about anything el about everything. He begins to reveal the truth about India. I'm telling you, because he's the spirit of truth. Any, anything, any lies, you begin, you have been lie. You know, living in or accepting or believing in knowingly or knowingly doesn't matter. All of a sudden things are clear as day.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (08:06)
Why? Because the spirit of truth is involved. See, it's not only just revealing the truth of God's word, but he reveals everything that is got to do with truth. He's the spirit of truth. He'll speak truth and he will call you out when you are in error or when you are in the wrong, he will say, this is the truth. Walk in it. Okay? So the, the, that's why the Bible says the the world cannot know this spirit of truth, because they don't know him. They don't see him, they don't know him, but you do. Why? Because you know him as the Holy Spirit who reveals himself as the spirit of truth. The world cannot, right? So this, you, you gotta put this, this is the work of the spirit, John 1613. But when the spirit of truth comes, he'll guide you into all truth.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (08:57)
You see, he didn't say, I mean your pastor or your preacher or whatever, they're good. But he says the spirit of truth is gonna guide you into all. I mean, all means all, all truth. He will not speak on his own. He will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is here to come. This is where we get into the prophetic, into revelation, into understanding, you know it's like the spirit of truth is going to begin to reveal things to you about you, about your future, about your present, your past, your future, about, you know, people, you minister through, people around you. When you begin to engage him, all of a sudden he begins to show you things that are even here to come. I know this from experience so many, so many. It's like each and every day is something that God is revealing.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (09:47)
You know, it's not just so that you'll be full of, of knowing things to come, but it's just because God is so involved in our lives that he would like to tell us about things before they happen. Good things and bad things, okay? He's the spirit of truth. He begins to reveal things, but we have to know. So when you know, you begin to engage him, and when you begin to engage him, guess what? As you are faithful to know him that way, more revelation, more truth is going to be revealed about you, about your church, about your community, about, and all of a sudden people are gonna think, oh wow, he's a prophet. You don't have to be a prophet, but you may begin even to operate almost like a prophet. Why? Because the spirit of God who knows truth, who knows what is here to come, begins to have that relationship with you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (10:32)
And he's trusting you with revelation. He's trusting you and revealing truth. You get it? So how do you do this? You basically talk to him. You know, I know many people are afraid of talking to the Holy Spirit because they think they're only toe supposed to talk to the Father through the name of Jesus. That is biblical and that's fine. But what I'm talking about, the Bible talks about the communion of the Holy Spirit is with you in other, he says, the communion, the comradeship, the fellowship, the partnership of the Holy Spirit is with you. The Bible doesn't say the partner. You know that you have partnership with the Holy Spirit. He says, the partnership of the Holy Spirit is with you. And I have done actually a teaching on that in, in on your greatest need. I explain what that means. How? Because we, the Holy Spirit is at our disposal, but he awaits for our invitation.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (11:22)
That's why this is the partnership is with us, his partnership. We wait, we invite him into our position, and he comes into our lives, into our relationship, into, and begins to engage. In other words, he waits for our invitation for us to engage with him. You don't engage with him. He's gonna be waiting. That's why the church is not as powerful as it used to be, because we don't know the Holy Spirit. His communion is with us, but we don't know that we are supposed to engage with him. So everybody, we are crying, our Lord, revival. But I have told you in this really teaching that the Holy Spirit is the bio revivalist. We want revival. I have told you in the previous episode that the transformer is the spirit of glory, right? So you see how simple that is, it is here. And yet, for lack of knowledge, the church is weak.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (12:12)
