7 Biblical Keys to Unleashing Divine Power Through Prayer and Consecration

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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Join Andrew on this episode of Kingdom Come Podcast as he reveals the vital relationship between consecration and prayer as keys to experiencing divine power in our lives. Explore seven biblical principles that will enlighten you on how to live a life set apart for God’s purpose, emphasizing the transformative journey of surrender and connection to the Holy Spirit.
• Understanding consecration as a commitment to God
• Exploring the biblical basis for surrender and prayer
• Key 1: The Cross Before the Crown emphasizes personal sacrifice
• Key 2: The Holy Spirit's Leadership fosters dependence on God
• Key 3: Love's Response: serving from knowledge of God’s love
• Key 4: The Father's Heart promotes a relationship with God
• Key 5: Kingdom Purpose focuses on advancing God's kingdom
• Key 6: Corporate Reality calls for community in faith
• Key 7: Missional Living encourages believers as ambassadors

Also, get practical steps to daily surrender and transformation. Listen now.
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This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Hello, dear friend, and welcome again to Kingdom. Come with me, Andrew Nkoye.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Thank you for listening to our podcast and thank you for tuning in wherever you're watching, on Kingdom Impact Network on all platforms Apple TV, roku, amazon Fire. We are streaming and we thank you for being part of our community. Today we have a word that is resonating in my heart concerning this season we are in. It's about consecration and prayer, and today we are going to unpack seven biblical keys to divine power. Do you desire to experience supernatural breakthrough in your life? I'm going to show you, through total surrender, seven keys as we look at really the life of Jesus, our great high priest, who has gone before us and paved the way so we can live really the spilled filled life. And in this season, we are praying and fasting for 40 days. For those of you that are new to our community or to your first time listening or watching, we have been praying and fasting since the 3rd of January 2025. And I have put out a word on the really the revelation for 2025. And you can watch it. If you're listening, there will be links underneath this podcast or video, depending on where you are watching it, so you can go back and see the really, the double jeopardy decree and the prophetic revelation for 2025. So we are following up. So, as you're praying for many of you I know are praying with us and many of you you might be just doing your own prayer I just wanted to release this word because God wants to release the mantle.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

We talked about the Elijah mantle. Really, that is a metaphor for the anointing for restoration, anointing for transformation, for reforming, changing, revival. So there's a mantle that God is giving you in this season for where you are, where you're going through, it doesn't matter what it is. You know you don't have to be a preacher Wherever God has put you. There is an anointing that you need in this next season to be able to affect the kingdom of God. So we are going to talk about consecration and prayer, again, seven biblical keys to divine power, experience supernatural breakthrough through total surrender.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And we're going to read 2 Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 18. It says but we all with unveiled face, beholding, as in a mirror, the glory of refining, of being pruned and prepared, of refining, of being pruned and prepared. And I believe in this hour that God wants us to understand what biblical consecration looks like as modern day Christians, because most of the time when we think of consecration we look at the Old Testament where God said consecrate yourselves so I can visit you or meet with you, so you can come in my presence, so I can visit you or meet with you, so you can come into my presence. But now as New Testament believers. I wanted to focus on really how can we consecrate ourselves as New Testament believers? So we're going to look at really Jesus, the matter of Jesus.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So biblical consecration the Hebrew word kardosh reveals consecration as being set apart, as holy unto God. That's why in the Bible we see when a king, a priest, somebody was being put in an office, they were being consecrated with anointing, with oil, to be able to perform the duties of that office, to be able to perform the duties of that office. And so today God called us into a season of consecration, of setting ourselves away so we can be anointed, we can be clothed with this mantle, so we can be able to affect the world, impart the kingdom, release the kingdom. So that's what it is being set apart unto God. But Jesus showed us the deepest meaning through his life. Okay, in John, chapter 6, verse 38, this is what he says. He says I have come down from heaven not to do my will, but the will of him who sent me, and that's really got deep into your spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Consecration is about surrender, it's about devotion, it's about obedience, okay, so Jesus shows us really how we can live the consecrated life. Okay, daily. This is not just a one moment after we are done with our you know, 40 days of prayer and fasting and then we'll go back to you know, just, you know our old ways. No, this is about setting the stage for the season, for what God is doing in us and through us. Okay, so Jesus says I have come down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of the one who sent me, and so consecration is about doing the will of the one who died for us.