The True Meaning of Love: Exploring God's Love and Its Transformative Power with Joshua Kaighen, Author of Hello, My Name is Love

Dr. Andrew M. Nkoyoyo, Joshua Kaighen

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Discover God's Boundless Love with Dr. Andrew and Joshua Kaighen!
Join Dr. Andrew for an unforgettable episode as he sits down with Joshua Kaighen, author of Hello, My Name is Love. Together, they explore the profound love of God through scriptures like 1 John 4:16, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, and Romans 5:5. Learn how understanding and experiencing God’s love can transform your life.

In this episode, you’ll uncover:

  • Daily Growth in God’s Love: Practical insights to deepen your relationship with God.
  • Reflecting Divine Love in Relationships: Ways to embody and share God’s love.
  • Inspiring Stories of Love’s Power: Heartfelt testimonies showcasing divine love in action.

Joshua Kaighen shares his personal journey and revelations that inspired his impactful book. Whether you're new to faith or seeking a deeper understanding of God’s love, this episode offers encouragement, inspiration, and practical guidance. Share this episode with friends and family, and let's spread the transformative power of God's love together.
Resources Mentioned on the Podcast
📖 Order Hello, My Name is Love
Catch and Release God's Supernatural Book
📘 Pre-order Andrew's Upcoming new book: Beyond Ordinary

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Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Hello, dear friend, and welcome to Kingdom. Come with me, A andrew Nkoyoyo. Thank you for tuning in today. We welcome our viewers, our listeners around the world. We are so blessed today to be joined with a dear friend, joshua Kaighen. Thank you, brother, for joining us.

Joshua Kaighen:

It's an honor. It's an honor. Thank you so much for having me.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Oh, we are delighted. We are delighted. Well, joshua is the author of Hello. My Name is Love and today we are so honored and blessed to have him on our broadcast. He's gonna be sharing you know what God has put on his heart.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You know, on this message of love, you know. Before we get into it, I just want to say that the stage here with a couple scriptures 1st John, chapter 4, verse 16, and the Bible says and so we know and rely on the love of God that God has for us, god is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in them. And then 1 Corinthians, 13, 4 through 7, says love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You know when I was reading Joshua's book, these are the things that he teaches, he talks about in his book, and a lot of brother, the way you really presented love. You know as a person. So would you go ahead and really talk to us about what inspired you to write. Hello, my Name is Love, and what can you share in your journey that led you to this work that God put?

Joshua Kaighen:

on your heart? Yes, absolutely, absolutely, honestly. It's been a long journey, a lot of times when my pastors at various churches or different places would ask me to preach and I would start praying and asking Holy Spirit, what do you want me to speak on? Very often it was the topic of love over the last, oh man, 20 years of ministry and I kept coming back to the Lord why am I teaching on love so much? Why am I preaching on love so much? There's a billion other topics, it seems like in the Word, but this topic kept coming back up.

Joshua Kaighen:

And many, many years later I'd come to find that the Lord had me studying it in a way, meditating on it, preaching it, understanding it and ultimately coming into a deeper love relationship and intimate relationship with the Lord through the power of his love and through the understanding of his love. And so I've had this incredible relationship with the Lord in regards to his love and getting to know and understand his love and all the different aspects of his love, which is funny because the word says that his love surpasses our understanding anyway to understand it. So you can never understand the fullness of it, even when Paul says you know, oh, if you would just know the heights and the depths, and the breadth and the width, and the love to know, the love of Christ which surpasses understanding. It's funny that I feel like I've even touched the tip of the iceberg in regards to God's love. But an interesting thing happened About five years ago. My wife came home from a little day with the Lord. She took a day away to just go be with the Lord, and she came back and said hey, the Lord told me, you're going to write a book. And that was a craziness to me because I had never aspired to write a book. I think I barely passed my English classes in college. I didn't do too well, and I don't write much at all, I barely. I don't really journal. I'll take some sermon notes sometimes when I'm listening to someone preach, but I'm just not a writer. And so it was interesting that that's kind of one of the first prophetic words I've ever received in my life that I was going to write a book.

