Restoring Reverence: Discovering the Transformative Power of Honoring God's Sacred Name

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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God's name: sacred or casual? Uncover the power of divine reverence in 'The Weight of His Name: The Unbearable Holiness of God.' Listen now to transform your faith. #SacredName #Holiness"

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This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Hello, dear friends, it's and Nkoya here, with Kingdom Come. Thank you for tuning in. I have an urgent prophetic message for you and I, for the church, even for the world. For months, the Spirit of God has been pressing on me heavily, to the point that I've been spending hours upon hours on my knees weeping before the feet of Jesus. And the Holy Spirit is saying my son and my name is being defiled in the earth. Today, name is being defiled in the earth today, now, when the holy spirit remember the holy spirit is the one who communicates the voice of god. So when he says my name and my son, he means that the name of jesus and the name of god is being defiled. So today, after much prayer and weeping before the lord, I guess I couldn't hold it in any longer. So you know, the Holy Spirit has pressed on me this series that I'm going to take us on a journey to talk about the name of God. How have we defiled the name of God, what is his name and what does he feel and think about his name, how we treat his name and what does it mean to honor the name of God. So I'm going to take you on a journey, in several series on this broadcast and podcast, the series I've entitled it Sacred and Profane, the urgent call to restore God's holy name.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And this first message is entitled the Weight of His Name. The unbearable holiness of God, let that sink in the weight of his name. What is God's name? We're going to find out. You see, the name is the active presence of a person or a thing. And so the name of God is set high above every other name, infused with the fullness of his character and of his power. Yet, with so much familiarity these days, we often forget the profound holiness, the profound holiness, the majesty, the beauty, the transcendency of his name and the weight that it carries. And here, sometimes, that's when, even sometimes, we Christians, we use the name because for us it doesn't carry that much power, that reverence. We don't really know what is in that name, we don't really see the power of that reverence, we don't really know what is in that name, we don't really see the power of that name. And so, dear friend, in this episode today, as I lay the foundation, we're going to explore the unbearable weight of God's name, a name so holy that in the ancient Israelites, they trembled at its utterance. As a matter of fact, they dare not use his name, as I'm going to show you here. Okay, so we're going to journey through the scripture to look at, uncover the sacredness of the name of God and why it demands our utmost reverence.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Reverence, the unbearable holiness of God's name. Exodus, chapter 20, verse 7. Listen to this, dear friend. He said you shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless. Who takes his name in vain. I want you to just consider that. He said you shall not take God's name in vain. Now, have you ever taken God's name in vain? He says you know, I hear, you know.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I was at a place. As a matter of fact, I was in you know, in California, several years ago, and I was invited to go meet this supposedly man of God. And we was invited to go meet these supposedly men of God and we were supposed to tape a broadcast in you know, in his studio. But every other word was a curse word, and so I ended up not doing anything because to me what he stood for defiled the name of the one he's preaching. Okay, and so because he was using GD and OMG and all that it's like it took away the power and the majesty and the beauty.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Now I'm not trying to be legalistic, but I'm just saying there is a call. I want to bring it to the reality of God's name and what God feels and think about his name. And perhaps by the time we are done, maybe it will help us to change how we look at God's name, because then it will release the power that is in that name on our behalf. And I'm going to show you what happens when we honor God's name. And I'm going to show you what are the consequences. They are deadly consequences when we dishonor and defile the name of God. That's why he says here he says you shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless. In other words, god is gonna hold us guilty. Somebody may say, may curse, and they say, oh, pardon my, my French or pardon my language, but but God is holding him guilty. You see what I'm saying. God is. He said he will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. You see, dear friend, judgment begins in the household of God. Yes, in the world, if people are cursing using God's name, they don't know any better, but you know better and you know.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