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Consecration is about listen and I'm going to show you, is about doing really what it is that is on God's heart, what it is that God is wanting of you Not your will, but the will of the one who saved you for such a time as this. So the pattern of Jesus is this Philippians 2, verse 6-7. Who, being in the form of God, made himself of no reputation, taking on the form of a bondservant. That's the pattern, that's the model of Jesus. He humbled himself to the will of God. So perfect submission to the Father's will complete dependence on the Holy Spirit, being motivated by love towards obedience and living for God's glory alone. That is the pattern of Jesus.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

First he says I've come not to do my will, but to do the will of the one who sent me. And then he says and then here Paul gives us really the picture, he summarizes the life of Jesus. He says he was God, but he put on humanity, he put on flesh and blood and came to show us. This is how you live the consecrated life, the surrendered life, the devoted life, the yielded life to the will of God. And so, dear friend, see, the anointing is not the monopoly of God. And so, dear friend, see, the anointing is not the monopoly of anyone. The anointing is for those who prepare their vessels to receive it.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay. So the mantle that God has for you, the plan that God has for you, takes an anointing to fulfill it. Okay, whatever it is that God has put on your heart, it's going to take the anointing, the spirit of god operating in your life. But in order for the spirit of god to operate unhindered and and and you know and unblocked, we have to be consecrated. We have to be set apart for him. So this is really, these are the keys that I'm giving you to prepare your vessel and then not just at one time during, you know, beginning of the year, or just preparing yourself for the anointing now in January. No, this is the lifestyle. I pray that you go over this over and over until it becomes a part of your daily existence.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, so the first key is the cross before the crown. This is what Paul testified. I have been crucified with Christ. It's no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me. The cross before the crown. You see, this is the key.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Most people want the anointing but they don't want to pay the crown. You see, this is the key. Most people want the anointing but they don't want to pay the price. You see the price? Jesus paid the price for you to have access to God. But the anointing of God is so precious that he will give to those who actually want it, who actually value it, treasure it. And so, you know, the Bible tells us about the new wine skin and the old wine skin, and God says I'm not going to put a new wine in an old wine skin because he's going to lose both. You know the wine and the vessel. And God loves you that he doesn't want you to be destroyed, but he wants you to be blessed by this wine. So that's why he calls us to this consecrated life of prayer being yielded, but it's the cross before the crown.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Like Paul, he says I've been crucified, yet it's not I who lives. In other words, I have died with Christ, I have died with Christ. I have died with Christ. Now it's not I who lives, but Christ now lives because I'm a dead man walking, so to speak. Because when we are dead to self, to sin and all its bondage, then the Holy Spirit is so fully alive within us, he can take a hold of us. He can take possession of us. He's not just a mist, he's not a smoke, he's a person and he wants to get a hold of us.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So as we go through this understand and we say yes, go through these keys here as part of our everyday existence, then the Holy Spirit has the free range to take us and mold us into whatever he wants. So, embracing the crucified life daily, dying to self-interest, self-centeredness, self-promotion and whatever self has, the Holy, holy spirit will show you and then, following jesus path of surrender. He was god, but he said I'm here to do the will of the one who sent me, not my will, but he's okay. So the prayer focus here is lord, deepen the work of the cross in my life as you seek, as you pray, lord, deepen the work of the cross in my life so you can really know what it means to be crucified with him, so that it's not you who lives, but Christ. And the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Christ so he can really bring forth the nature, the power, the anointing of the anointed one in your life if you surrender.