Joshua Kaighen:

And then the next week I went to go spend some time with the Lord just in one of my favorite prayer spots here in Colorado, in Castle Rock, the part of town that I live in and on one of these days sitting up on this rock, just sitting with the Lord, worshiping him, asking him about this book, there was just this download of really the chapters of this book that now I've published and kind of have sitting here in my hands as well, just the chapters. The bones all came together and it was not only all my studies of love but bringing it down to a more earthy tone in regards to personifying love. Because if 1 John 4 says that God is love, this concept just kind of flooded my soul with well, in the book of Proverbs we have wisdom personified, and wisdom writes these letters and says oh, if you would just come be with me and if you would just search for me with all your heart, and if you would just this and that. And wisdom in the book of Proverbs is personified.

Joshua Kaighen:

And I believe the Lord just laid on my heart this idea of personifying love. What if love was a person? What if we saw God as love, but literally love as being a person? That's the concept of this book. It's very basic and it's very simple.

Joshua Kaighen:

I felt like the Lord laid it on my heart to keep it very simple, keep it very, I hope, profound in its simplicity, since we live in a post-literate age and people don't read a whole lot anymore.

Joshua Kaighen:

People do audiobooks and people watch videos on YouTube. Reading books seems to be an age-old tradition that is fading quickly. So the chapters are very, very short, other than, I think, the first two chapters in this book. All the rest of the like 20 chapters are extremely short, just a page or two, and and I did put it in an audio version as well and in an ebook but I felt like it was supposed to be short and simple and relatable, but supposed to be love personified. So love writes a little letter back here to the world saying hey, you've forgotten who I am. You've mistaken me to be other people and other people to be me. And it's this whole idea of we use the word love for so many different emotions and feelings when God gives a really clear definition of the word love, at least one of the words that we translate love in English, which is agape, and so this book is my best effort to take the word agape and bring it into a personified letter written from love himself, calling us back to that true definition.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Wow, wow. So how would you define this love? I know you don't use God's love in the book, but you use love. So how would you define God's love as you present it in your book, and how is there a difference between God's love and just the general concept of love as you presented it? Because I want to bring clarity and understanding to somebody, to both Christians, but also to people who don't come from a Christian background, who may not really understand what God's love is. But what is this love? Can you define it for us?

Joshua Kaighen:

So I did write the book, honestly, primarily for non-Christians. If I'm being honest, I felt like the Lord had led me to not have any Christianese or kind of Christian language in it. It was supposed to be very applicable to anybody searching for love and so there's no scripture in here, other than in the back. When I have some quotes. I do quote some scripture in the last chapter, but there's not really any scripture. There's not really any talk about God or Jesus, and we know that God himself is love. So a lot of people have said well, you're kind of, aren't you missing it if you don't write like a really just a Bible study on the word love and just mention all this scripture? Well, no, honestly, the book was written as a bridge for the gospel. The book was written so that anybody in the whole world, no matter their background, no matter their maybe even religious scars or their desire not to be associated with religion at all, that they could grab this book and say, wow, this is profound. And then this book if you look at the chapters, the chapters fall in line with 1 Corinthians 13. So really it's just a study through 1 Corinthians 13. If you're a Christian, you may open up the first pages and look at the chapters and say, oh, this looks like just a Bible study through 1 Corinthians 13. But if you're not a Christian and you don't maybe know where that definition of God's love is in the Bible, you would pick this up and not realize this is a Christian book at all. In one sense if you know what I mean sense, if you know what I mean, a religious book specifically. So, as far as God's love defined, every chapter, if you read through the chapters, is literally every single one of the elements you find in 1 Corinthians 13. So you've got love is patient, love is kind, love is content, and I go through this list, starting in chapter 4 all the way through chapter 19. You've got the whole study of 1 Corinthians 13 where Paul writes to the church in Corinth explaining this agape love and he says this is what love looks like and this is how it manifests and this is what it is. And so, yeah, this book definitely describes very simply and very straightforwardly God's love, this agape love, and it takes one chapter in each one of those elements in 1 Corinthians 13 to do that.

