The Holy Spirit Pt.17, Work of The Holy Spirit Pt.7 - The Spirit of Jesus Christ, The Spirit of Christ

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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Experience healing, deliverance, victory, and power, and grow in your knowledge of Jesus Christ and intimacy with Christ. In this episode, Andrew reveals the work of the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Christ. He shows you how to engage with the Spirit to activate the power of Jesus Christ and release healing, deliverance, miracles, and freedom in your everyday life. He also shows you how to grow in revelation knowledge and intimacy with Jesus Christ and so much more. In addition, Andrew prays for the power of the anointing for viewers and listeners. Experience the outpouring of power in your life as you listen to the message today.



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Broadcast introduction: (00:00)
This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (01:26)
Thank you for joining us today on Kingdom Come with me, Andrew and Nkoyoyo. We are glad you are with us. We are continuing in this study on the Holy Spirit, and this is the work of the Holy Spirit, part seven, and we are specifically talking about the work of the Spirit of Christ and the work of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Again, if you are watching, we are streaming on Kingdom Impact Network on Apple tv, Roku, Amazon Fire tv, Android TV on our website, kingdom impact For those of you that are listening to our podcast, we are in iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you get your podcast, make sure you subscribe, you follow so you don't miss any new episodes that we release. Again, we are glad you are here. Thank you for being part of our community. And it's a treat that we get to wrap up this study on the Holy Spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (02:24)
And today we want to cover three things that I'm, I'm going to cover on this episode, what the Spirit of Christ does and what the spirit of Jesus Christ does, and how to access and experience the work of the Spirit of Christ and the spirit of Jesus Christ. You'll be surprised. Well, you're gonna discover that there is more to these titles of the Holy Spirit, and we have covered in previous episodes what you know, the spirit of Christ is and what the spirit of Jesus Christ is. So we are focusing on the work, the acts. How do we as believers access the work of the Holy Spirit, as the spirit of Christ, as the spirit of Jesus Christ? So let's read our theme scripture again as we bring an end to this series, acts 19, verse one and two. And it happened that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the inward country and came to Ephesus.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (03:26)
There he found some disciples, and he asked and he said to them, did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? And they said, no, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit and dear friend, these were believers and they loved Jesus, and they didn't know that there was a Holy Spirit. And so dear friend, this is our desire that we equip you, that you get to thrive in the Holy Spirit and His power, so then you can access all the work that the Holy Spirit will do, can do, wants to do in your life, and then through you. Okay? So let's jump right in. Let's talk about the spirit of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Jesus Christ demonstrates and supplies the life, the power, the promises, and the finished work of Christ. I want you to put that in your spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (04:29)
The spirit of Christ demonstrates, display, expresses and supplies the life, the power, the promises, and the finished work of Christ. You see, Philippians chapter one, verse 19, for I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayers and the supply of the spirit of Jesus Christ. You see here, specifically Paul talks about how his deliverance is going to come about, is coming about through the prayers. But this is what I want you to note. And he said through the prayers, through your prayers and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. So the Spirit of Jesus Christ focuses on demonstrating, on supplying, on releasing, manifesting the life, the power, the presence, the nature, the character, everything that has got to do with the, that title Jesus Christ. With Jesus Christ. This is specific as you know, so to speak, assignment, the specific work or activity of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (05:59)
Okay? Now remember, this is the Holy Spirit that is operating specifically for this reason and for this purpose to reveal Christ into our lives. So that's why, dear friend, as we get to know the Holy Spirit, we get to understand that the Holy Spirit, these titles, he has all these titles, and they are linked to different activities and different acts and works that he will do in you and through you and for you. So he wants to reveal Jesus Christ in your life. He wants to reveal the power of Jesus Christ. He wants to reveal the life, the finished work, everything that Jesus has done for, for us, for all humanity. He wants to bring that into our lives, into our reality, into our space, our time, our position, our daily experience. Okay? And so I want to give you some practical application. You know how you know this? When I first discovered this, I was just meditating on the word of God in prayer and the Holy Spirit, I heard the Holy Spirit say, ask me to demonstrate the, the power of the blood. This is application number one. The spirit of Jesus Christ demonstrates the, the power of the blood of Jesus.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (07:25)
