Unlocking Heaven’s Frequency: How to Hear, Recognize, and Discern God’s Voice Clearly in a Noisy World—A Step-by-Step Journey with David Cannon

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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Struggling to hear God's voice amidst life's chaos? Tune into Kingdom Come for a game-changing episode with David Cannon, author of "God Speaks: Recognizing the Voice."

In "Unlocking Heaven's Frequency," discover:

*   How to cut through the noise and hear God clearly
*   Techniques to overcome doubt and spiritual dryness
*   Secrets to sharpen your spiritual discernment
*   Practical ways to create space for God daily

Whether you're a seasoned believer or new to faith, David's step-by-step guidance will transform your connection with God. Don't let the world's static drown out Heaven's wisdom. Tune in now and revolutionize your spiritual life!

Kingdom Come: Where divine whispers become your daily conversation.

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This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Hello, dear friend, and welcome to Kingdom. Come with me, Andrew Nkoyoyo, thank you for joining us. We are going to go into a study here on hearing God's voice. So today's message, we have entitled it Unlocking Heaven's Frequency how to Hear, recognize, discern God's Voice Clearly in a Noisy World. And hopefully we'll give you a step-by-step journey here with my new friend, pastor David Cannon. Now, before I bring David on to start really unpacking this with us, let me give you a little background about Pastor David. He's been in business for over 37 years, business as a pastor, teacher and prophetic voice. Currently he serves as the senior pastor at Taylorite Christian Fellowship in Taylorite, colorado. He has also been holding monthly God Encounters and meetings in Montrose, colorado, where the body of Christ comes together to encounter God's life-changing presence through worship, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the prophetic voice of God. He's married to his wife Teresa, and they have two children who are married, and has the joy of being papa to four grandchildren. Dear friends, welcome, pastor David. Thank you, david, for joining us.

Pastor David Cannon:

Thank you, Andrew, for inviting me. I appreciate it.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Yes, indeed, I really enjoyed reading your book. You know God Speaks, Recognizing the Voice, and really I went to, did some research and I talked to people in our community and they send me some, you know, questions. They express areas of struggle. So today I want you to take us on this journey, as in our conversation. But first would you share your? How did you begin this journey into the prophetic, or hearing god's voice?

Pastor David Cannon:

yeah, that's a very good question. Um, I've always had a desire. Uh, oftentimes I say, just look at someone's library, the books they have in their library, and it's an indication of the assignments on their life and where God's calling them. And so the supernatural and hearing God, god communicating with people, has always fascinated me. It's always been something I've hungered for and I know as we get into this today we'll touch on that. But communication is a foundation of any good, healthy relationship, whether that's between one human or another human being, a man and a wife or God. And I would watch Christian TV and I would see ministers get up and you know they'd be up there preaching and God told me this, god told me that, or the Lord shows me this. And I used to always look at that and wonder, wow, god doesn't do that to me. You know, is something wrong with me? I love God, I read his word, but I can't confidently say God said this, god said that, god's speaking here and all this stuff. So that was a catalyst in my life that really provoked that in me.

Pastor David Cannon:

I was raised in a denominational type church that didn't really promote the gifts of the Holy Spirit and walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. But I was hungry for God even at a young age and I would really seek the Lord because I wanted to know God. Because I wanted to know God and because of my hunger not because of my Bible knowledge, but because of my hunger I would have encounters with God and then he would later have to take me to the Word, the Scriptures, and explain what happened to me. So I know it's the reverse for many people They'll get in the word, they'll believe it and they they'll experience it. And I, that does happen to me. But a lot of my younger life, especially the hunger of God Inside my heart, drove me. And I had, because I sought God, I had experiences and then God had to explain to me what happened. Yeah, that's how it began. Wow, I ended up, unbeknownst to me, going to a small community church when I was back from college my denominational college I went to. I came back for the summer. I got invited to a community church which they believed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. I didn't know all that.

Pastor David Cannon:

Me and my college buddy showed up late to the meeting. They were worshiping God already the worship service came to an end, everyone got real quiet for a couple of minutes and an older grandma sitting next to my friend who was from Barbados. She looked over at him and said go ahead, young man, share what the Lord is showing you. Well, we weren't used to that in our church setting, and he did. The Lord was impressing upon him to share something, so he did. I had a conversation with him later and indeed the Lord was speaking something to him. He felt impressed to share something.

