How To Follow God's Plan For Your Life With Special Guest Leanna Cinquanta of WIN Global

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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Do you want to discover and follow God's plan for your life? In this episode of Kingdom Come with Andrew Nkoyoyo podcast, my guest Leanna Cinquanta shares her divine encounter with Jesus and how He transformed her from a self-proclaimed atheist to following Him and God’s plan for her life into the unreached parts of the world. Listen to be equipped and inspired!


ORDER LEANNA'S BOOK:  Treasures in Dark Places on Amazon

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Andrew Nkoyoyo: (00:00)
Hey, Andrew Nkoyoyo of the Kingdom. Come with Andrew Nkoyoyo podcast. Are you eager to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in your life? Then subscribe to Kingdom Come with Andrew Nkoyoyo. I developed this podcast to empower Christians like you, to learn how to thrive in the Holy Spirit and his power so you can experience healings, miracles, deliverance, and breakthroughs in every area of your life. Join me every Monday for a new episode to empower, inspire, and equip you to change your life and impact others. Unlock God's supernatural by subscribing to Kingdom Come with Andrew Nkoyoyo on iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you get your podcast. Thank you.

Introduction : (00:38)
Welcome to Kingdom. Come with Andrew Nkoyoyo podcast. This show is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers, and gifts from partners and listeners like you, subscribe and follow Kingdom. Come with Andrew Koyo, wherever you are listening now. Thank you. And now here is Andrew.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (00:58)
Hello dear, dear friend, and welcome back to Kingdom. Come with me, Andrew Coyo. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for listening on our podcast platforms and watching on the Kingdom Impact Network on Apple tv, Roku, Amazon Fire tv, Android tv, and on our website. We thank you for being part of this community today. We have a treat. We have a special guest, and today we wanna talk about how to follow God's plan for your life. Begin with a scripture that most of us know by heart. Jeremiah 11, he says that, for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and for evil. To give you a future and hope. God has a plan for each one of us. He has a purpose. What is purpose? Purpose is why you for evil. To give you a future and a hope. God has a plan for each one of us. He has a purpose. What is purpose? Purpose is why you are okay. And God has a plan.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (01:56)
He has a future. He has a hope for each one of us. And sometimes that future, that hope is different than what we have imagined. But God wants us to discover that plan, respond to that plan, and step into that plan so we can unlock the full potential of his gifting, of his work, his power, his destiny for our lives. And today we are privileged to have a mighty woman of God. She's an apostle in her own rights, and she's gonna tell you all about the wonderful work she's done. My dear friend Leanna from win Global. She's gonna be joining us today on this episode, and she's gonna share a powerful testimony on how God really took her from this 15 year old who was a self declared atheist to becoming this world changer for Christ. So Dr. Leanna is a pioneer mission strategist. She's a published author of treasures Indu Places which you can get I will tell you more where you can get that. And she's the founder of we Ignite Nations Win Global and their best out of Denver, Colorado. And so, Dr. Leanna, welcome to the broadcast. We're so excited to have you.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (03:17)
Thank you, Andrew. It is really a joy to be with you today.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (03:21)
Well would you go ahead and tell our viewers a little bit more about yourself, your ministry, what you do, and and then we can jump right in and to hear the wonderful things that God is doing in your life and your ministry and how, you know you can inspire others to what is possible for them.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (03:40)
Okay, that's wonderful. Well, I'm really thrilled to share with you today. And we are doing incredible things through win. We ignite nations all over the developing world. I'll tell more about that later, some of the incredibly strategic projects. But right now, I wanna tell you how I came to know Christ from an atheist background. The first step in, in following God's plan for your life is to believe in God . So back in those days, I didn't see God. I couldn't hear God, couldn't feel God. I said, but I don't believe in God. And I had wonderful parents and a wonderful life, and thought I didn't need God. But March 28th, 1986, I was asleep in my room just like any other night. And in my room, there was a bed, another bed where my friends would stay overnight sometimes.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (04:34)