The explanation of this minister was well, I work in Hollywood and this is how people talk, but the Bible tells us not to conform to the standard of the world. Though we are in the world and, as I'm going to show you, we are name bearers. We bear the name of God. So I ask this brother, how many people have you led to the Lord in the six years of doing ministry? None, you know why? Because his lifestyle is contrary to the name he's preaching. I can almost guarantee you that. Because his scripture is biblical.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, and so Leviticus 19, verse 12, and you shall not swear by the name falsely, the first one. You shall not take it in vain. He says. Now, you may not even swear falsely, nor shall you profane the name of your God. I am the Lord. What is to profane Is to bring a reproach, to bring disdain To the name. He said you shall not profane the name, you see, because the name of God Is the fullness of his nature. The name of God is God. The name of God is his character, is his holiness, his purity, his transcendence, his majesty, his name, oh, that name, dear friend, god is calling us. If we are going to have the fear of God and go back to holiness, we need to begin with the name. Okay, because when we approach God, we pray in the name. So that name is the most sacred thing that we have, as in our interaction with God, all, all the other things the blood and the word and the power of the Holy Spirit they work because of the name. That's why, at the end of our prayer, we say in the name, what? Because it's the seal, it's what gives us the right. So God is calling us as a church to examine ourselves, to restore God's holy name in our own lives. And then corporately, okay.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Ezekiel, chapter 36, verse 20 through 23. And when they came to the nations, talking about the Israelites. When they came to the nations talking about the Israelites. When they came to the nations and we're going to break this further as we go in this series when they were exiled, he says when they came to the nations, where they went? They profaned my holy name. But I had concern for my holy name. You see where they went? They profaned God's name. And God says I have concern. He has concern for his name. You see, he's not going to be silent. Now we may think that this sin is going, you know, without punishment. No, he said. I have concern for my name, which the house of Israel profaned among the nations where they went. So, dear friend, when we don't leave and act and move and have our being according to the name, we are profaning the name of God wherever we are. See, that's what happened Wherever they went, you know, and as we go in this series, I'm going to break it down.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

How did that happen? Okay, because they began to dab into the things of other, in the other culture where they went, the other gods, the worship of idols, which was contrary to what they knew. Does that look and sound familiar today? You know, paul tells us not to conform with the world. Right, but are we even trying to bring the world into the church, even into the way we do our life? Because it's convenient? Yeah, because it's comfortable, it's popular. But he said I have concern. I had concern for my name and he was watching.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, so there's, the significance of God's name is huge, because God's name reveals God's character. It's not just an identifier, but it encapsulates the essence of who God is and what he does. You see, god's name reveals his character, his holiness, sovereignty, mercy, justice. And we, in another series we're gonna talk about the names of God. But here we want to talk, we want to start about God's name and then we'll go into the operational names of God, what we call the redemptive names of God. Okay, like when you hear Jehovah Jireh, the Lord, your provider, that's his operational name, that's his redemptive name. Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals you. El Shaddai, god Almighty. Okay, tells us who God is and what he does. You see, all those, we'll break all those down.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

But there is this so much weight of holiness on his name. The Hebrew word for holy is kadosh or kardosh, which means something that is set apart, pure, worthy of reverence. That is God's name. You see, it is weighty and full of glory and demands our deepest respect and reverence and awe. You see, in the Old Testament, god's name Yahweh, revealed to Moses in Exodus 3.14. You see, it speaks of his eternal, self-existent nature. Okay, you need to get this Yahweh I am. When God came to Moses and Moses said what's your name? And he, I am who I am. Speaks of his eternal, self-existent nature.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You see, the Israelites held this name in such reverence that they will not even use it or pronounce it Because it's so holy. So instead they used Adonai Lord. So instead, they used Adonai Lord to avoid potential misuse because they knew it was so holy. And what God demanded of them you see, dear friend, god demanded of them, he said you shall not use it in vain, you shall not swear, you shall not profane it. And to avoid all these consequences of profaning his name, and to keep it holy, they use Adonai Because God's name is so sacred, it's so pure and it's so holy. That's the weight it carries.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