Pastor David Cannon:

Well, it seems like a small thing now, but when I look back that was a catalyst. I said how did she know that God was speaking to him? So that began part of my pursuit, that God was speaking to him. So that began part of my pursuit. You know, should I be satisfied with living by the principles in Scripture or does the Holy Spirit still speak today as he did in Scriptures? So I just began seeking the Lord. I'd spent a lot of time fasting and praying and in the Word and, to be honest with you, andrew, a lot of that ended up disappointing because at the end of that I couldn't say that I heard the voice of the Lord.

Pastor David Cannon:

You know at least my, what I thought the voice of the Lord sounded like. Thought the voice of the Lord sounded like and I think a lot of people can probably relate to that where they're seeking God, they want to hear God, but all they're hearing is silence.



Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So, dear friend, I just want you to get ready to really glean and learn some really key principles, but also get some practical ideas for application, because if you're struggling, you know like David is sharing his journey. You know we all have a journey and God has brought us through different things to get us to where we are and where he wants to take us. But so what we're going to do is go through some of these. You know really frustration, struggles that some of you who are watching and listening may maybe you struggle with. You know hearing God's voice, recognizing God's voice, discerning God's voice, and the number one is overcoming the doubt and uncertainty. So, david, one of the common struggles believers face is doubt, wondering if they are hearing God really. Oh, is God talking to them or is it just their thoughts, their emotions? How can someone move from this place of doubt to confidence, like God brought you, from wondering and really pressing Him to where you are confident that you're here?

Pastor David Cannon:

Yes, yeah, in my, in my experience, it's been a process, and one of the truths that was revealed to me is out of First Thessalonians 523. And I'll read this as a new, living translation says now Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord, jesus Christ, comes again. You know, god is a triune being Father, son and Holy Spirit. And when the revelation, the understanding, came to me that we're made in his image and in his likeness, therefore, we are also, as this scripture says, spirit and soul and body. That just opened this up to me, my understanding. God is a spirit. We know in John 4, 24,. God is a spirit, where we're told. So we must worship him in spirit and in truth. And the Lord began to show me that I'm a spirit.

Pastor David Cannon:

Christians are spiritual beings, people are, humans are spiritual beings as well. We have a soul, which is our mind, will and emotions, and we live in a body that's our earth suit. And God communicates to us spirit to spirit. In much of my early days of seeking to hear the Lord, I was seeking to hear him in my soul and in my body, and we'll talk about that. God can and will communicate through our whole being, because we're not just a spirit. We are a spirit, soul and body, and he will use all of those that he created to communicate with us.

Pastor David Cannon:

But how do we get over that doubt whether it's us hearing our own thoughts or the voice of God? Well, hebrews 4, verse 12, is a key to this. It says for the word of God is alive and powerful and is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword cutting between. Now here's the key cutting between soul is it my thoughts? I'm hearing, is it my desires? The word of God cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow, and it exposes the innermost thoughts and desires. So, a key to overcoming the doubt on whether it's God's voice or my, is it coming from me or is it coming from God?

Pastor David Cannon:

Number one is getting to know the scriptures and getting to know God, the living word, because the Holy Spirit is called the spirit of truth and we are promised in the word of God. Jesus promised us that he would guide us into all truth, us into all truth. So you know, if I were to ask the question, how do we move from doubt to confidence? In other areas of life, not just hearing the voice of God, but in other areas of life. I think if we thought about that, we would know that if we know the truth about something, that truth sets us free, it brings the confidence in us. And Jesus said you'll know the truth and the truth will set you free. So knowing the truth, knowing God, the spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit, and knowing the scriptures, which are truth, brings a freedom in us. We get set free from a lot of that doubt and that confusion. Freedom in us, we get set free from a lot of that doubt and that confusion.

Pastor David Cannon:

And then a real practical way, you know, is practice. Let me say it again Practice, practice, practice. Because Hebrews 5.14 says solid food is for those who are mature, who, through training, have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong. You know, job 33, 14 says God speaks in one way or another, yet people don't recognize it. Well, this scripture here says solid food is for the mature who, through training, have the skill to recognize the difference. In this context, I would say recognize the difference between their voice and the voice of God. Some translations were that they're trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between. So we're trained by continuous exercise.