Well, I had no friends over this particular night, and I must have woke. I woke up about five o'clock in the morning, it must have been. And I, all of a sudden I heard an audible voice from across the room, and the voice said, there's someone in the guest bed. Immediately I looked at the bed and sure enough, there's a person asleep in the bed. And I was so terrified. All the scary movies I had ever watched are flooding back into my mind. I crawled out over the end of my bed and went across the room to the light switch. And this is how I know this was not just a dream. I was, I don't know how God does this kind of stuff, but it was real. What I was experiencing was more than a dream. I stood there with my hand on the light switch and thinking, do I turn on the light? What do I do? Do I do it downstairs? Until my parents, for some reason, I got back in my bed. I didn't turn the light on. I was too scared to do that. Got back in my bed, waited and watched. And it wasn't very long before the person on the bed sat up on the side of the bed.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (05:40)
It was Jesus. And in the moment I knew it was Jesus, all my fear was gone. But I saw him as he would've looked on the cross in that moment, I saw him as I saw the blood on his head where they had put the crown of thorns. I saw where they'd beaten him. I saw the nail holes in his hands where he'd been nailed to the cross. And in that moment, it's just this revelation, just deluge flooded across me. God is real. Jesus is everything the Bible says about him. Jesus really did die on the cross. And he loved me that much. He loved you that much. He would've died on that cross just for you. I realized in that moment, just for me, if I was the only person in the world, that's the love that God has for us. And I was just overwhelmed with the love of God and with repentance from my sin.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (06:41)
And I fell on my face, on my bed weeping and repenting of my sin. And then he leaned over, he put his hand on my shoulder and he said, my child don't cry. And I'm thinking, in my mind, he must be a little bit angry with me. My my wickedness has caused him all this suffering. Surely there's a little bit of anger. But I looked into his eyes and there was no anger. Friend. If you're watching this today and you're thinking, well, I've been such a bad person. How can God ever accept me? Or how can God forgive me for this terrible thing that I did in my past? Or maybe you are thinking someone did such a terrible thing to me. How can God ever accept me? He is reaching out to you right now, and he wants just for you to, to accept his love.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (07:30)
That was the love I saw in the eyes of Jesus. No condemnation, only forgiveness and acceptance. And I just, I was changed in that moment. When I woke up in the morning, I was completely changed. I was so completely changed inside that I was afraid to look in the mirror. I thought I maybe had undergone a, you know, Alice Wonderland transformation. I was like, I felt like there was fizz. Like I, I a Sprite bottle open inside of me and it, but it was the Holy Spirit. It was the cleansing flow of the blood of Christ had cleansed me of my sin. And like the Bible says, I was now a new creation because of his love. So that was my dramatic conversion experience that set me on the path to following God in my life.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (08:29)
Wow. So from there I I, I, I know from there you forsook this budding career that you are path you are on. Can you tell us about that? Cause mm-hmm. you had plans to go, to go to be the next big thing in the equestrian Equestrian.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (08:51)
Equestrian. Yeah.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (08:52)
Equestrian. so could you tell us more about that? Cause I, I know other people are watching and others are listening and they have dreams, but their dreams that's right. May not be God's dreams.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (09:04)
That's right.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (09:05)
How did you approach that and how do you go from their way after that encounter right. To actually responding to that call?