As a matter of fact, god's name appears over 400 times in the Bible. You see, god's name appears over 400 times in the Bible. You see the presence of his name. I'm telling you where God's name was, there was his presence. It was in the tent of meeting, the tabernacle. And then in the tent of meeting, and where God's name was, there was his presence, his glory, and so, dear friend, I pray that you get the seriousness of this. So we need to understand this command Taking God's name in vain. To understand this command Taking God's name in vain, the third commandment In Exodus 20, verse 7.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Is not just about avoiding Explicit misuse of God's name or false oath or curse. We have to know it is so sacred. But when we use it Casually, thoughtlessly, in ways that contradict his nature, we profane it. You say, brother, how do we profane the name of God? I'm gonna show you. I'm gonna show you in great details. But when we use the name of God with no reverence, casually, thoughtlessly, in ways that contradict his holiness, his character, his goodness, his purity, his love and mercy, everything that God is, we are bringing a reproach to his name. He is not receiving the glory. And so, dear friend, if we are going to return back to God and to see a great awakening, see a great revival, we need to go back to the basics.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

This thing is about God. Your Christianity is a Christianity of relationship and God does not exist for us, we exist for him. That's what the Bible says. We were created for him, in him and through him, and by him and in him, all, all things that was created, everything consists for him. So when he was speaking to me, you know, repeatedly, andrew, my son is defiled and my name is defiled, and I could feel the weight of his, his pain, on how we treat the name of God, how we treat, and I'll tell you I'm kind of going ahead of myself, but it's okay the reason we treat the name of God this way is because we have lost the fear of God. We have lost the fear of God.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

We do you know Christianity as it's like religion. It's another thing we do. We go through the fear of God. We do. You know Christianity is like religion, it's another thing we do. We go through the motions, but God is calling us to holiness and we can't be holy if we don't revere the one, really the person, the center of our holiness, the center of our relationship. Okay, we cannot.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

It doesn't matter how much we pray and how we scream and cry and call upon his name. First we have to honor. We can't say we love God and we worship God when we defile and profane his name. You see, dear friend, this is what he said Again. I'm going to read it. He said Exodus 20, verse 7, you shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless. Who takes his name? That should bring you to your knees. Have you taken God's name? Have you used his name? Have you taken God's name? Have you used his name have you just casually, not even thinking about it? But there are consequences of misuse, because now you need to know.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

The name of God is sacred and when you don't treat it with the reverence and the holiness and the respect and the awe that it deserves and just the yeah, it's the reverence, the sacredness that it demands. And we use it casually, we use it in a way that it contradicts his nature. Dear friend, we have sinned against God. We have sinned against God. It's time to examine yourself, it's time to examine myself and allow God and I hear, you know, I've heard of you know Christians that curse, that use the F word, and all that as a matter of fact, if you're cursing as a christian, you need deliverance because the devil has attacked your tongue and you need to get the devil out is the profane spirit the bible talks about it in in romans.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

It's a profane spirit that has tapped your tongue and you say you're gonna go worship god. At the same time, you curse and you use again. You see how we defile the name of god when we are not living and speaking and acting in ways that really align with the kingdom, with the king and his name, we are bringing a reproach and by so doing we almost bring a reproach on ourselves, because God says if you use it in, if you profane his name, you're not, you're not without sin. So we need to repent. We need to repent and turn and we need you know, for if you curse and you curse word, you use curse words and whatever. You need deliverance, you need to allow to get someone to lay hands on you or you need to allow the holy spirit to. You know, get that spirit off your tongue, I'm telling you, because god is, uses people and he's gonna use your words in your mouth. That's why you, you know, your speech needs to be cleansed and purified with the blood and with the water of the word and with the spirit of God, because it speaks the name of God.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, so there are consequences to misuse, practical application, reverence in speech. How do we speak of God in our daily lives? How do we speak of him? How do we treat his name With the respect that he deserves? Or have we allowed familiarity to breed? You know? Carelessness? Okay, examine the speech, the casual ways that you know. You talk, that I talk. I have to. You know I've been examining myself how do I talk.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Another way is reverence in worship. But reverence in worship is not only just about how we sing, but it's how we honor God with our lives. You see, he said they profaned. In the scriptures I read earlier. They profaned his name where they went because their speech and the way they talk began to align with the way the people in the exiled countries, how they spoke. And God said they profaned my name and I was concerned. And guess what I'm going to show you. There were consequences. Turn and guess what I'm going to show you. There were consequences. And so I'm just trying to make really draw your attention to what is God calling us to do.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