I remember in that, you know, spiritual battle that I was involved in, into prayer. And I remember it's like I had reached the end of myself, and I'm calling out to God. I say, okay, Lord, what do I need to do? Show me how to pray. I do not know how to pray. And I remember the Holy Spirit speaking to me, and he said, remember, I am the spirit of Jesus Christ, and I take what is of Jesus Christ and how to use it. I fight for you. I'm, I'm going to demonstrate. I'm going to release. So then I sat back and I said, okay, holy Spirit, I know you are the spirit of Jesus Christ. You supply the life and the power of Jesus Christ, supply and release and demonstrate the power of the blood of Jesus in my life right now, the power of God, dear friend, even as you listen, as you watch, the power of God begins to fall.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (08:25)
Even right now, as I feel it, the spirit of Jesus Christ takes the blood of Jesus and makes it real to you and me. He makes it real, but he fights with it. The spirit of Jesus Christ takes the blood of Jesus. So I said, spirit of Jesus Christ, release the power of the blood in me. Release the power of the blood against my enemy, against the satanic attacks against the evil one hook or robo, the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. I began to re receive and like waves and waves of power going through me. Remember I have taught you and I have written in catch and release, God's supernatural that this, the spirit answers the blood, okay? So wherever the spirit of God, the blood of Jesus has mentioned, the spirit of God comes to work. And so when you connect the spirit of Jesus Christ and the blood of Jesus Christ, dear friend, you are in for supernatural demonstration and manifestation of God's miraculous like you have never seen before.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (09:34)
And so I ask Spirit of Jesus Christ, release the power of the blood into my body, release the power of the blood into my health, into my bones, into my sins. Release the power of the blood, demonstrate the power of the blood. Show me what it means to walk in the power of the blood, to to experience the power of the blood, the anointing in the blood, everything that in the blood, dear friend, I have come to know the power of the blood because of the spirit of Jesus Christ. You see, the Spirit of Jesus Christ takes the blood of Jesus, and he begins to fight with it on your behalf. But you have to know that, and you have to engage him. You see the Spirit of God. Jesus said that the spirit of God is in you, with you and upon you, and the upon is the anointing.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (10:26)
But the in you is the indwelling presence. But the with you part is that is the co the fellowship, the coming alongside you. He comes alongside you. That's why the Bible calls him the Paraclete from the Greek, the one who comes alongside, he's alongside to help you fight with the blood. You don't have to be an expert in the Bible. The Holy Spirit is, you see, by the way, he wrote the Bible. But when we know that also he's the spirit of Jesus Christ, and he knows everything about Jesus, and he will take everything that Jesus has and Jesus desires and wants to do in our lives and through us, he begins to implement that. He begins to bring the vision, the passion, the compassion of Jesus Christ. And then he begins to release it. Whew, in our lives, in an all new way.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (11:13)
All of a sudden, we become alive. We become the body of Christ. You see, we are the body of Christ because we carry Jesus within us, okay? We carry Jesus within us. We carry his power, his d n a, his identity, his likeness. But how do we really begin to talk like him and act like him? Part of what brings us into that is the, the work of the Holy Spirit, specifically as the spirit of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Are you getting it, friend? You see, that is application one. I mean, I, this I'm just giving you an example. I'm gonna give you an another example. I want you to, you know, make a list of the things and the, the, the keys of the kingdom and all the things about Christ. And you are gonna find that when you begin to get the spirit of Jesus Christ involved in those things, in those areas.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (12:04)
The other one I'll show you is the name of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Jesus Christ demonstrates the power, the anointing, the authority of the name of Jesus, okay? He be makes it real. He begins to demonstrate the power of that name. You see, I've heard people say, well, I have, I have tried to cast out demons in the name of Jesus and nothing responded. Well, then you can ask the spirit of Jesus Christ to really release the power of, of his name through you, the power to reveal that to you. What does that look like? What is that power, dear friend? You don't have to just accumulate intellectual knowledge about the name you, you need experiential knowledge. You see, you need experiential knowledge that the spirit of Jesus Christ will impart to you regarding Jesus Christ. You see, he's the one, he preaches Jesus Christ better than anybody I know, see, because he's the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (13:03)