Pastor David Cannon:

You know, I have found that creating a safe environment to practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit, practice hearing the voice of God, is so helpful. When we minimize the fear factor we maximize the growth factor. I took a young man up. We live in Colorado so skiing's a big thing here in Telluride especially. I took a young man who had never snowboarded before up on the mountainside and so he was learning to snowboard. And I've taken other people up and it's taken them days to even come down you know a pretty easy slope because they had so much fear they didn't feel safe when they were practicing. They had to learn to overcome fear. This guy it's like he didn't have the fear factor to overcome and he learned in one day, even a half a day, he was doing amazing feats. And I think that's the same when we're learning to hear the voice of God. If we have safe environments where the risk factor is lessened, people are more inclined to learn quickly.

Pastor David Cannon:

There's a scripture in 1 Samuel 3, verse 1 through 11. I won't read it all, but there's a young boy named Samuel who had trouble distinguishing God's voice from other voices, and that's what we're talking about. How do we know for sure to distinguish our thoughts, our voice, from God's voice? Well, he had trouble distinguishing until Eli, who was a more experienced individual in hearing God's voice, gave him some helpful instruction. So another thing that can really help us shorten the learning curve is being discipled or mentored by someone who is more experienced in hearing the voice of God. Someone who is more experienced in hearing the voice of God what a blessing that is, and I really encourage that in our life. You know, not only do our mentors in our life important each one of us, as a follower of Jesus, we should be mentoring other people, whatever stage we're at.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So those are a few, so I want to move on to our next. Our next area here is you know, some people are hindered by the guilt or the past mistakes they have, you know they have done or experienced as they are pursuing, you know, hearing God's voice or the prophetic. So, and many people feel unworthy. You know that God will not speak to them because of their past failures, past sins. So how does one overcome this barrier and confidently be able to approach God to hear His voice?

Pastor David Cannon:

Yeah, a couple keys there. I would say is number one gaining understanding of God's grace. You know, the scripture says in Ephesians 2, 8 and 9 that we're saved by grace, through faith, and that not of ourselves, it's a gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. So salvation, healing, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and I'm going to throw into there for the sake of conversation, hearing the voice of God is by grace, unmerited, undeserved grace. We don't deserve to hear his voice and we definitely don't merit hearing his voice. It's all by grace, undeserved, unmerited. Romans 5.2 says that we have access by faith into grace. So it's faith that God is who he is. He's a loving God, he's a good God, he's a communicating God. He chose to call himself. Jesus is the word. We use words to communicate. He's the communicating one and having faith in his desire to communicate with us is key. And then understanding, not only grace, but understanding forgiveness. We need to know and believe and act on 1 John 1, 9 that says but if we confess our sins to him, he's faithful and just to cleanse us from all wickedness. So you know, our righteousness is as filthy rags, according to Isaiah 64, 6. So we don't look to our righteousness, we take the gift, the free gift of righteousness which is imputed to us.

Pastor David Cannon:

I love 2 Corinthians 5.21. This is he who knew no sin became sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ. And let me say this to help us understand it the same way that Christ became sin for us, he never committed sin, he didn't behave in a sinful way. So how did he become sin for us? He never committed sin, he didn't behave in a sinful way. So how did he become sin for us? It was imputed to him. Well, in the same way, we become righteous not because of how good we do or how poorly we do, but it's imputed to us, which means it's assigned to us, it's credited to our account. So understanding grace, understanding the forgiveness of God, I think will free us from past mistakes and failures and sin in our life that would want to bring doubt in our mind that we can even hear the voice of God anymore.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Exactly right. We need to learn to be able to, you know, give our sins back to Jesus, you know, and he died for our sins, you know. Put them in the blood and leave them right there Wow, thank you. So let's talk about, you know, put them in the blood and leave them right there Wow, thank you. So let's talk about, you know, seasons of spiritual dryness. You know, we all go through seasons where you feel like man, you know, I'm pressing in, but I don't feel God's presence. And so is there. What are some of the steps, you know, that we can take to navigate these times when we feel like we feel like we are not hearing God or we are not having a spiritual breakthrough, so to speak?