True worship begins with a deep reverence for the name of God. His name is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are safe. If you know the sacredness, the power, the protection. See, I pray the name of God every morning Over myself and my family, our ministry, our partners. I pray the name of God. I say Lord, I bring everyone under the covering, the protection, the authority, the power of your name. You know why? Because I know everyone under the covering, the protection, the authority and the power of your name. You know why? Because I know the power that is in the name. I know the power. I've seen miracle signs and wandered through the name. So that name is precious.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And when you know that name and you treat it with the reverence I'm telling you, you're going to begin to see the power of the one who gave you the name. You're going to see the active presence of the one who is the name. Oh, dear friend, you're going to see the active presence, the reality of Yahweh Shaka Mande. He says I am Yahweh, jehovah Jireh. He goes from you know this, this self-existent God that is out there now is like I'm gonna extend myself through redemption and I'm gonna begin to reveal myself.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, but first we have to honor His name, the holiness of his name. And when we honor the holiness of his name, then we can begin to see the manifestation and the demonstration Of his operational names, of what he does. But first we got to know him, and by know him, and by knowing him, is by knowing the name, the name. Oh, I just feel the anointing, the name of God, hallelujah. So how can we uphold the holiness of God's name? Dear friend, I have good news.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Living as bearers of his name, our identity in Christ. We bear the name of Christ, we bear the name of Jesus, we bear the name of God. That's why we are even Christians. How we live is a reflection of the name. Okay, 1 Peter 1, 15, verse 16, calls us to be holy, for he is holy. So living lives that reflect the sanctity of the name that we carry, every action, every word, every thought should be in alignment with the holiness of God's name.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And you say, brother, that is impossible. Who can make? Well, that's why we have the Holy Spirit. That's why we have the Holy Spirit. It's called the spirit of holiness. If you need to go deeper on the Holy Spirit, I have done a whole series on the Holy Spirit and I have a new book coming out on the Holy Spirit to show you the function of the Holy Spirit as it relates to all these names and what it does. But the whole point I'm making here is that the Holy Spirit is going to help you, he's going to help me.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

But we have to come to this realization that we bear the name of Christ. How we live and move and have our being is a reflection. It either profanes the name of God or brings glory to the name of God and Jesus said if I am lifted, what did he mean? It's by lifting the name. He says when I'm lifted, I'll draw all men to myself. What do we lift? We lift the name of Jesus. You see, in God, through Jesus Christ.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Now, first, we began with Yahweh. I am who I am and Yahweh sent his son as a reflection, as an expression, tangible, visible expression of the name, you see. And now, as believers in Christ, we bear the name, we carry the name. That's why we can cast out demons in the name. Without Christ, I have nothing, I have no power, I have no ability, I have no authority. You give me the name of God and the name of Jesus. All of a sudden, I go from natural to supernatural, from ordinary to extraordinary. Why? Because the super of God touches your natural. Okay, and all that is done through the name. How can we uphold the holiness of God's name? By being a witness to the world. Our treatment of God's name is a witness to those around us.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Dear brother, I told you at the beginning in Los Angeles he could not win anybody to Christ. Do you know why? His lifestyle and his talk style and his vocabulary and how he talked and lived his life was not a witness and lived his life Was not a witness. So he said Well, I'm trying to find common ground. But you see, that is not common ground when you are going to the other side, doing things contrary to the person and to the nature of the one that you preach. See, the common ground Would have been to say, hey, I was this, now I am this because of the name. It's to show, hey, I was messed up, now I'm cleaned up, I'm restored, I'm healed, I'm delivered because of the name. That's the common ground. That's what you and I have with everyone. We are all sinners, saved by grace. That's the common ground. The common ground is that Jesus loves all of us and he has shed his blood and paid the price that we can come in the intimate relationship with God through his name. See, that's the common ground.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So, dear friend, as I finish this, I encourage you, you know, as we dig deeper, prepare your heart, ask the Holy Spirit. How am I defiling and defaming the name of God? And today, here and now, make a personal commitment to uphold the holiness of God's name in every area of your life. This might be evaluating what you watch, the books you read the magazines, you watch the things you do, the friends you keep. You see, dear friend, god's holiness is carried in his name and when you treat his name with the respect, with the reverence, the awe, the fear, you know that, just the worship, how you treat that name, is going to transform your life, your relationship.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I know, you know, many years ago, when I actually I first studied the name of God and the glory of God, this is what he told me. He said, andrew, the reason I created everything you see, and even you, is for two things for my name and for my glory. Now, listen, let that sink in. We're going to unpack all this For his name and for his glory. Actually, I have done a series on the wonders of God's glory. Go watch it. Okay, the wonders of God's glory is not about you, but when you know His glory, it transforms you from the inside out. It transforms you. I show you what the glory of God is. But he said to me, andrew, I created the heavens and the earth and everything in it for two reasons For my name and for my glory. So I spent two years studying the name and the glory of god. Oh, my gosh, oh, dear friend, how I went from, you know, just living a mediocre life to living in the glory of god.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