And he can reveal Jesus Christ. He can preach him, and he can dis demonstrate and display, you know, internally and externally, you know who Jesus Christ is and what he does. So, dear friend, those are two ways that I want you to, to begin to ask the spirit of Jesus Christ, to release, you know, the, the nature of Jesus Christ, the name of Jesus Christ, the, the, the blood of Jesus, and, and the authority that Jesus has given you. The spirit of Jesus Christ will bring you into that reality. Okay, dear friend, put that in your spirit. Let's talk about the spirit of Christ. That's another title that we are going to cover today. The Spirit of Christ. What does the Spirit of Christ do? Okay? The Spirit of Christ demonstrates and supplies the life, the promises, the power of the anointing of Christ is a spirit of Christ because he's about Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (14:09)
Did you get that? You see, Christ is not Jesus' last name. Christ simply means the anointed one, the promised one. So the Spirit of Christ demonstrates our identity, our place, our position, and belonging in Christ. He demonstrates that in us. He brings us into that experience of our position, our function in Christ. Now remember we were talking about a minute ago about the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Now, this is the spirit of Christ. Why Christ? Because this one specifically talks about the Anointed One, bringing about the anointing of Christ. Who is this Anointed one? You see, this Anointed one, the spirit of the Anointed one will show us, will demonstrate the anointing of the Anointed One. Does that make sense? The, the, the spirit of the Anointed one will, will demonstrate the power, the life of the Anointed one. You see, when you study the Bible, the titles of Jesus cannot change on his names.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (15:20)
You know, some places he's called Jesus Christ. In other places he called, you know, Christ Jesus. Why? When the anointing came after he was baptized by John, and this Holy Spirit came upon him, when you read in your Bible, you'll find that he was no longer Jesus, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Now, he's also the anointed one, because now he was anointed. And from that moment after the anointing came upon him, he began to do the ministry of healing the sick, and casting out demons prior to the anointing, he did not do that. He was simply the, the, the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (16:00)
Amen? So the Spirit of Christ deals with the anointing of Christ. If you want to know the anointing of Christ, you want to walk in the anointing of Christ, you want to access that anointing. You need to engage the spirit of Christ. Ask the Spirit of Christ to release the anointing of Christ in you Spirit of Christ, release the anointing, the power of Christ. We see that when Christ was anointed, he began to heal the Sikh, he began to cast out demons. You see, that's part of what the Spirit of Christ specifically will do for us, in us, you see in us and through us. So this is didn't just end with Jesus and these titles just being there in the Bible, you know, for information purposes, they are for us to access and to apply the resources of the power that Christ has given us, the freedom that we have through the anointing, the deliverance we have through the anointing, okay?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (17:06)
We are anointed in Christ because he's the anointed now who can bring us into this very anointing, the Spirit of Christ who can bring us into that position, into that function, okay? Into that place of belonging where we are anointed, saturated in Christ. We are grounded in Christ. Okay? I've preached a message entitled, you know, Christ in Us, okay? The anointed one in us, and then another message being in Christ, you see, be being in Christ means us Christ, which means that as Christ was anointed, so can we, you see, as Christ was anointed. So can we, and how can we come into that same experience, same reality, by the Spirit of God, okay? By the Holy Spirit, engage him specifically as the Spirit of Christ, and looking to him and surrendering to him and saying, spirit of Christ anoint me with the anointing of Jesus Christ, that I may burn for him, that I may love him, that I may serve him, that I may do the works of Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (18:20)
You see, when you are dealing with Christ, you need to know the Spirit of Christ, okay? The Spirit of Christ deals specifically with the anointed one, the promised one, and his work. What did Christ finish on the cross, on the cross for us? What did he do? What did he bring into us? Into that's what the Spirit of Christ can do for us. Okay? Romans eight, verse nine. You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh, but are in the realm of the Spirit. If indeed the spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. See, that's part of what the Spirit of Christ does. He says, if anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. So the spirit of Christ, uh, brings us, you know, and into Christ works, our belonging, our, our sonship, our identity, our place in the kingdom of God, in, in, in partaking into the mission of, of Christ, and then the mission of God, the Father in, in our own life and through us, for, for the nation, the spirit of Christ brings us to where we know that we belong with Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (19:46)
You know, the Bible talks about that He, he who is in Christ is a new creation. Now, just, did you notice the Bible didn't say who, who is in Jesus? He says Christ, because Jesus before the anointing, he was the lamb of God. He was, he will save you, right? But now, when the anointing came on him, when you became a Christian, he expects you and I to go from just salvation, to actually begin to walk in the anointing, okay? To go to the next step of actually walking in the anointing. That's why he says, if you are, if anybody in Christ, he's a new creation. Why? Because the spirit of Christ works the transformation and works your place of belonging and works your place into the power, into the re the reality of Christ. He brings you into the standard, into the lifestyle of Christ, not just salvation, okay?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (20:45)