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (09:12)
That's right. Yeah. So sometimes, you know, and every time God has a high road and a low road for us, and we can choose the high road of the low road, and he can use us in either environment, but when we will allow him to put us on the high road, he can use us much more effectively. And so that's what happened. I started saying, Lord, here am I, I wanna serve you, use me however you want. And I knew I needed some Bible training and it's always good to get Bible training, but I always recommend based on my own experience, don't just jump into seminary or, or Bible school. You wanna learn the word of God, get into something that's practical and short term For me, I joined an organization called ywam, youth with a mission. And and a lot of people think of that organization as missions, but it's actually the, the most the greatest anointing that it has is more for discipleship.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (10:12)
And so you learn the word of God and you learn to practice your faith out there. And that's what it did for me. As I, right away, I learned about the people in the world that had never heard the name of Jesus. And up till then, I didn't know there was people I hadn't followed, didn't know Jesus. I mean, I knew, didn't know, but I didn't know there were places that never heard even the name of Christ. And when I heard that, I was like, okay, that's cool, but I already know what I'm doing. Because at that time in my life, my dad was building me a grand horse training facility, and I was the regional champion in my level of equestrian horse riding. And so I thought, well, I'm gonna be training horses and pursue my career, and I'll also do campus ministry cuz if God had used me in campus ministry and see if I had continued on that track, I believe God would've used me.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (11:04)
But then what happened is the Lord gave me three nights in a row, the same dream. And in this dream, I saw a part of the world that was that there, there were demonic powers were ruling over this region of the world. And they were like, like, if, if you watch Lord of the Rings you know, the orks in the movie Lord of the Rings, that movie wasn't out all back then. That was 1993. But looking back, I'm like, oh my gosh. Those demons that were ruling over this region of the world were like orks. They were vicious ancient warlords. They were holding reigns in their hands and whips as if they were driving chariots. But the reigns were made of chains. And down at the end of the reigns were people that were enslaved to the idle worship and poverty and sex trafficking and all of the things in those re that region of the world.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (12:02)
So I knew three nights in a row the same dream. I knew the Lord was speaking to me to go to that place and to do something to set the captives free. And let me speak to your purpose in the Lord right now, you know, every one of us, you might be thinking, well, yeah, you had a special calling to go do something. Every one of us, every believer is called to make a difference in this world for Christ. There's no high and low in the kingdom. Everyone is called to bring the love of Christ to someone and to bring his, the principles of his kingdom to bring wholeness and healing into this broken world we live in. And so the Lord wants to speak to you too, maybe not the same way as he spoke to me. The Lord speaks to us each individually the way he needs to for us personally, but allow the Lord to speak to you.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (13:03)
Say, here are my Lord. Send me, use me. Show me where you want, what you want me to do. Maybe it doesn't involve leaving your home or leaving your local town or, or your local, even your business or your job. Most often it doesn't involve leaving that quite often. He wants to use you right where you are. He just wants you to be available. But for me, this was a time when he, when I fe I felt the need to just jump fully into that other part of the world where he was sending me. And so I called my dad and said, sell the horses, sell the horse facility. And I'm going over there to see how the Lord would like to use me in that place. And the Lord has honored that radical, sacrificial commitment to his calling. Sometimes it takes sacrifice to follow the Lord in his high road.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (14:04)
And so I challenge you find out from the Lord, what does he want you to do? Where is he calling you? If vi Bible says, no, whoever has left houses, lands, children, whatever, for my sake will receive a hundred fold. And see, that's the Lord wants to bless us. He's blessed me so much more by giving all for Christ. It's not about making sacrifices. That's, that's old covenant. It's about obedience. If the Lord is calling you to do something radical for his kingdom, the question is, will you obey him? And when you do, he will bless you in incredible ways that you never even imagined.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (14:49)