Pastor David Cannon:

Yeah, so true, we're all living life, and life is a process, for sure. And a number of ways I would answer that. Number one is our bodies, our mind, our will, our emotions. They can be fickle, so we definitely don't want to depend on well, I don't feel god, so god doesn't love me. Or I don't feel god, so god's not close to me, or something's wrong in our relationship, because I don't feel the goosebumps anymore. I would would discourage that, because we're to walk after the spirit and not after the soul and the body. But I would say this when we go through those seasons when God seems silent number one that's a good time to remember what God has already said. Maybe we haven't been obedient to the last things he's spoken to us and we're wanting to hear something different. So remember what you know God has already communicated to you. And then I would also say this is don't allow what you don't understand to keep you from moving forward with what you do understand, to keep you from moving forward with what you do understand, and then be faithful in those times. You know, I went through a season where, uh, I was about a five year season that was a long season, brother and uh, where I didn't. It's like the presence of God lifted off of me. Now he didn't leave me because that wouldn't be scripture, that's not true but I didn't feel his presence like I used to when I would worship or when I would pray or even when I would minister to people. It's like the feeling all left for a long time. And that was a season I walked through where god was teaching me to learn to live by faith instead of feelings. It's those times where we can practice the word. He's not left us, he's not forsaken us. He said he would be, the holy spirit would be guiding us, the Holy Spirit would be guiding us.

Pastor David Cannon:

And even in the Old Testament you take a man like Saul. Before he was anointed by the prophet, his father lost some donkeys and he was sent. His father gave him some instructions to go look for the donkeys. So he's out looking for donkeys. He took some along with him and all of a sudden they weren't having success. So the man who traveled with him said hey, I just remembered, I just had a thought. There's a prophet here, let's go to him. And then they met some women and at just the right time they come across this path who told them where the prophet was and told him to hurry so they didn't miss him.

Pastor David Cannon:

And there's an interesting verse of scripture. It's found in 1 Samuel, 9 and 16. God is speaking and he says I God will send you a man. He's talking to the prophet and that man was Saul. Well, saul didn't feel like God was sending him. The lost donkeys were sending him. Like God was sending him. The lost donkeys were sending him. His father was sending him. This guy having an idea about hey, let's go visit the prophet, was sending him. These ladies oh, he's over there were sending him. But from God's perspective, god was sending him. What amazing. You know, sometimes we're not aware that God is even leading us and he really is. Let me throw this in too.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

God was using.

Pastor David Cannon:

Yeah, we need to value the presence of God over knowledge, in other words, over getting answers to our questions. When god is silent or we're going through a difficulty that seems to contradict the word of god, it doesn't seem to be working the way we think. I would say in those times you really need to value his presence with you and focus on the presence of the lord instead of focused on getting an answer.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:


Pastor David Cannon:

Sometimes we hold God hostage to answering us, and I don't think that's a healthy place to be in.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Yeah, no, definitely. Actually, this is a segue into our next point here finding focus amid distractions.

Pastor David Cannon:


Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Because we are in a noisy world. I mean it's like everywhere you look there's something vying for our attention and it's easy to get distracted. What practical ways can people create the space needed to truly be able to cultivate, pursue that presence, cultivate that atmosphere or lifestyle to hear God's voice?

Pastor David Cannon:

Yeah, another great question. You know we all have 24 hours in a day, every single one of us. No one has more time in a day than anyone else and we all spend every like. If you had $24, it's like you spend $24 every day. There's none left over. You spend it some way. Spend it some way and when we value hearing god, we value our relationship with god, we're going to make that space, that time. We're going to budget time to develop that relationship. You know, in a marriage, if we value that marriage and communication is a building block to that, we're going to make time to communicate with our spouse. If you have friends and you lose touch over the years, you don't communicate, that intimacy with that friend is not going to be there like it once used to be. It's we have to give it attention, you know? Uh, we may have to turn off the phone, quit scrolling through facebook, turn the TV off all the social media.

Pastor David Cannon:

You know Jesus would often withdraw now he had a lot of things pulling for his man. There was people that needed ministry, there was demons that needed cast out, the sick that needed healed. He needed to preach the gospel of the kingdom. But he still got up earlier before anyone else and he went to a solitary place and he would pray. Sometimes he'd pray all night. Why? Because it was important to him, he valued it.