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Key number two the Holy Spirit's leadership, he tells us. For as many are led by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God Romans 8.14. Keys to experiencing divine power Yielding to the Spirit's guidance, living in moment by moment, dependence, cultivating spiritual sensitivity Okay, learning to lean on the Spirit and listen to the Spirit, and as you do it, it becomes a part of you, you get entwined, you get so connected, and so you know in Him that you begin to feel what he feels and he feels what you feel. And so the prayer focus here is Holy Spirit, lead me in every detail, every moment when you don't know what to do. That's part of how you walk in power, because the Holy Spirit is there, by your side, he's walking with you. That's why he's called the comforter, the paraclete, one called to walk alongside. He's there, but you have to depend on him, you have to call on him, you have to engage with him. Okay, so the prayer focus Holy Spirit, lead me in every detail, me in every detail. Key number three Love's response.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

We love him because he first loved us, 1 John 4, verse 19. See, we don't try to impress God to love us more. God loves you the way you are and his love is not going to increase or decrease. God's love is constant. It's unyielding, ever present, ever flowing for you. As a matter of fact, god's always pursuing you with his love. You may not feel it in the natural, but he's there and he's pursuing you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So consecration flows from revelation of God's love. You know, somebody asked me, you know why are you able to fast and pray, deny yourself food and the comforts, so that other people will get you know, healed and touched, so you can be the vessel that God uses. Dear friend, it's because when you get touched by the love of God, like Paul says, the love of God compels me, the love of God constrains me, the love of God pulls me, motivates me, it moves you and comes out of that place when you consecrate, there's a revelation that begins to flow and there's a reality. And God is not only just giving us revelation but he wants to back up that revelation with experience. He's an experiential God. I know people tell you oh no, don't worry about experience, don't care about just memorize the word of God. God is an experiential God. I know people tell you oh no, don't worry about experience, don't care about just memorize the word of God. God is an experiential God. The Bible is an experiential book. He doesn't only want you to have the knowledge, he wants you to have the experience that goes with the knowledge, the experience that goes with the knowledge. You know, like the disciples, they say no, we talk about what we have seen, touched and felt. It's not just only what we have heard, but what we have seen, what we have touched, what we have experienced. We have felt it with our own hands. We have touched Jesus, we have seen the miraculous. That's what we talk about. So the gospel is an experiential gospel. The kingdom of God is experiential and God wants us to experience his love. So I believe that as we consecrate ourselves and as we yield and surrender, then we come into a revelation, but also the knowledge, what I call the revelation knowledge. See, the revelation knowledge is not just having you know, knowledge of some scripture coming alive, but I believe it is revelation knowledge that flows and grows into experiential knowledge. You see, the things that I'm teaching you, I have experienced. I know what it takes to receive the anointing, I know what it takes to keep it, I know what it takes to grow it and to maintain it. It's not just a knowledge I have, it's the experience, the reality that I have seen over the years. And so when you have gone through something and have the knowledge and then practiced it, god is going to back it up with experience, and that experience reinforces your faith, your conviction and your confidence. Like somebody said well, how come? What if the Bible is not true? Well, the Bible. I've seen so many miracles, signs and wonders. You know, at this point you can't convince me that it's not, because through the word of God, I have seen us saved the sick, healed the bound, set free by the power of the word and the power of the Holy Spirit, the bound set free by the power of the word and the power of the Holy Spirit. The rest really doesn't matter to me, because I've got the knowledge and I've got the experience to back it up Amen. So God wants you to have this Through consecration, this mantle, this fresh anointing. Okay. So surrender as worship, not duty. Okay, intimacy before activity, love's response. That's what we're talking about. So the prayer focus is reveal your love afresh. To my heart, that should be a prayer Even as you watch, listen, you can even pause this and say Holy Spirit, reveal the love of God, reveal the love of Jesus and reveal