That is very true because I, I believe, you know, obedience is the first step to the latter if we are going to really walk in the fullness of what God has for us. But I, I would like you to continue with that story because you go to this place, you know is the list reached the the unreached people groups that you were seeing? I've heard you tell your testimony several times that you even had to go and leave among the locals. You went with one way ticket, you know it's like there's no way back. Could you take us deep into that a little bit and share with our viewers and listeners what you know, because people are, are, are, are afraid of taking a risk, right. Because we think, what if I, you know, I risked her for God and then I fall on my face.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (15:41)
That's right. Yeah. Yeah. And so, you know, the, the, and the Lord said you to, to do this, to step into this other country and this, this far away place in an unusual way. And sometimes the Lord's leading will not be in the normal way. And so I thought, I'm gonna join a group and go with that group. The Lord said, no, I need you to go and just live with the local people. What they eat. You eat, you know, kind of houses they live in, you live in. Don't use your western money to give yourself a higher living standard than they have. And so that was when I wrote my farewell letter to my parents, because people said, well, you're nuts. You can't go over there without a group and a team and an organization behind you. And we hadn't founded Wy at that time, and I was just a, just a 20, 26 year old kid following the radical call of God.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (16:38)
But the way you know, if God, it's, it's really God, does it line up with scripture and does it line up with the character of God? Okay. And so hold up what the Lord's saying to you always in front of that. That's why it's neat. You gotta know the scriptures. You know how to get deep in the word. By this time in my life, I had really grown very deep in my walk with Christ and in the Word of God and not so the top priority when you're following the Lord, first you gotta get to know him. Allow Jesus to come into your heart and save you and transform you. And His holy Spirit is gonna live inside of you from that point on. Next thing, grow deep in him. Seek his face, get into a good church. Get into the word, pray, develop your become a disciple.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (17:24)
Huh? Develop your walk with Christ. And then as you're doing that, you're asking him to show you what are you to do? And you don't have to wait till you're perfect, nobody's perfect. Even apostle Apostle Paul was, was struggling with things at the time. He was out preaching the gospel in power. So don't wait to be perfect. Nobody is before you say, okay, God, where are you leading me? What do you want me to do? Maybe it's just one person he wants you to minister to. That's just your friend, your neighbor. But right away you should get into influence. So this is what the Lord did for me. He showed me where I was to influence what I was to do. And then I took one step at a time in obedience. The Lord won't show you everything all at once. He didn't show me what I was gonna face once I went over to that far away place.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (18:12)
If he had, I probably would've never gone because I would've gone, whoa, is that what it's gonna be like? Eh, I'm outta here. I'm running back to my, to my career and my job and my my America. But he didn't show me what I was going to face. He showed me one step at a time, and I was obedient one step at a time. And that's all it takes is one step at a time. So I said, okay, Lord, you don't want me to join any team, group, anything, just you want me to go and live with the native people over there? So I did that one way ticket. The Lord led me to a family that was there in that region of the world that I had very clearly seen where I was to go, started living with them and going out in the villages and ministering to the people, drinking brown water out of open wells sleeping on little string cots in the village and having mice and cockroaches and ants running up past my body at night and getting sick being sick to my stomach quite often.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (19:17)
Be either different various ways of that that don't, not to be told on public , but it was, it was not fun. Many times there was a lot of suffering involved. I, I'm normally 95 pounds. At that time I was like 110 pounds, but I went to 70 pounds. So I, you know, was, was sick at some points there lost my thyroid gland because of being constantly sick. But in that environment, that is when the Lord showed me the strategy for bringing his kingdom into this place where there was, this region was called both the graveyard of Christianity and the poisonous hub of sex trafficking for all of Asia. And so this was a very dark place, and it was the, it was the hub of all of that, the epicenter of it. And so this was a big stronghold. And what step by step he showed me how that was going to be broken through and how the grace and the love of Christ and transformation is gonna come to that place.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:26)
Wow. Now, cause I've, I've been reading your newsletters and in this handout I have here that all for the last, what, 20 years or so, you guys have been leading over a hundred thousand people to Christ each year as a result of the work that you pioneered in that region and, and all that.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (20:47)
That's right. Yeah.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:48)