Joshua Kaighen:

But I don't specifically draw attention to 1 Corinthians 13 or mention 1 Corinthians 13 or, like I said, any other Bible verses for that matter, any other Bible verses for that matter, as I pray that this is a bridge to the gospel and a bridge for especially spiritual people who understand some elements of love.

Joshua Kaighen:

But then a Christian could hand them this book and say, hey, here's God's love and people read it and not have anything hinder them from reading it, because it would maybe mention the name Jesus or some scar in their past would prevent them from reading anything that's Christian. But then someone could say, no, actually you just studied 1 Corinthians 13, if you've read this book, so it does describe God's love in that regard patience, kindness, contentment, that gracious confidence instead of arrogance or pride. If you read 1 Corinthians 13, it puts it in kind of some different terms, but I tried to put it all in the positive terms and I used I am statements and that's another symbolic word that I put in there to refer to God that maybe only Christians would pick up on as far as the I am statements that maybe only Christians would pick up on.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

as far as the I am statements, now, this is not. I have some things here that I want us to go through. You know, as you kind of continue to break it down, but just a few weeks ago I was at a church and the pastor was eloquent talking about the gospel and he proceeded to say that you know, and you know, he talked about, you know, the false gospel and basically one of the ones that he was highlighting was that the gospel of love was a false gospel. How do you address that to somebody who say, well, somebody can read your book, you don't mention this. You know God or Jesus. You don't use scriptures. How is that not a false gospel?

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

How would you address somebody who's just saying, hey, you're just talking about love. How would you, you know, bring that to somebody who is a Christian because I mean, I agreed to some of the other stuff who was saying, you know the preacher, but when he kind of the way he presented that and you know, then he kind of lost me there because I'm like, well, when we go back in the Bible, god is love, right, everything we do is in and we believe is rooted and motivated by love. So would you kind of speak into that for a?

Joshua Kaighen:

second, yeah, that's a good, that's a good question and I have had some people bring that up like, hey, why didn't you write a religious book or why didn't you just spell out the gospel specifically? And, to be honest, that was not the intention of this book and I don't know that it should be the intention of every single piece of literature that a Christian would write to just explain the gospel specifically. Because I do believe in the gospel and a clear presentation of the gospel and the power in the gospel and I have written and preached other elements in regards to just the direct gospel and I believe in that and some people have asked me that. But that was not the intention for this book specifically to just preach the gospel. It is a very heavy element of the gospel, I think, unless we understand God's love. I mean you go into a study of the gospel, just in Romans, chapter five, six and 7, maybe chapter 8, and you see how God's love was manifest towards us and it uses the word love and agape a lot in those three or four chapters.

Joshua Kaighen:

In my opinion, the most clear presentation of the gospel in the entire Bible Romans 5, 6, 7, 8. And it mentions God's love over and, over and over again. It's really, it is the centrality of the gospel, that God loved the world so much John 3, 16, that he gave his only son. So in one sense I'm giving the basis for love or for the gospel. In one sense I'm giving the roots of the gospel that it starts with a loving God. Because if we don't have a loving God and if we don't have this love defined, what agape actually means and that's the Greek word used for love but if we don't understand the love of God, I don't believe we can ever reiterate that love in our worship to him, and I don't believe we could ever receive, by faith, through his grace, his love and actually receive the gospel or receive Christ as our Lord and Savior and then in turn go and love those around us. And even Jesus says this is how you'll know that they're my disciples by their love for one another. So if you somehow receive the gospel without understanding God and his love and receiving God's love, I'm very curious how people will know that you belong to Jesus if you never manifest love. And so I don't know what this brother was preaching that you're talking about as far as the false gospel of love.