We are not really working in the full potential of what God has made available. Oh, dear friend, how I cry out for you, how I cry out for me, for my generation, for the church, all for us to know the fullness of all that God, the Spirit will do for us. Dear friend, it is so beautiful because it takes us, I don't know about you, but I've come to the place, you know, after 30 plus years of ministry, I've come to the place. I'm on the second part of my life where I have to focus on really what matters. And it has come to me that at the end of the day, it is known by mind. It is known by power. It is by the spirit. Now, the more I get to know this spirit, the more I'm compelled to share this to, to my generation, let that be my, the highlight of our ministry, the highlight of our generation, to equip a generation for the spirit, for the demonstration of the spirit and power. Because that's how we are gonna transform the kingdoms of this world to become the kingdoms of our law. So we have to know it's not something that we can pick and choose. If we are serious about Jesus and the gospel of Jesus transforming the world, we have to know the spirit. Let's talk about the spirit of life. The spirit of life demonstrates and manifests the life of God, the zoe of God in our lives. Zoe means, you know, the eternal life, the all encompassing, you know, life of God, the spirit of God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (13:55)
John 10 10, he says, the fifth comes only to still kill and destroy, have come that they may have life and have it to the fullness. He says, have come that you may have the zoe, the fullness, not only life, you know, by the way, eternal life has no beginning and end. We can have eternal life in this life and in the edge to come. It has no beginning. It has no end. So most people think that you know, eternal life, it is, you know, when we go to heaven, no, we can have eternal life right now because eternal life has no really beginning or end. It has no, it is non-restricted to time or period. Okay? So Jesus says, I have come that you may have Zoe, you may have life. And this is how we get this life different. Put this in your spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (14:44)
This also includes healing. It includes, really, I've done another teaching that you can go. It's called the fullness of God's life. The fullness of God's life is the secret of victory. It is the secret. It's the god's life in us, God's life. , I know I have prayed God's life to, you know, on, on withered, you know, legs and hands. And I've seen life come back into people. It's bodies when I have released the spirit of life. Because the spirit of life imparts God's life. Now, God's Zoe is not limited to, you know, the, the, the eternal life that has we nor it that in heaven. No, this is the fullness of God's life. Put that in your spirit. And John 6 63 says, the spirit gives life. Who gives life The spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (15:32)
The spirit gives life. The flesh counts for nothing. The words I've spoken to you, they are fuller of spirit and life. This is Jesus. He's giving the blueprint. He says, it is the Spirit who gives life. It's not your flesh. It's known by you trying to, to, to get life the Spirit. And he says, the words that I've spoken, they are full of spirit in our and life. Why? Because the, the, the, the, the words of Jesus are full of life. But get this, it is the spirit of life who imparts that life, the spirit of God who manifests that life. And this, you know, this, this, the life in our spirit regenerating us from, from sin, but also life in our bodies. I know I've lo I have asked the spirit of life to impart life to me. And dear friend, I have failed the very life of God invade my body. That is healing, that is deliverance.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (16:40)
But listen to another key here about the spirit of life. This, the law of the spirit of life sets us free from the law of sin and death, okay? Is the law of the spirit of life. Put this in your spirit again, is the law of the spirit of life. Romans eight, verse two. Because through Christ Jesus, the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. What sets you free from the law of sin and death. It is the law of the spirit of life. So what do we need to be free from the law of sin and death from the guilt of sin, from the consequences of sin is to engage the law of the spirit of life in allow us to engage the spirit of life and ask him to demonstrate His law of life in us. You see how simple it is? Say the spirit of life.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (17:35)
, demonstrate your law. Manifest your law of life in me. Set me free from the law of sin and death the law , all of a sudden, you, the freedom of God comes over the power of God. See, Fran, this is how you do it in your prayer room, in your car, wherever you are, the spirit of life, call him by name, talk to him. His communion is with you. But he awaits your invitation. He awaits your engagement. He awaits your recognition, your acknowledgement and your acceptance of his work. He's not gonna impose himself. He's always waiting to be invited. But when you to begin to talk to him by that name, the life of God begins to flow. And this also includes healing the spirit of life to permeate you with the life of God. Ask him. And all of a sudden you're gonna find life begins to manifest in your bonds and in your seniors and your muscles and your teachers and every part of your being the spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (19:06)
And don't stop until you see and ask spirit of life, you know, manifest, demonstrate your life within me, tangibly, visibly, experientially. You know what I mean? And, and he, he's gonna do just that. He's gonna not only give you revelation, but he's gonna give you experience. He's gonna manifest experientially to the point that you are gonna know. You're gonna not know you're gonna feel it. And you're gonna begin to see the manifestation of that. That's what demonstration means, is that it's the display, okay? The expression, the display, the show of evidence is gonna begin to bring that evidence. That's how we begin to move in the fullness of God's life. By the spirit of life from the king, new King James. He says, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:03)