Pastor David Cannon:

You know, I was praying one morning and I asked the Lord a question. I said, father, what would we do today if there were no people that needed encouraged, no one that needed taught, no sick that needed healed, no demons that needed cast out? No, no people that needed pastored. What would we do today? And the voice of the Holy Spirit spoke back to me and he says we would walk together and we would sing together. Now, that was very personal, because music and singing is a big part of my life and it really ministers to me because we're human beings, we're not human doings and if we can keep that, the focus that we're in a relationship with god, we're not slaves. Slaves are really focused on doing work. But lovers, I found, actually will accomplish more than a slave or we would say, maybe a modern day employee, because they have an investment in the relationship.

Pastor David Cannon:

And we're told also in scripture, in Psalms 46.10, to be still and know that I am God. So, practicing stillness Many times when we pray we're doing all the talking and learning to ask a lot of questions. That's good. And then being quiet, learning to still get rid of all the distractions, all the thoughts that are rumbling through our mind, be still and know that he is God. So getting a quiet place, even in the natural, is very helpful. Some people kneel and pray, close their eyes, others go on a nature walk. You need to find what works best for you, but it's where you're free from the distractions so you can focus in on his presence. Focus in on the presence of the Lord.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Hallelujah. Well, as we are talking about focusing on his presence, the next thing that most people struggle with is being able to sharpen their discernment. So the question is because discernment is a key to understanding, you know, whether you know is this is God or am I hearing God, you know? So how can believers sharpen their discernment to confidently recognize God's voice, which is really the theme of your book? How can we sharpen our discernment?

Pastor David Cannon:

All right. Well, a number of things I would say to that, as a Christian, we need to learn. Christianity is a lifestyle, you know. It's not going to meetings, it's not even Bible study, it's not getting Bible knowledge, it's a relationship with God. It's no longer me, it's we mentality. We develop that, no longer me, but we. We do life together, god and I, as a lifestyle. So we yield to the Holy Spirit.

Pastor David Cannon:

Galatians 5.22,. Fruit of the Spirit is love. We walk in love. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14.1, "'make love your highest goal. Pursue love as though your life depended on it. Follow after love' whatever translation you're reading on, love is our highest goal". So we focus in on the love relationship that we have with God, and then we follow the Spirit's leading in everything we do. How do we sharpen it? Well, how do you know? If we had binoculars, how do we sharpen the focus? How do we make that sharper? If we're watching TV, you know there's a dial on the TV that deals with the sharpness of the picture you're seeing, the image or the voice we're hearing. How do we sharpen that? Well, again, by reason of use. How do you sharpen a knife? You practice, practice.

Pastor David Cannon:

Life sharpens us, our walk with God, just living life on a day-by-day basis. Mentorship sharpens us. We become sharper by being teachable and being humble. You know, you think about the devil. He's been around a long time. He doesn't need to sleep you and I do. He can work harder than you, you know. But one thing the devil can't do is humble himself. He's full of pride. So being humble and being teachable are very important. And then I would also say Jude 20 says build up yourselves on your most holy faith. Praying in the Holy Spirit, praying in tongues, praying in your spiritual language, can sharpen you to follow the Spirit and not the soul. It helps you distinguish between what's coming from your mind, your will and your emotions and key in on what's coming from the Holy Spirit.

Pastor David Cannon:

And then another thing I would say, which a large portion of my book is focused on, is recognizing the voice, because God is speaking but we just sometimes don't recognize it. So learning the different ways, common ways, that God often communicates I think I said at the beginning of the broadcast the voice of God is seldom really a voice. Maybe I didn't say that, but that was a big revelation to me and when we begin to learn the different ways, the many ways God communicates. Then we're able to identify and recognize when God is speaking to us. And then, once we know we can identify when he's speaking to us, that helps us move into the next part of the process we can understand what he is saying to us. So those are some simple things that I think are practical on sharpening our ability to hear from him.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

This is flowing perfectly, because this brings us into the next really question understanding the role of the Holy Spirit, because we know the Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in guiding us and helping us to really to communicate the voice of God, right? So how can we better understand? And I know you have touched on it. So I just kind of want you to go a little deeper, understand and rely on the Holy Spirit in this process, because, at the end of the day, it's the Holy Spirit who takes the voice of God and begins to communicate to us in those many languages which you articulate in your book, by the way. So could you talk more on that as well?