Joshua Kaighen:

Maybe he was talking about the idea that love is God, and I would agree in that regard that God is love, but love is not necessarily God, if that makes sense. Because when we define love and that becomes God, then we're in trouble. But when God defines love and then therefore God is love, then we've got the centrality of the gospel absolutely. But we live in a culture, especially in America, where love is God in one sense, because everybody says they love everything and we all just need to love each other, and what that means is we need to accept everybody's sin and we need to keep living in sin and promoting sin, because that's love. And we need to accept anything and everything that everybody says, because that's love, and so we just need to be permissible with everything.

Joshua Kaighen:

And that would be an incorrect definition of love, which is a passionate reason why I wrote this book, because love only rejoices in the truth and love hates evil, which is a hard concept for the world to comprehend when they think love. Unfortunately, love has been misdefined in our culture and it has become God. Every song is written about love, every movie is written about love and it gives a false portrayal of what love really is. I don't mean that every movie or song gives a false portrayal, but a lot of them do, and so in one sense I don't know what your preacher friend was talking about in the sense of a love gospel. That is false. But I believe if you don't understand God's love, I think we will miss the gospel and massive elements of the gospel, and a lot of the church has.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Do you have? I think you have mentioned some of the scriptures, but do you have some scripture passages that for you, like you mentioned? You know you went away, you know to seek God and he was constantly giving you this message of love? Are there some scriptures or passages or different revelations that you know jumped out to you that have shaped you? You know, your understanding of love to you know leading you to writing this book?

Joshua Kaighen:

Yeah, there's. I don't have all those scriptures just written down right here in front of me, but it's definitely been a lifelong study in every passage that mentions the word love whether it's one of the four different ways that it's mentioned in the Bible. Right, because we have four Greek words in the Bible that in the English language are all interpreted love, which also is an issue as well, because I have those here actually in my book. We have the word agape. We have the word eros, which is actually more of a erotic, romantic, sexual love. That's mentioned in the Bible. Also phileia, which is the term for the strong friendship or strong affection kind of between brothers or strong friends. That word is mentioned in the Bible. Then storgi is another Greek word, and all four of these that one storgi refers to blood, relatives and family members and parents type love, and so all of these are four different types of love that we experienced that in English we translate into one word love, which has also the English language has not helped us a lot in regards to translation and reading God's word and understanding it, but there are tons of scriptures I think of 1 John being my favorite book of the Bible talking about love. Obviously 1 Corinthians 13,. Giving the definition of love Romans 12, I think, gives a profound definition of love. Giving the definition of love. Romans 12, I think, gives a profound definition of love.

Joshua Kaighen:

Ephesians what am I thinking of? Ephesians 3, I believe it is talking about if we would just know Paul praying that they would just know the love of Christ, and then we'd be filled with the fullness of God. If we just knew the love of christ, which surpasses knowledge, we'd be filled with the fullness of god. That concept is pretty, pretty mind-blowing and radical. Just to theologically pick that passage apart in ephesians um, but there's, there's so much in regards to this word agape, um, and how many times it, especially in in the New Testament, is reiterated over and over and over again. So, yeah, there's tons of scripture and I love it, I love the study of the word agape, the word love, in the scriptures.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I remember, a few years ago, you know, in prayer, you know, the Lord kept, you know, speaking to me about saying, you know, love, you know, is miracles, a proof of my love, you know, and miracles, and it took me months to really kind of get it. You know, because when you look at when you're ministering to people, you're dealing with people who are sick, you know the oppressed, and you're casting out demons and doing this, and it's like okay, lord, and then some people don't get healed, some people die, and you wonder, but then when you begin to understand that it was the love of God, right, that you know that is was because of God's love that Christ came to even give us the opportunity to be able to, you know, have access to the Father. And so I love, you know, I was just finishing what a 28-day fast, and one of the main themes during the fast that, you know, god put on my heart was love. And so, when you know, you and I were, you know, talking that evening and I said you know what I felt like God said, no, you've got to have it, because it was exactly what he was talking to me about.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

But I want to ask you this I've got, you know, some more talking points for us to go through here. You know, because I know Christians, we Christians, we struggle to understand God's love and to you know, to love Christ and to love people. So what have you identified? Some common challenges people face when they are trying to love Christ, and how have you addressed some of those obstacles in your book? Are there areas you have seen?