The good spirit of God. See, the another name that the Holy Spirit is known is by the good Spirit. The good spirit of God demonstrates and leads us into the goodness of God. Do we desire to experience and know the goodness of God in the land of the living? All of us do. Listen to what Psalms 1 43 verse 10 says. He says, teach me to do your will for you are my God. May your good spirit lead me on level ground. He's desiring to do the will of God. And he said, may your good spirit lead me on level ground the good spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Good Spirit, right? Because he demonstrates He leads us. He brings us into the goodness of God. Again, you may talk to the Holy Spirit, to the Good Spirit and say, holy Spirit, I know you are the good spirit of God. I long and desire to know the goodness of God, to do the will of God. Would you lead me Now, take me by the hand and lead me into the goodness of God. [inaudible]

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (21:25)
Mighty God. All of a sudden he's gonna take you by the hand, as it were, and it's gonna lead you into the goodness of God. One step at a time. And each step is gonna be a miracle by the Good Spirit. Again, another name and work that he does is the eternal spirit. He brings us into really into eternal life. And he prepare, prepares us for eternity. When we went sin, he convicted us. You know, God has already put eternity in our hearts, but that eternity is awakened by the eternal spirit. When we see the need of our savior Jesus and our hearts, all of a sudden they are awakened. So this is what eternity means from the, your dictionary any dictionary you'll read, it says the, the, the quality or state of being. See, that's why I told you when we talk about eternal life, it, it doesn't really, it's not talking about the, you know life just after here.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (22:28)
It's the quality or state of being, okay? The zoe life. And the eternal means characterized by abiding fellowship with God, having infinite direction, you know, everlasting, continued without intermission, perpetual, seemingly endless. So the eternal spirit demonstrates eternity and the eternal life in our lives. He demonstrates, he gives that, you know, not only the sense of life, but he brings us. He works that quality instead of being so that we are e e eternity conscious. We, we, we are aware of the state, o o of our being, and we, we are aware and we are being convicted, and we are being prepared, and we are not going through life, you know, as if we don't have purpose, that we as if we don't really, there's no urgency in our lives. He works all that reality of eternity in us then, which connects us back to the heart of God because God is an eternal God and he wants us into, you know, this life that his son Jesus has paid the price for, for us to experience and to have here on earth, and also at the end of the eight.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (23:45)
So he brings us in, he works all that. So that is the eternal spirit. Hebrews nine 14, he says, how much more shall the blood of Christ through the eternal spirit offer himself without spot to God? Cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. You see, the eternal spirit works eternity in our conscience, in our, in our hearts, that we are eternity consciously brings us into that lifestyle, okay? Through the eternal spirit, Jesus offered himself through the eternal spirit. We can leave the eternal life here on earth in God for God and through God. And we can live eternal life with God in heaven, through the work of the eternal spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (24:38)
Again, another name and the work, this is really powerful is the spirit of holiness. The spirit of holiness demonstrates and works the holiness of God in allies. Again, holiness is not a work of, it doesn't take, you know, being a pos positive thinking or us trying to master so many, you know, habits to be good. It takes the work of the spirit of holiness for us to be holy. Romans one verse three and four, regarding his son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David and who threw the spirit of holiness, was appointed the son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead Jesus Christ, our Lord. Now, I'm gonna I I I think that is the the niv v it should be on, on your screen. Another yeah, I think that's the n I v, the King James.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (25:45)
He says he was declared to be the son of God by the spirit of holiness. You see, holiness is the highest attribute of God. He's holy, he's holy, holy, holy. That's all the angels in revelation. All they're saying on all their crying out is holy, holy, holy. How can we be holy? I, I know all throughout the testament, you know, God's God and, and, and the children of Israel, he is like, his consistent message was be holy as I am, holy . And they, they failed on every turn. And he said, be holy. He's in prophets. He send them judges, they struggle, right? But here we find that there's this, now we have the spirit of God living in us, the spirit of holiness, you know, so we can cast ourselves upon him and ask him to work the holiness of God. You know, I I, in in, in, in Isaiah 54 14, he says that in ho, in righteousness and holiness, thou shall be established, and he shall be far from terror.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (26:56)