Pastor David Cannon:

Sure, yeah, we have the Trinity the Father, son and Holy Spirit, and so the Holy Spirit is as much God as God. The Father is and we're called to have. We're called and the whole redemption story. Let me say redemption is restoring us, it's redeeming us and bringing us into relationship with God. Well, part of God is the Holy Spirit and Jesus. You know he didn't.

Pastor David Cannon:

Jesus came for a short time on planet Earth. He came, yeah, to forgive our sins and to cleanse us and to redeem us back to God. But that wasn't the end of it. Jesus always had in mind that he was going to send the Holy Spirit, who wasn't just going to be on planet earth for three years. He said he will be with you and in you forever. So our relationship with the Holy Spirit is such a precious gift. So, learning to talk to him, fellowship with him. You know we pray to the Father in the name of Jesus, but Paul also wrote about fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit.

Pastor David Cannon:

You know, when I think of fellow shipping, you can think of fellows in a ship, in the bottom of a ship, and they're all rowing together. You know, if one of those individuals in the bottom of the ship was rowing, but the other ones were not it would be really hard to move forward and to navigate that ship. But when they're all rowing together all those fellows in the ship are rowing together that ship is going to be on course. It's going to get somewhere. And we need to fellowship with the Holy Spirit, so conversing with him throughout our days, not just when we're praying in a prayer closet or in a church gathering, but learning to practice the presence of God, where when we're washing dishes or we're driving a tractor or we're on a car sales lot selling a car, we are as close to God as when we're in a worship service or we are reading our Bible. We learn to practice his presence because he is the God of all of life. He's not just the God of Bible studies or church gatherings, he's the God of all of life.

Pastor David Cannon:

Most people, if they're not in vocational ministry as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher most of their life is spent at home and at work. So God wants to live with us where he has planted us. When God placed Adam and Eve in the garden, he told them to tend it and guard it. So we have to decide. We don't decide. We have to discover where God has planted us. You know Paul in the book of Acts or Peter it was actually Peter.

Pastor David Cannon:

When they were trying to decide on the distribution of food, there was contention and bickering going on. Some felt like they were being overlooked. He made this statement that the apostles decided it wasn't appropriate for them to devote their time to a food distribution. They needed to devote their time to the Word of God and prayer. Well, we can't say that for everyone, because it obviously was appropriate for these other people to be involved in the food distribution program, which means they had less time for prayer and preaching and teaching and study of the Word. So we're not all the same. It's we have to. What has God called us to? Where is our garden that he put us into 10? So it's going to look different for all of us, but the key is whatever environment we're in, whatever our assignment in life in is, we walk with God in that environment. That's exciting.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

That's beautiful, that's wonderful. So then, how do we build and maintain these disciplines to be able to continue to hear God's voice? You know what are some of those principles, or practical application or strategies to building consistent spiritual practices that are going to help us in really pursuing after God's voice and everything in between.

Pastor David Cannon:

Number one. I would say start. Many times we procrastinate. So, yeah, we have to say all right, I'm starting this now, I'm not going to put it off anymore. This is I value this, this is important to me. So I'm going to start doing some of these practical things that I'm learning. I'm going to start today.

Pastor David Cannon:

And then I would say you need to make a decision to live intentionally. The Word of God tells us, the Apostle James says draw near to God and he will draw near to you. James says draw near to God and he will draw near to you. So we need to be intentional about drawing near to God, getting close to God. You know, love in a marriage is not magic. It doesn't just happen. We have to work at it. It's intentional. And we have to be intentional in our relationship with the Holy Spirit, with God, and to continue this as a lifelong commitment. When you marry someone, it's till death. Do us part. When we marry as the bride of Christ, it's forever. It's forever. So we're committed, we're in this for the long haul. So we're not just going to practice these things for a short time.