Joshua Kaighen:

That's a great question. I think probably the biggest obstacle that comes to mind in regards to people loving God is that and maybe I'll draw this down to theology, or knowing God and knowing about him, because the biggest obstacle in loving God that I run into and I'm a chaplain, I get to meet with about 700 people a week to just encourage them, encourage them in the Lord, make sure they're walking the path with the Lord and walk with people through some of the hardest times in life and that's where I see the biggest struggle in loving God is when people don't believe that God loves them, when they base their receptivity of God's love or their definition of God's love is everything should be going really well with me and everything should be perfect and everything should be comfortable and life should be easy and I should be really rich and blessed and physically, monetarily rich. And this is God's love. And that's where I see, at least in America, the biggest hindrance to God's love that really shipwrecks people's faith and their intimacy with God and their relationship with Him and their prayer life and maybe even their walk with their community, their church, is that they believe that the outworking of God's love for them is primarily that they would always be comfortable, free of any sort of sickness or discomfort or free from any form of misfortune or pain. When we define God's love like that, we have done Christianity a great disservice, because the Bible would preach quite the opposite, that in this world we're going to have great tribulations and great trials and we are in a physical war against the darkness and against the dark side and we stand in the light and the battle's already been won victoriously. And so that's the gospel we're trying to preach is that we're walking in the light and from the light, and it's Christ in us that is the hope of glory.

Joshua Kaighen:

But some people really do give up on loving God and trying to love God because he just hasn't been very nice to them and he hasn't been, he hasn't really answered their prayers. But little have they studied God's word and little do they know that there are prerequisites to answer prayers, there are things that God requires of us. There are things that God requires of us and also our circumstances in life do not define God's love. He says you can choose to build your house on a rock or build it on sand, because no matter how you build your house, the storms are going to come in life and so the people who are built on the rock which is Jesus Christ, in obedience to Jesus Christ and his word, those are the people who are going to have proved the love of God through his truth, through his word, through his faithfulness, through his goodness.

Joshua Kaighen:

But a lot of people, unfortunately, they have some weird tests for the love of God and they don't understand love of God and they haven't gone into the depths of God's love and so unfortunately their faith gets shipwrecked because of their shallow relationship with God and understanding of God. And that's a good question. A lot of people do struggle. Loving God they feel like to love God is maybe a legalistic love as well. I just need to do lots of good, hard, religious things and then God will receive me, then God will love me, then God will approve of me.

Joshua Kaighen:

And obviously kind of the dark side of religion, the unrighteous side of a religious spirit, can also hinder God's love pretty dramatically when people are walking in the law and by legalistic kind of mandates trying to love God, and especially when they feel like he's not loving them in return and they're just burning themselves at the stake for his glory supposedly. But he in fact, his Holy Spirit hasn't led them to do that. He's not intimate with them at all and I feel sorry for the Matthew 7 type people who will stand before God someday and say, didn't we do all this stuff for you? And he'll say depart from me, I never knew you. That's a sobering reality and I meet a lot of those people on my path and it's really, really sad.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Practical applications that we Christians can embody this love that you can share with us, or even the people that you're talking to, people who struggle to receive that love or walk in that love. What are some of the practical ways application that they can take from this?