your love afresh and anew to my heart, because this is not supposed just to be a duty that we do and if we have done and struggled long enough, then we may experience God. No, actually it's the opposite. But when we begin to rest in the integrity of God's love, then the nature of God, god, is love, and then you rest in that and you operate from a place of knowing that God loves you no matter what and he wants you to experience his best. Then, dear friend, you are on to something, hallelujah. So, key number four the Father's heart. Listen to Jesus' prayer in John 17, verse 21. It says that they may all be one, as you, father, are in me and I in you. I mean you can read the whole chapter. But understanding God's desire for fellowship, entering the divine fellowship and living as a beloved child of God, that the Father, the same way the Father Son, you know this is in Jesus' prayer in John 17, that they may know that you have sent me, but he prayed that we all may be one, as him and the Father are one. Now he's talking about not only his Father, but he's your Father. And knowing that love, understanding that God, the father, the father, the architect of ages, he has a plan for you, he loves you, and for you to operate from that place of rest, knowing that you are a child of God. You see, we miss out on heaven's best because we live as orphans and we are always trying to prove ourselves. See, consecration is not about proving yourself. It's about letting go and let God release what he has for you. Let God do what he has for you. Let God do what he desires for you. So the prayer focus here is draw me deeper into your heart, ask God, I want to know your feelings, I want to know your heart, I want to know what you feel about me. You know, like, when I wake up in the morning I say, holy Spirit, good morning. What are you thinking, what are you feeling and what are you doing that you want me to know? It's like all heaven opens up. That simple, short prayer opens up the heavens for me and I believe it will open up the heavens for you. Try it Simple, sincere opens up the heavens for me and I believe it will open up the heavens for you. Try it Simple, sincere. Draw me deeper into your heart and be willing to listen to his heartbeat. You see, most of the time we have so many prayer requests and agendas that we miss out on the heart of God. You see, that's why in the Bible it talks about prayers and supplications and petitions. You know there's intercession and there's weeping and mourning and groaning. There's all kinds of prayer. But I encourage you to cultivate not only listening prayer but also that contemplative prayer While you just contemplate the presence of God. Just be in the presence of God when you say Father, here I am, draw me into your heart. What are you feeling? What are you thinking? What's on your heart. It may be not even about you, but you want to know his heart. All of a sudden you are getting into the prophetic realm now Because if you want to know his heart, it's not just about you. What's on his heart is your neighbor, your community, your church or someone else. And so as you open yourself up, it activates, releases, the revelation, the secrets of God, the mysteries of God. All of a sudden you are operating into the prophetic realm. That's why hearing God's voice is not so hard. It's just that we don't give God the opportunity to speak to us. So this he wants you deeper. This is not for if you just want to be a surface Christian, this is if you really want to be intimate with God. Consecration and prayer. Experience His power. Key number five Kingdom purpose. You see, in the Lord's Prayer, matthew 6.10, he says Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. See, when we refocus, you know, matthew 6.33 says seek the kingdom. So when we get back focused on the kingdom and the king, we begin to unleash and unlock his power. Right, because the power of God is the kingdom of God, where the kingdom of God is honored and received and celebrated, we are going to see the power of that kingdom. Okay, so that's key number five. Aligned with God's eternal purpose, living for his glory alone. Kingdom mindset in all things, yeah, I know you say, but how do I get there? Simple prayer Let your kingdom come in my life and through my life. Let your kingdom I feel the anointing on that See. Simple prayer Kerebo sondo, god wants to advance his kingdom, god the gospel. That's why he says in Matthew 24, he says the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all. Then the end will come. The end is not going to come until the gospel of the kingdom, see. So when we get back to kingdom mindset, kingdom thinking, advancing the kingdom to kingdom purpose, knowing that God wants to save souls, he wants the gospel preached as a witness. If we want Jesus to come, we need to be out there spreading the gospel, okay, the gospel of the kingdom. So when we get refocused to the kingdom purpose, we begin to tap into the power of the king and his kingdom. Jesus said pray, you know thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And I believe Jesus, as the intercessor, is in heaven praying for us that we will align with the kingdom and be kingdom focused so that we can live out the