Yeah. So, yeah. Can you share with our audience what you, your ministry does and yeah. What impact and how can they pray? How can they get involved? And thank you. Yeah, just be a part of you know, what you God is doing in that part of the world. Mm-Hmm.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (21:06)
Mm-Hmm. . So the, the main key that the Lord showed me that time was that when you wanna reach any, any cross-cultural environment, you optimally need to raise up local people who are native or indigenous to that local area and that local people. And so, so many people will think that they're gonna go and learn a language somewhere and start sharing the gospel. And that might have been needed many, many years ago, but now there's native believers everywhere, but there's also many, many places that have never heard the gospel. But we have to raise up those local people and let them be the ones. Now what about your own backyard? You are native, you are indigenous to your own people. And so God wants to use every single one of us in two different types of field. He wants to use you in your Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, that is your local area, and maybe close cultural, reaching out to people in your local area or your local nation.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (22:13)
And then he wants to also use us to reach the ends of the earth. Okay? And so to reach the ends of the earth, which is where I was sent, we have to partner with the native people there and help them to be the ones to reach. And that's what we, when we founded Win, we ignite nations. We, that was to do that is, that was when I understood this is the Lord's strategy. We are gonna be a team and we're gonna see this darkness removed and the people rescued out of the torment that they're in. And so that is when we started raising up the native people to bring the love of Christ into their regions. And we started educating children who could not go to school. They were laboring in the fields, they were literally slaves. And we started education centers for them.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (23:08)
And we, we seen, saw the trafficking reduced and completely ended in those villages. Then we started schools, and we have two, three self-sustaining schools now. So many projects now we have a computer center that is educating kids that could never afford the, the big computer centers in the city, but it's fully self-sustaining at the same time. These are just a few of the projects that we're doing. I just came back from several nations over there where we're working. And I'll tell you a little bit the, the, the, the grand finale story is so exciting of what the Lord is doing to bring healing and wholeness to an entire city in one of the nations we're working in. We're also creating videos about anti-trafficking so that the people watch the video and they realize this is what happens to kids. And we can, we're gonna keep our kids safe from trafficking. So we're literally bringing to an end child trafficking in every community where we're working.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (24:22)
Hallelujah. Praise the Lord dear friend. If you like to it's not, if I would encourage you, I recommend you plug into Leanna's ministry, win Global, and just see what they're doing. Check 'em out, go to their website, check 'em out, and see how you can get involved, the wonderful work they're doing. And Leonard, I would like to, for you to pray for those that are watching and those that are listening in, in, in the process of discovering the process of responding and saying yes to God's plan. You know, you have the obedience. Well, God work the obedience in you. I just want you to pray as the Lord will lead you for those that are watching and listening and you know, for God to give them the courage or whatever it takes to be able to step into that destiny.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (25:13)
Amen. Okay, let's just pray right now because lemme just talk to you right now. Just a minute. So the Lord is calling you to make a difference. And you people think, oh, wow. Well, this person has such a big calling on their life, or they've done such great things and every one of us has the same calling. And God wants to anoint you for the unique way he wants to use you. Remember it says in Esther then the story of Esther, right? He said that God had raised her up for such a time as this, and that if she would be willing to fulfill the call of God, then God would use her. But if not, he would find a way some from someone else. So this is the moment God is raising you up. The only question is, will you say yes to God?

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (26:09)
And will you say, yes, God, here am I, use me. And he wants His Holy Spirit is ready and waiting just to pour out on you a fresh anointing, to empower you into whatever it is that the Lord is calling you to do. It's an adventure. I might have made some sacrifices to be able to follow the high calling of God, but it's such a joy and overwhelming blessing that has come back to me now. I have so many children that we've rescued outta trafficking, we have. So there's so many people that are my, like my sons and daughters over there that are doing incredible things, multiplying the influence and multiplying the healing and transformation of Christ into the nation's. And that's gonna happen for you in whatever context the Lord is calling you both locally and globally. So let's pray right now.