Joshua Kaighen:

Yeah, that's a great question. As far as practical application and just how to receive love, that's a great question. There's so many thoughts I have in that regard from just, first and foremost, getting to know the love of God. If you don't spend time in God's word and in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the Father's love, I think there's going to always be a disconnect in your understanding of God's love. If the Holy Spirit doesn't awaken and illuminate God's love and grant you that gift of revelation awaken and illuminate God's love and grant you that gift of revelation there will be a disconnect in some form or fashion. Because there are a million other things that prevent us from receiving God's love.

Joshua Kaighen:

You talk about unforgiveness. You talk about bitterness and resentment. You talk about unconfessed sin. You talk about just not hearing the voice of God walking with the Holy Spirit. You talk about an undisciplined lifestyle. When God calls us the temple, his temple, his abode, his place of dwelling on earth, and we don't even, we just don't spend time with him. We don't spend time taking care of his temple, we don't spend time in his presence, seeking his face. There's so much that hinders us from receiving God's love and the revelation of his love and the depths of his love.

Joshua Kaighen:

You just got done mentioning you were on a fast recently. I think fasting and prayers is, in my opinion, the most intimate way, at least done in the right heart, led by the Holy Spirit, to just detox your body, soul and spirit and cleanse your mind and pursue the love of Christ and there can be some deep revelation in that place. And so there's a million things that hinder us, just busyness, anxiety, fear, depression. There's a lot of those things talked about in my book that we do need to bring before the Lord and get cleansed of, get forgiven of, get our mindset taking our thoughts captive so that we can grab the love of Christ and start to walk in love as he walked in love. John, chapter 15, abide in my love and abide in my word, you know, and you'll bear much fruit. So I don't know if that answers your question in a simple kind of big way.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Yeah, that is wonderful. You know I'm loving it because, you see, actually I'm working on a new book here and one of the things I deal with is about the spirit of love, just being able to get into, know the Holy Spirit, because in Romans 5, it talks about how the Holy Spirit gets the love of God in our hearts. Like you said, we need to know the Holy Spirit in order to so he can work. You know, he can remove whatever it is that hinders that love so he can work the very love of God and impart it to us. But you know, I just love. You know what you just shared. I don't know if you do you have any stories of just people being able to, that you have seen people who have been transformed by the power of love. You know, whether they read your book or just in your own life, in your own ministry, when people have experienced this love and all of a sudden it's like they have experienced the hand of God or a transformation in their life.

Joshua Kaighen:

Yeah, absolutely, man. It seems like most of the people that I run with in life and ministry anymore have been profoundly transformed by the love of God at some point in their life, if not in a continual state of being transformed by God's love. As far as specific stories that just come to mind, man, it seems like there's testimonies every week in our church by somebody who was prompted by the Holy Spirit to love someone else in a profound, maybe, in a sacrificial way, in a Christ-like way, and serve someone else, and that person's life got changed and that person came to Christ. Or that person had a whole life changed, maybe shifted trajectories.

Joshua Kaighen:

Yeah, I have some, well, even a story this week was able to love on a young lady and share the love of Christ with her, and over the last few months really, and that led to her coming to Christ. She just got baptized last week and uh, and and now is in a life trends transition where she thought she understood a new love before Christ. But now that she's in Christ um, you know, unfortunately, slash, fortunately she's breaking up with, with her boyfriend now and moving out. She's on a new path. She's on a path of righteousness and on a path of freedom, because love has set her free. She didn't know what love was before. She thought she did. She thought she understood it, but it just kept hurting her and leading her down darker roads. The world's definition of love will do that. It will leave you hanging and will beat you up pretty bad.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I love it. I know, way, way back when I met Christ and I saw the world around me and I said, Jesus, I want to be able to help these people. And as I began to take the first steps, you know, some places were so, you know, you are in the slums and you know, in all kinds of situations and I remember crying out and saying God, unless you touch me, you know I'm not equipped and I don't really, you know, have the heart for this and I remember, just you know, like you know, talking, just being able to experience in the quiet place. You know, have the heart for this and I remember, just you know, like you know, talking, just being able to experience in the quiet place, you know, the love of the spirit, you know, and the love of God that the Holy Spirit poured out to me all of a sudden. I was on the streets, I was on the, you know, out there, to prostitutes. We were everywhere, you know, and really that's kind of how, how my ministry, you know, started. I didn't really just work as, oh, I'm going to go do ministry, become a professional minister. I was just out there, transformed by the love of God, and I continue to seek that and just yielding to the Spirit of God to bring the love of the Father and the Son into my life.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Hey, before we're done, would you take a minute and talk to our viewers and our listeners about this love? You know, maybe some you know you have talked about those who have a bad picture of who God is, or others. They don't even have this concept of God's love. But others don't come from a Christian background, so they don't really understand the idea of God's love because they're from a non-religious background. Would you take some time and talk to our viewers and listeners directly about God's love and just invite them to experience this love, whether it's turning their lives over to Christ, and you can pray for them if you feel like, but I just want you to talk to them.