So he, this is Christ's desire. This is Christ's plan for all of us, that we go from salvation, you know, and we truly pursue him and surrender to him, and we enter into the experience of Christ, of his, his anointing. And then the Bible say, if we are in Christ, we become a new creation, okay? So we cannot really become new creation until we are accepting the anointing, the work of Christ. You see, when you are dealing with Christ, you are dealing with the Anointed one, and he's anointing, okay? And so we are in Christ, we are new creation because we are in the Anointed one, and he's anointing. And that anointing destroys every york of. It doesn't matter whether it's alcoholism, whether it's pornography, whether you know, it's adultery, whatever it is, you know, that York is going to be destroyed because we are in Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (21:45)
We are not just saying a prayer, but we are pursuing a real experience, a real relationship with the anointed one, okay? And the spirit of Christ will work in our hearts, okay? We'll work in our hearts right now. The spirit of Christ is working in your, in your heart to, to bring you into that belonging. So you are a new creation. You are being transfigured into the image and the likeness of Christ, right? And it is the work of the Spirit of Christ. So if you now have this knowledge and understanding about the spirit of Christ, if you say, spirit of Christ, transform me into the image of God, transform me into the, the, the, the person that brings glory and honor to Christ, you are going to experience who shatter lambda rabbi, the power of Christ in you. That transf figures, okay? That transf figures, that sets you free, the the spirit of Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (22:47)
He's gonna set you free from alcoholism, from any habits that you, that don't honor him, that don't glorify him when you begin to open yourself. But by the way, you gotta be honest. You gotta mean what you say and say what you mean, okay? And when you do that and you surrender and you open yourself up, you don't need anybody to pray for you. It is by faith. You believe what you're saying, okay? What you, this message that I'm teaching you believe this reality. And when you get ahold of it, then you begin to practice it. You begin to experience no experience necessary whatsoever. All you need is to be a follower of Jesus Christ and the spirit of Christ, and need the reality of Christ in my life, right? 'cause The Bible says, if you, if you are in Christ, you are new creation, the past is gone away, but you remember, you have to be in Christ and Christ, the spirit of Christ works the reality of Christ in all of us.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (23:42)
And so the better we know the work of the spirit of Christ, the better we can access and even quickly experience all the things that He wants to do in us. Because now we know, oh, we don't have to struggle with addictions. We struggle in our own flesh. We can look to the spirit of Christ to bring us into the very reality of Christ Jesus, our law. Hallelujah. Oh, dear friend, listen to this. The spirit of Christ reveals the secrets of Christ about Christ and testifies of Christ. That's what the Spirit of Christ does in us, with us and through us. It is the specific work of the Holy Spirit as under the title of Spirit of Christ that he will do in each one of us. Listen to first Peter verse one verse chapter one, verse 11, searching what or what manner of time the spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when he testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would come.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (24:57)
The spirit of Christ was for beforehand was foretelling the sufferings of Christ and the glories that was come. Why? Because the spirit of Christ is in involved in revealing Christ, talking about Christ before he came, before he's coming and after. And, and, and he was preparing the way. And, and we, so the spirit of Christ who was in them was revealing, okay? And he was testifying beforehand that what Christ was supposed to suffer and what glory he was supposed to he will experience after he suffering. Who did that? The Spirit of Christ that was in the believer. You see? Now, this is a D you see, this is not a different spirit. It is the same Holy Spirit, but it's a different function. It's a different operation, okay? It's a different act, and it's a different activity that is working of revealing about Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (26:02)
Do you desire to know about Christ? Do you desire to grow in Christ? Do you desire for intimacy with Christ? Get to know the spirit of Christ because the spirit of Christ talks about Christ, the anointed one, and his anointing and his desires, his purpose, his destiny for you and for me. Hallelujah. So would you yield yourself to the spirit of Jesus Christ so that he may supply deliverance, he may supply healing, he may supply all that Christ has paid for on the cross for you, in your name and in your place? And would you yield to the spirit of Christ, the Anointed one, and the spirit of Christ? Here I am. Bring me into a great experience with Christ. Bring me into a deeper intimacy, a deeper experience, a deeper relationship, deeper understanding, knowledge, power, authority, everything that the Bible says that is used in Christ, it means that the Spirit of Christ will bring that about into your life and into my, hallelujah.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (27:14)