People have told you that the glory of god is out there. You have got to go in the third heavens. That's not, not. That's baloney. The glory of God is God. The glory of God is a person entwined with the name of God. You don't have to have an extraordinary experience to experience the glory of God. You know why? Because the glory of God is in you, with you and upon you. It's the manifestation. When you allow and begin to treat God's name and God's glory and who he is with reverence and fear, you're going to see the manifestation Of that glory and that glory is going to produce the fruit. When you revere the name and you treat it with the reverence that is due, that God demands, you're going to see the power of the name, because the name of God Is God himself, is I am who I am who I am. He will separate the Red Sea before you. He will part the waters before you. He will move mountains before you. Just earlier this afternoon I was prophesying to somebody, praying over someone, and God said I'm going to move the Clemanjaros in their lives. Dear friend, the glory and the name.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So, as we conclude this message, today, the name of God is not just a word. It is the embodiment of God's holiness, it's the embodiment of God's presence. It's the embodiment of God's presence. It's the embodiment of God's nature, of God's character. You name it. It's all encapsulated in his name. That's why the ancient Israelites? They dare not even say it, because it was too holy. And today we cannot see the power and the glory of God Because the name of God is defiled.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

We use it like any other name and, as a matter of fact, it brings a reproach. When we defile the name of God, he says you will be guilty if you use it in vain. There are consequences to profaning the name of God. You know why? Because when you profane the name of anyone, you're profaning that person. When you defile God's name, you're defiling God himself, because God is all encapsulated in his name. You mention the name, you bring his glory, his active presence.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So, dear friend, today make a decision to treat the name of God with purity, with reverence, with fear, the holy fear that the Holy Spirit gives you. That's why he's called the spirit of the fear of the Lord. He can bring you and I into that reality. He can convict you. I mean, I was doing dishes in my kitchen and I was saying, holy Spirit, what's on your heart? And he said, you want to know what's on my heart? And I said, yeah, what's on my heart, he's like my name. He said, you want to know what's on my heart? I said, yeah, what's on my heart is like my name. I want you to preach my name, call people to repent. And all of a sudden I'm bawling, I'm doing dishes and I'm crying Because God, all of a sudden, is sharing with me what he feels about his name. What he feels about his name, dear friend, god is calling us to break.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