Joshua Kaighen:

Yes, absolutely, I'd be honored to. Yeah, no matter where you're at right now if you're listening to this broadcast. We all need God's love and we need a revelation of God's love, and maybe you've been searching for love all your life. Maybe you thought you knew love, maybe you've known religion or haven't known religion either way. Either way, I pray that you'll come to encounter God's love, true love, life, transforming life, giving life, breathing love. We all need to encounter God's love and I hope that my book can be a great starting place. I really hope that it can, because I would challenge anybody to read God's book. I would challenge everybody to read the Bible, as it is the greatest authority on the matter of love and the greatest authority on the matter of everything in that regard. But if you're hurting right now, if you're broken, if you've been deceived by wrong definitions of love, if you thought you knew love or had found love or had experienced love, but then it betrayed you and you can honestly say, man, I don't know. I don't know what love is anymore. Maybe I've been hurt by love, or I don't know if love exists anymore. I don't know if I believe in love anymore, how I've heard religious people talk about it or other things.

Joshua Kaighen:

I would encourage you start with a prayer. Would you start with a prayer? Would you start by praying God? Would you show me your love, spirit of God, would you give me the love of God, a pure love? Spirit of God, would you give me the love of God, a pure love? Would you redefine love? Would you pour out your love into my heart, because I want to experience it and I want to be transformed and I want to be set free? Would you start with a prayer? And that's where we've got to start, because God is love.

Joshua Kaighen:

I would love for you to start with my book. I think it's a great, perfect place to start with the basic, the roots, the elementary understanding of love, and I pray that God will speak to you through my book. I pray that it will lead you to Jesus Christ, to the gospel, to his book, the Bible, and I am going to pray that for you, because until we experience the love of God through his son Jesus, we will not experience the fullness of love, and there's a lot of different levels, there's a long journey into love. So stay on that path and stay on that road and keep pursuing love with all of your heart, keep pursuing God with all of your heart. So I would just encourage you in that way Do not give up hope, do not give up faith, do not give up the search, ask, seek, knock.

Joshua Kaighen:

Never give up searching for love or believing that love exists and that it can transform your life and transform the lives of those around you. Because the one element if I can think of, the most powerful element on earth that has transformed societies, transformed nations, transformed kingdoms, transformed families, transformed you name it the most transformative power in the universe, in my opinion and in my conviction, is love itself, and God's love specifically. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to say a prayer for those of you who would just need to hear that word right now. Father, thank you so much for your love, thank you so much for the revelation of your love through Jesus Christ, and that you sent your son. You said you loved us, humanity, so much, even when we were your enemies, that you sent your son, jesus, to pay for our sin, to pay for our rebellion, to take care of everything that sin had done, because sin leads to death. And you said Jesus's death would lead us to life, and life more abundant in you. You sent your own son to die on our behalf to pay a payment that we owed but could never pay, and so you forgave us of all of our sin. You cleansed us from anything wrong that we'd ever done and from anything that anybody had done to us. Lord, you cleansed us. You cleansed us and set us free.