Tara, I wanna pray for you right now. Holy Spirit, just reach out to your hands. If you close your eyes, whatever you need to do, just open yourself up. You Tara, in the name of Jesus, I applaud the blood of Jesus on everyone watching and everyone listening right now upon your eyes and upon your ears that the scales will fall off the deafness, spiritual deafness will be gone, spiritual blindness be gone, spiritual muteness be gone, that you'll speak boldly, that you'll have eyes that see what the spirit of Christ is revealing about Christ. And you'll have the, the ears that heal what the Spirit of Christ is revealing about Christ in you, for you and through you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:07)
In the name of Jesus, I pray for the anointing, I pray. Release the demonstration of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, to bring about deliverance, to bring about healing, to bring about freedom and liberty through the blood, through the name, through all the promises of God for your life. And I release the demonstration of the spirit of Christ to manifest who ka Tara, rabbi, the power of Christ in your life, to bring bread, every your in the name of Jesus, and release you to be a flame in Christ, to be on fire for Christ and His purpose, for your life. In Jesus my name, amen. Dear friend, you are watching, you are listening. You don't have a relationship with Jesus. I want to invite you today to make this Jesus Christ, your Lord and your Savior. Would you pray this prayer with me? Say, dear Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and my savior. I confess that you are the son of God, that God raised you from the dead. I am a sinner and I need a savior. Save me today. I give you my sin, and I take your holiness, your righteousness. I receive by faith, your forgiveness of my sins, Jesus, come into my heart. Holy Spirit, fill me afresh with your power, equip me and help me to do the will of God and to live a holy life.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (29:59)
Amen. Dear friend, you have said that prayer Jesus has come into your heart and the Holy Spirit is in dwelling you right now. We'll love to hear your story and to send you resources. So get in touch with our ministry and let us know of your decision. We'll love to point you to resources that will help you to grow in the Holy Spirit so you can experience the best that God has for you in Jesus mighty name. So you can reach out to us on our website kingdom impact And you can write to us and we will love to hear your story. Again, I invite you, dear friend you are being blessed by this ministry to support our ministry. You can scan that code on your screen or click a link in in the description below this video. And or this podcast and support our ministry.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (30:59)
Any donation will be cheerfully received as is cheerfully given. And to help us to continue to release this message into the world, to equip the body of Christ. Again, I have put together tools to help you. My goal is to help you to activate the power of God in your life, to experience healing miracles sons and wonders. And so you can go change other people's lives. So we put together catch and release, God Supernatural. It is for all of you that are hungry, all the tools to the Kingdom reality, they're in here. I encourage you, click on those on the link on your screen or, or the, the links in the description below, and go get a copy wherever they are on Amazon and anywhere bookstore books are sold, you can get yourself a copy. And I also invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel, subscribe to our podcast, follow and, and, and leave a review.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (31:57)
And as a matter of fact, if you leave a review on our podcast just send us an email. We'll send you a free gift, the ebook of my the ebook, working the works of God. We'll send you a free copy, okay? As a thank you for leaving a review or, or about our podcast. So we, we love you and we thank you for being part of our community. Again, we have resources here. We have a School of the Anointing Online course that you can take for a donation of $25 or more to our ministry to help us, you know pay the bills and keep everything running and, and just keep bringing you this life changing content. So again, you can click on those links scan the code on your screen and go and join. And I look forward to hearing your stories. May God bless you, and I'll see you in the next episode.

Working The Works of God book video: (33:25)
As a believer, the keys to the supernatural are in your hands. And with them, you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, working The Works of God, Dr. Andrew teaches us how through the glory of God and his anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today to become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner, or so a financial c Call us toll free one eight five five four one voice. That's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3, or log on to

How to watch Andrew, TV Apps, Partner & Contact : (34:07)
Watch Andrew on the Kingdom. Come broadcast 24 7 and on our Kingdom Impact Ministry TV channels available on Roku, apple tv, Amazon Fire tv, and Android tv. To stream on the go, get the Kingdom Impact Ministry mobile app for Apple and Android devices from the App store today. To receive prayer order resources or to become a partner with Kingdom Impact Ministry, call us toll free, one eight five five four one voice. That's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3, or visit us You can also write to us at Kingdom Impact Ministry, PO Box 2 0 7 3, Montrose, Colorado, 8 1 4 0 2. This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

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