When you see the world around us, god is the solution, god is the answer. But when we lift him up, he's going to change your life, he's going to change your community. He's going to change my life, he's going to change America. He's going to change every sphere of influence. But we got to get the holiness of God back and we start with the name and the glory, because when we do that then it goes to the other one. When he said my son, when we honor him and his glory, then Jesus, his son is no longer defiled but he's lifted. And when Jesus is lifted he will begin to draw all. You see, when Jesus is honored and revered in your life, the fear that you carry and you have for God, when that is growing and growing, it's going to be a witness to those around you and God is going to begin to draw men to yourself.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I remember my best friend growing up. I got saved and God began to transform me. You know, I traveled the world and he went to Canada and one day, I don't know how, we found each other on Facebook and we reconnected. Guess what? He wanted to know the God I knew. I left him over the telephone because of the witness of what God had done. Over these he's like I've seen what God has been doing all these years. How do you get there? I want that. I didn't have to preach why? Because my life had become a witness. God wants your life to be a witness. Now.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I'm not saying perfection, I'm saying walking in fear and trembling and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring you into the total surrender so he can work on you, so he can work in us. The fullness of God, hallelujah. Dear friend, you're watching me and you don't have a relationship with Jesus. This is your day. I have good news. You don't have a relationship with Jesus. This is your day. I have good news. You don't have to die and go to hell because Jesus died in your name and in your place.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

The Bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. So would you pray this prayer with me. If you believe Lord Jesus, I confess that I'm a sinner. I have done everything that I've violated God's laws. I am guilty, and even for you, who is a Christian, who have defamed or defiled God's name one way or the other, pray this prayer. Say Jesus, I give you all my sins and I take your righteousness. Forgive me for everywhere that I've defiled the name of God, your name, and profaned all the work that you have done on the cross for me. I confess that I am yours. Today I receive you as my Lord and Savior Because I believe God raised you from the dead and you are seated at the right hand of God. Fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can live a life that is worthy Of your death Of your crucifixion, your resurrection and your ascension. Amen.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Dear friend, if you have said that prayer for the first time, you are what the Bible calls a Christian. Go to our website. Let us know of your decision. There is content there to help you grow in your decision, in your walk with God. Go find the Bible Believing Spilled Field Church and get plugged in. We have resources and we have courses and we have books to help you on your journey. Amen, and for the rest of you, you're a Christian and you've listened to this message. You're watching this message.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I want you to pray this prayer with me. Say Father, I come before you humbly, by the weight of your holy name. I recognize that too often I have taken your name lightly spoken, without the reverence it deserves. Forgive me, lord. Help me to carry your name With the honor it demands of me. Let my words, my actions and my life Reflect your holiness. Guide me every step so that I may live in a way that brings glory and honor to your name. I commit myself Today to upholding the sacredness of who you are in every part of my life. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Dear friend, I thank you for joining me on the broadcast. We're going to continue on this series. I want you to stay tuned because I'm going to take you on a journey, because God wants you and I on fire, and it begins with holiness, amen. Well before I let you go again, I want to mention our book Catch and Release God's Supernatural Keys to Operating in God's Miracles, healing and Power. Go get a copy. And I want to also highlight Working the works of god keys to supernatural ministry in your hands. I'll encourage you to go get a copy, if you haven't already.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And again, I invite you to partner with me on this ministry so we can continue sharing the message. You see, jesus called me and he said uh, september 2014. He showed up in my living room and he said I want you to go bring people back to me and prepare them for my return. I am coming soon. The church is not ready and the world is not ready. That's why we preach this message. It may not be a popular message, but it's a required message if we're going to make it to heaven. God loves you, and so do I. I'll see you next time.

Working The Works of God Book:

As a believer, the keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, working the Works of God, dr Andrew teaches us how, through the glory of God and His anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm, where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today To become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner, or sow a financial seed. Call us toll free 1-855-41-VOICE, that's 1-855-418-6423, or log on to wwwkingdomimpactministryorg.


Watch Andrew on the Kingdom Come broadcast 24-7 online at kingdomimpactministryorg and on the Kingdom Come broadcast 24-7 online at KingdomImpactMinistryorg and on our Kingdom Impact Ministry TV channels available on Roku, apple TV, amazon Fire TV and Android TV To stream on the go. Get the Kingdom Impact Ministry mobile app for Apple and Android devices from the App Store today To receive prayer order resources or to become a partner with Kingdom Impact Ministry. Call us toll free 1-855-41-VOICE that's 1-855-418-6423, or visit us online at kingdomimpactministryorg. You can also write to us at Kingdom Impact Ministry, po Box 2073, montrose, colorado, 81402. This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

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