Dr. Leanna Cinquanta: (27:09)
Thank you, Lord. Father, I just thank you for each one watching right now. I thank you, Lord for such a time as this. Lord, you have raised them up. This your life viewer, the one you're watching right now. Your life is precious to God. And you were chosen and you were called. And this is the moment that he wants to pour out his blessing. He wants to pour out his a fresh anointing and a fresh calling upon your life. And so, Lord, we thank you right now, and I just praise you and I just pray for each one watching right now. Come Holy Spirit, you can raise your hands to the Lord. If you're watching right now, raise your hands because it's the Holy Spirit that empowers you. And so come Holy Spirit and empower each one right now. And Lord, we thank you that you have a great high calling and as they follow you, as as, as they take one step at a time, it's not about sacrifice, it's about obedience. And so, Lord, we thank you, and I ask you to empower the viewers right now, each one, to take that step, to hear your voice, to hear your clear calling, just the first step of it, and then take that step in obedience and then come Holy Spirit and pour out a greater revelation of yourself, a greater revelation of your goodness as you show them the next step and as you begin to use them powerfully for your kingdom. Thank you, Lord. We praise you and we give you all the glory in Jesus' name. Amen.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:44)
Hallelujah. Dear friend, God has a plan for you and stay, stay with us here. Dear friend Leanna, thank you for joining us here on the broadcast. It's been a pleasure. Is you a blessing. We, we just honor you and, and pray God's multiplied blessing upon you and your team and the whole ministry. May God bless you. Thank you for joining us today Dear friend. God has a plan for your life, okay? We just heard some powerful stories from Leanna and what God can do for another he can do for you. And you are watching. You don't have a relationship with Jesus. I want to take this moment to ask you to surrender your heart because God has a plan for your life. He has created you for a purpose, for a reason. You are not here. Youre not a biological accident.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (29:37)
You're here for a divine purpose and this time in the history of the earth. So would you pray this prayer with me today? If you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, to invite Christ into your heart, say, Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinn against God. I have fallen short of the glory of God. I invite you to come into my life, be my Lord, and be my savior. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Empower me to do your will from this moment hence forth. I turn my whole life over to you. Holy Spirit, ant me with your power to live a holy life and to be obedient to the will of God for my life. In Jesus name, dear friend, you have said that prayer, Jesus has come into your heart. You have the in feeling of the Holy Spirit, and we have resources that will help you to go deeper to receive the ex, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and to equip you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (30:41)
One of those resources I wanna point you is right here catch unreleased godina. I encourage you click in the description below for podcast listeners for you can scan the, the code on your screen and go and get a copy. It's gonna show you how to experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit and all the keys to begin to unlock God's power, God's healing and miracles. And also we have put a course together at the School of the Anointing. In the School of the Anointing, I talk about how do you discover God's plan? I walk you through the steps and with action steps on how do you discover For those of you, you say, brother, yes, I wanna discover God's plan. I wanna discover God's purpose. I wanna step into it. I wanna say yes, but I dunno where to start.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (31:29)
You can go on into the School of the anointing, you know, for a monthly donation to our ministry of $25 or more. You'll have access. Just let us know and you'll have access to that course. And you can go through it at any time at your own pace. Cause our job and our calling really is to equip you to demonstrate the spirit and the power of God to live the life that God has called you to, to live and to be able to do. Make the difference, the impact in this world that He has put you here to make. And I wanna encourage you for our podcast listeners, go ahead and follow, subscribe, and leave a review. And we even have a special gift for those of you that leave a review on our podcast so that when we release new episodes, you'll get notified again support our ministry.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (32:18)
There's a cure code you can scan, you can click in the description below the podcast on YouTube, on our website, kingdom impact ministry org. And, and be a part of equipping, bringing these interviews and bringing this message of power to empower and equip and inspire the church to come outta opposite, to walk into the power of God. Dear friend, will love you, we bless you, and we just wanna declare the kingdom of God over you. And stay tuned to the next episode. Just make sure you are part of our newsletter and so you are in the loop of all that is going on. We love you and we are praying for you. May God bless you

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