How can we be established in holiness and righteousness by the work of the spirit of holiness? The Holy Spirit is going to work the holiness in, in our lives. So what we need to do is to, again, like I said, you reach out, you yield yourself, you acknowledge the Holy Spirit, that he's the spirit of holiness. That's, that's what he does. And you cast yourself upon him. You don't look at your mistakes, you don't look at your weaknesses. You cast yourself upon him, and you give him everything, the good, the bad, the ugly. He knows how to make you holy. How to work the holiness of God in your life. In my life. He's gonna do it. And he's gonna, again, in conjunction with the spirit of holiness and, and the spirit of righteousness. And, and, and another one here is also the spirit of sanctification.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (27:50)
You know, sanctification is, is and by the spirit. And the spirit is the same, you know, the spirit of holiness. And now we see the Holy Spirit also demonstrating and manifesting himself as the spirit of sanctification. What demonstrates on the works, the sanctification of God in our lives. So what is sanctification? It is the state of growing in divine grace as a result of Christian commitment after baptism or conversion. That is the general definition of sanctification. But this is my definition. And again, I, I borrowed this from John Wesley really he put it this way, he said, holiness or sanctification means being cleansed from sin and perfected in love. I think it's that simple. And it is the work of the spirit of holiness to cleanse us from sin. And when we have been cleansed from sin, we get perfected in love because the, the, the, the really, the fruit of the spirit is the multiplicity of love.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:59)
So when we are cleansed from sin by the spirit of holiness and the spirit of sanctification, then we are affected in love by the good spirit, by the spirit of God. And because now all that is filth, that is wicked, that is formidable, that is detestable before him has been removed out of our lives. He begins to produce his fruit within us. All of a sudden there is a multiplication of love in peace and joy and perseverance and endurance and long suffering and gentleness and kindness, and all these things that we call, you know, Christian character, they are a result of the work, of the spirit of holiness.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (29:44)
So how do we come to that place is by acknowledging the spirit of holiness and looking to him for it. Let's read second Ians chapter two, verse 12 to 14. But he says, but we ought always to thank God for you brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as first fruits to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit. Did you hear the sanctifying work of the Spirit is known by the canning Cle Ofk is known by doing tw, you know, 12 steps. And you hope at the end of the day, you have must, you will never master the flesh, you'll never master the world. You'll never master the things that we humans go through. But he says, we can really look to the sanctifying work of the spirit of God through believing in the truth. He called you to this through our gospel that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, the king.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (30:44)
Jim says, you know, I Peter, you know, he was talking about his calling that he was an elect according to the full knowledge of God, the Father, through the sanctification of the Spirit. Really, he's, you know, the only qualification he gives it. He says, he was called and sanctified by the spirit unto obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus. And then, you know, he's basically called into this ministry as an apostle. It wasn't that he was perfect, but he, he was, he, he gives us a clue here that he threw the working, the sanctifying work of the spirit. That is the spirit of sanctification and the spirit of holiness. Hallelujah.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (31:26)
You know, the, I know I pray this prayer every day, you know spirit of sanctification, spirit of holiness sanctify me whole spirit, soul, and body according to that word, according to that power, according to that kindness. Oh, do you feel it sanctify me all spirit, soul, body. That's what the Bible says, that we are sanctify spirit, soul, body, none the other way around. We are sanctified first spirit, soul. And by why the spirit first, because it is wor the work of the spirit of holiness. He works in you spirit, man. And as he works in your spirit, man, he begins to work in your soul. And then the actions of your body begin to align when it begins with the spirit. Halle lawyer. So look to him even right now, look to him. He's the spirit of holiness. He's the spirit of righteousness. He's the spirit of of sanctification.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (32:41)