Pastor David Cannon:

This is a way of life. It's a lifestyle. You know there's many people have heard of the different love languages. You know quality time, giving affirmation and touch different ways that people feel loved. Well, you know, when we bring those into those love languages, into our relationship with God, quality time, we need to practice his presence on a continual basis. Words of affirmation you know that can be our praise to God, our worship time, confessing God's word. It becomes a lifestyle.

Pastor David Cannon:

Scripture, reading, prayer and meditation, listening and stillness, giving gifts, love language Giving is one of the ways we worship God and it involves faith and it involves trust. So, being a generous person, developing generosity in our life, and then touch, you know we have to insist that our knowledge, our scriptural knowledge, our Bible knowledge, it has to lead to experience. Otherwise knowledge will make us proud, it just puffs us up. The scripture says so, that knowledge has to be experiential in our life. So I would say don't be satisfied with just head knowledge. It must lead to encounters with God, god experiences and seeing that truth lived out. We need to be intentional. You know the last chapter in my book I talk about, the whole chapter, is devoted to living intentionally. So we need to intentionally seek and commune with God. Seek and commune with God. He does speak. He's a communicating God. He loves to see our face, he loves to hear our voice. That's amazing.

Pastor David Cannon:

We need to make love, the pursuit of love, living a life of love, our highest goal in life. We need to be committed to that of love our highest goal in life. We need to be committed to that. Loving God and loving people is what it's all about. You know, there was an internationally known prophet that God spoke to him one time and he said God says you are known all over the world for many things, none of which is love. Wow, you know, if we're not obeying Christ's command to love one another, then I would simply say we don't know God very well, because God is love. The Apostle John says in 1 John 4, but anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. Now, the spiritual gifts, the power of God, those are not signs that we know God and are his disciples. He says your love for one another will prove to the world that you're my disciples. So we need to make love our highest goal and love doesn't just happen.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I really enjoyed reading about that in your book. Well, the last point I want us to on, which you're really being talking about, is cultivating deeper intimacy with God, because many, you know I want a deeper intimacy with God we all do, or intimacy with God we all do. So there are some things you can share with our audience as we finish here. You know that they can do to cultivate this closeness you know with God, so that hearing God's voice becomes, you know, supernaturally, natural, like part of their everyday life.

Pastor David Cannon:

Yes, yeah, he does put his super on our natural. Yes, yeah, he does put his super on our natural. And so let's look at a relationship between friends or marriage. I kind of mentioned that before. But how do you become intimate with your spouse? You intentionally take time. You spend time together, you communicate. You spend time together, you communicate.

Pastor David Cannon:

Intimacy with God is again James said draw near to God and he'll draw near to you. Get close to God and he'll get close to you. So take the initiative, tell God you want to know him, you want to be intimate with him and then pursue him. You know Jesus, said he again this is a promise. You can go to the bank on this. He says ask You'll receive, seek and you'll find. So if you want Intimacy with God, seek it. Seek Intimacy and you'll find intimacy. Knock on the door and you're going to find access. It's going to open up to you. So we have the invitation already.

Pastor David Cannon:

You know, I often say is we invite God into our church gatherings, we invite the presence of God into our worship services, when in reality he's inviting us into his meeting that's already in progress. He's inviting us into that worship atmosphere that's already taking place. He's already opened the door we. He says come on up, there's a door open here. I'm giving you access. Hebrews 4.16,. Come boldly, confidently, before the throne of not judgment, not condemnation, not fault finding. Come boldly and confidently before the throne of unmerited and undeserved presence of God, and he says you'll find mercy, you'll receive mercy and you'll find grace to help you in your time of need. So you know I'm repeating myself in a sense on that, but that really is the key to intimacy You'll make. If it becomes valuable to you, you'll ask for it, you'll seek after it and you'll knock and you'll get it. You'll draw near, he'll draw near to you. That's the promise in the word of God and we can count on that.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Well, pastor David. Thank you for this teaching. Pastor David's book God Speaks recognizing the voice David. Where can people get your book?