Joshua Kaighen:

And, lord, I pray that people under the sound of my voice, lord, would receive your son, jesus Christ, as their Lord and their Savior. They would believe in his love for them, that he has made them whole and made them clean and made them new and forgiven all sins that have been done to them and that they have done to others, and would they receive the love of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Right now, would you answer their prayers to receive your love and to walk in your love? And we just thank you so much, god, for leading us. Just lead us deeper into this realm of your love. We pray in Jesus' awesome name, amen.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Well, if this is your first time, you know you prayed a prayer with Joshua to receive Christ in your life for the first time. Please let us know, write to us, we have resources to send to you, you know, to help you free of charge, to help you in your life for the first time. Please let us know, write to us, we have resources to send to you, you know, to help you free of charge, to help you in your walk with God. Let me do a quick recap here to give you some next steps here before we you know we just hang on for a second here before because we want to hear how we can connect with you and where people can get your book First. I have four steps here for those of connect with you and where we can, uh, people can get your book uh, first. Um, I have four steps here for those of you you know you're a christian, you're not a christian, it doesn't matter. Uh, reflect on on god's love daily. This step number one we mentioned some scriptures first corinthian 13, 4 to 7, and first john, uh, 4 16. Just ponder on those, start there and then practice love in action. You know, just practice loving someone.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And then Joshua mentioned this personal prayer Ask God to reveal his love. Okay, just ask him. Holy Spirit, I want to know your love. You know, remove whatever is hindering love and fill me with the love. I want to know your love. Remove whatever is hindering love and fill me with the love. I want to know the love of the Father. And number four read. Hello, my Name is Love.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Go and read Joshua's book. I mean I love the way it's presented. It would touch about. As I read it. I was really impacted. There's a place there for fathers, for mothers. There's a place there for those that are struggling with identity. You know people who have been really people's lives being destroyed by social media. I mean he puts it in words that I can't explain. So this is well crafted that you can say oh, wow, this is what love is and this is what love is not.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So thank you, brother Joshua, for joining us, for sharing such powerful insights from God's. You know really God's word and really about this theme, it's the grandest theme I believe. You know all throughout, you know history and all throughout Scripture is God's love. So, before we let you go, how can we connect with you and how can, where can the people get your book? Go ahead and let our viewers and listeners know how to connect with you. And how can, where can the people get your book? Go ahead and let our viewers and listeners how to connect with you so we can, you know, be a blessing you know to you and they can be a blessing to your ministry.

Joshua Kaighen:

Thank you so much. You can definitely find the book anywhere that books are sold online. As far as Amazon, that's probably the easiest place to grab the book. You can join us with my wife and I's nonprofit, revivecoorg, revive Co R-I-V-E V. Am I spelling it right, revive? I think it's on the screen. There you go, you've got it on the screen. Revivecoorg is the best place to connect with us. There's links to our ministry there. There's links to the book there, because this is a big part of our ministry that we're trying to build the bridge with anybody and everybody trying to experience the love of God. So feel free to connect with us on that website. Amen.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Well, josh, again his book. Hello, my Name is Love. Go get it. I highly recommend it. God bless you, brother. Thank you for joining us and thank you for spending this time with us. You know, may God bless you. Say hello to your beautiful wife and children. You know we loved spending our time there. You know, with you guys, we enjoyed it and look forward to visiting you guys again next time when Colorado springs. May God bless you and thank you again for blessing us god bless.

Joshua Kaighen:

Thank you so much.

Working The Works of God book by Andrew Nkoyoyo:

As a believer, the keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, working the Works of God, dr Andrew teaches us how, through the glory of God and His anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm, where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today To become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner, or sow a financial seed. Call us toll-free 1-855-41-VOICE that's 1-855-418-6423, or log on to wwwkingdomimpactministryorg.


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