Hallelujah. Before we finish this, just recap, we have talked about the spirit of truth. We have talked about the spirit of life. Would you look to him? He's the same Holy Spirit, but these are his works. Remember that these are his works. Truth is the work of the spirit. Life is the work of the spirit, and he's called the good spirit. And he's the eternal spirit, okay? And he's the spirit of holiness. He's the spirit of sanctification. Would you acknowledge all he and all he does and look to him to manifest himself as you go through life, as you go through, you know, your service, would you get, go back now and begin to watch this over and over. Read the transcripts and, and read our blogs on these me of these messages and get familiar with these titles and all these work because it's not gonna be a one time thing.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (33:37)
But as you get used to and you allow yourself, you're going to begin to see that you are swimming in the river of the spirit of God at every moment. Because now you are beginning to engage and you are allowing him to work in you, with you and through you in a more personal and a more intimate way, on a consistent way in your everyday life. Hallelujah. Dear friend, I want to invite you to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. You are not a believer. The spirit of holiness and the spirit of righteousness will come into your life and begin to sanctify you. You don't have to be perfect. He's not looking for perfect people. God will make you perfect in him. He'll sanctify you. All His look looking for is your surrender. Will you surrender your life over to Him, Jesus, to be your Lord and Savior?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (34:37)
Would you say this prayer with me? Minute it from your heart and say what you mean, Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned against God. I have fallen short of the glory of God, come into my heart, be my Lord and my savior. I turn over my life over to you from this moment. I confess that I am yours. I am a Christian. Wash me with your precious blood and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Empower me to do your will now and forever. Amen. Dear friend, you have said that prayer Jesus has come into your heart. He's your Lord and he is your savior. The Holy Spirit is in you, and he's began a work of sanctifying you and making you right and holy and, and empowering you for the to do the will of God. Would you right to us and let us know if your decision will have to celebrate with you?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (35:37)
Hallelujah. Amen. And dear friend again, we have been going through this teaching again. As always I, I, I continue to point out my book Cut and Release, God's Supernatural keys to operating in God's Power. Again, I talk about different keys to unlocking the power of God. This Holy Spirit we're talking about. I put him keys that will help you to unlock healing deliverance, miracle signs and wonders that will help you to hear God's voice, to build a more intimate relationship with God. I invite you to come and join us in the School of the Anointing where I've, you know, it's an online course that you can take at any time, you know, at your own pace and go through the teaching so I can equip you, you know, to really walk in the power of God and have a spirit feel light, be on fire and make an impact wherever God has put you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (36:32)
And I'll just invite you to be a part of what God is doing. Invest in our ministry, give to our ministry. I know this ministry is blessing you, and so I just challenge you ask God, what would you have me to do to help Kingdom impact Ministry? Continue to release these messages and to equip you and to equip many people. Ask the Lord what would he have you do? And then whatever he says, do it. And when we receive your donation, we'll send you a copy of cash and release Gods Supernatural as a thank you for helping us and being a part of what God's doing to equip nations for the demonstration of the spirit and power to transform the kingdoms of this world into the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ. May God bless you. I love you, and I look forward to hearing from you

About Working The Works of God Book: (37:59)
As a believer. The keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them, you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, working The Works of God, Dr. Andrew teaches us how through the glory of God and his anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today to become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner or so a financial seat. Call us toll free one eight five five four one voice. That's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3 or log on to

How to watch Andrew and support his ministry: (38:41)
Watch Andrew on the Kingdom. Come broadcast 24 7 and on our Kingdom Impact Ministry TV channels available on Roku, apple tv, Amazon Fire tv, and Android tv. To stream on the go get the Kingdom Impact Ministry mobile app for Apple and Android devices from the App store today. To receive prayer order resources, order, become a partner with Kingdom Impact Ministry, call us toll free, one eight five five four one voice. That's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3 or visit us You can also write to us at Kingdom Impact Ministry, PO Box 2073 Montrose, Colorado, 81 4 0 2. This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry. It is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

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