Pastor David Cannon:

Yeah, it's on Amazon. Yeah, you can get it on Amazon. You can get it at David Cannon Ministries website. It's also available through Telluride Christian Fellowship. So you just go to Telluride fellowships, so you just go to Telluride Church and look that up on our website. It's available there.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So those are the three primary ways you can do that. Amen. Well, pastor David, again thank you for joining us today on Kingdom, come with me, andrew McCoy. Again we thank you for taking the time and sharing and teaching with us and it's been a blessing. May God bless you, men of God.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Again, pastor David's book God Speaks, recognizing the Voice Get it anywhere. I highly recommend it. I read it. It's fabulous. All the things we're sharing here, you know David covers them in the book and I believe it's going to help you in your spiritual growth journey to hear God's voice, recognize God's voice and be able to be a gift, a voice of God to others through the prophetic. So get it on Amazon, get it anywhere. Probably ask your bookstore if they can get it for you, but I highly highly recommend it. Again, thank you, pastor David, for joining us. Thank you, dear friend.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

If you're joining us today and you are not a believer, we are talking about God's voice. I just invite you to make Jesus your Lord and Savior. You know it would be doing you a disservice if we finish this broadcast and podcast without giving an opportunity to receive Christ into your heart. You know the Bible says in Romans 10,. It says verse 9 and 10,. It says Beth is simple. You have to believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and you have to confess it. In other words, you have to invite him to come into your life and when you do that, the Bible says you'll become a Christian. So would you pray this prayer with me? Say, lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner. I need a savior. I invite you into my heart, wash me with your blood, Take my sin and give me your righteousness. I receive your righteousness by faith. Today I confess that you are the Son of God, that God raised you from the dead. Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit and empower me to do your will. Amen, dear friend. If you have said that prayer, jesus has come into your heart. We have resources to help you on your journey. There's information on your screen, our website, kingdomimpactministryorg. Go, write to us. We have courses, we have videos, we have podcasts. We have resources to help you be able to grow in your work to where you can hear God's voice. Amen Again. We invite you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Dear friend, our viewers, our listeners, this ministry is a faith ministry supported by people like you who love what we do you know, bringing you messages like this, the current age of God's word, what God is doing and what God is saying. Would you partner with us? Any gift of any amount will help us to continue this broadcast. It goes out to 195 countries free of charge. You can again underneath this video, wherever you're watching, there will be links to where you can go to our connected TV apps and watch podcasts. We are using every means necessary to reach people to make this message available. Would you help us, would you join us and partner with us? Whether it's a one-time gift or the monthly donation, you know we will highly appreciate it and we love you, and we will send you a free gift or one of my books, you know, as a thank you, amen.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So, before we finish this broadcast, I have a prayer that you know the Lord gave me, that I want to pray, that invite you to pray with me. Heavenly Father, I come before you with an open heart, longing to hear your voice. Come before you with an open heart, longing to hear your voice. I know that you're always speaking, always guiding, always reaching out to me. Yet sometimes the noise of the world, my own doubts and burdens I carry make it hard for me to hear you clearly. Lord, I pray for clarity. Help me to recognize when you're speaking, to discern your voice from all others and to trust what I hear is truly from you. I ask for the wisdom to distinguish your gentle whispers from the noise that surrounds me, the courage to follow you wherever you lead.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Father, I know that you are a God of love and patience. When I feel distant, when I struggle with guilt or fear, remind me of your grace. Help me to move past my mistakes and come to you with confidence, knowing that you desire to speak to me. Lord, I also pray for focus in this busy world. Teach me to create space for you in my life, still my mind, quiet my heart and help me to be present in the moments when you're reaching out to me. Let me not miss your voice because of distractions or busyness.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Holy Spirit, I invite you to guide me daily. Be my teacher, my comforter and my guide. Let your presence be so real in my life that I can't help but hear you, recognize you and follow you with all my heart. Thank you, father God, for always being near, for always loving me, for always speaking. I trust that you will guide me into deeper intimacy with you, where your voice becomes the most familiar sound in my life. In Jesus' mighty name, amen. May God bless you, dear friend, and join me on the next broadcast of Kingdom Come. Again, this message was Unlocking Heaven's Frequency. As unlocking heaven's frequency, how to hear, recognize and discern God's voice clearly in a noisy world.

About Andrew's Book- Working the Works of God:

May God bless you as a believer. The keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, Working the Works of God, Dr Andrew teaches us how, through the glory of God and His anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today To become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner, or sow a financial seed. Call us toll free, that's 1-855-418-6423, or log on to wwwkingdomimpactministryorg.


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