kingdom purpose. Where you are, there is a kingdom purpose for you. Okay, where you are, there is a kingdom purpose. Ask Him if you don't know what that is. Holy Spirit, reveal my kingdom purpose. Or just ask Him release your kingdom. Release your kingdom, manifest your kingdom. Dem, release your kingdom. Release your kingdom, manifest your kingdom. Demonstrate your kingdom through me and then watch how the kingdom is manifesting. See, those are clues. Sometimes we wait for big revelations, big dreams. No, just see how God is using you. If you have read my book Karchan, release God. Supernatural. I talk about my testimony. You know, growing up in Uganda, I never taken a class in spiritual gifts or this. I was out there doing the kingdom and then I began to see the sick were healed and demons are coming out and prophesying. And people ask me what are your gifts? I'll say I don't know. I prophesy, I cast out demons, I heal the sick. You see what I'm saying. When you focus on the kingdom, you know, and the kingdom begins to manifest. Yeah, later I began to see what gifts were manifesting, more than others, you see, but most of the time we focus on finding out what is my gift and we really neglect just the release of the kingdom. Because I'm telling you, you pray for. You know, you prayed for a hundred people that have gotten healed. There is something there for you to pursue. Now, I'm not talking about you prayed one or two, three people. I'm saying there are things you have done over and over and you're seeing God move. Dear friend, that is a clue that God's kingdom is manifesting in your life that way. That is a huge, huge, you know, not even a clue, it's a confirmation that God is using you that way. I remember when I, you know, after I discovered the secret to the anointing and I began to minister and people were getting healed, set free, I continued to preach and I continued to pray for people and cast out demons and more people, and then I was casting out even bigger demons and bigger demons and God's kingdom was manifest. You know I wasn't out there trying to master this gift or that. I was out there being kingdom, focused and preaching the kingdom. And then the kingdom of God was manifested and, as a result, souls have been saved, hundreds of churches have been started, ministries have been launched. Out of our ministry just because we became kingdom focused. Amen. So let your kingdom come in my life. Let your kingdom manifest through my life. Simple prayer but powerful. Key number six Corporate reality. Building up one another, growing into a holy temple In the Lord. You know, read the whole. You know verse 21 and 22. Consecration in community Iron sharpening, iron Body ministry Accountability. You see, we have integration in community iron sharpening, iron body ministry accountability. You see, we have this online community. You are welcome to come. I invite you to come join us into our community online, the School of the Anointing. We have resources, some of the people that watch and listen to us. You are in countries where there is no church. That's okay. That's why we have created these portals online, so you can listen and you can watch. You can be equipped. But if you are able, then be part of a community of people that agree with you, that stand with their prayer for you and pray with you, Because I'm telling you, there is power in numbers and there is power. There is an anointing of association. When you associate with the right people, there is an anointing, there is an impartation, but also two are better than one. So don't be a lone ranger, don't be isolated. You want to walk in the power of God. Have a community, have an army with you, have an army that you fight with. And if you were in a place where you can't have an army, there's no Christians around you. Come join us online. We have prayer calls on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have community online. We have resources to connect with like-minded people Because there is a need out there. But this is part of how you walk in the power of God. You've got to have a community. You've got to find you know some people say tribe. You know it doesn't have to be big, but you've just got to find your tribe, people that believe what you believe, people that are hungry and pursuing what you're pursuing. Amen, amen and the prayer focus here make us one in your purpose. Make us one in your purpose. Corporate reality Number seven missional living. Jesus says as the Father has sent me, I also send you. Actually, this is one of my favorite verses John 20, verse 21. And then he breathed on them and he said receive ye the Holy Spirit, consecration for others' sake, carrying Christ's presence, living as kingdom ambassadors. Missional living, living on God's mission when you are is your mission field and God wants you to live on his mission, always thinking how can I advance the kingdom, how is the kingdom advancing through me? How is God fulfilling his apostolic mission? The apostolic mission is Matthew 28. Verse 18, we call it the greatest commission. It's Christ's apostolic mission Go in the world, make disciples of all nations, baptize them, teach them everything I've told you. That's what we are all about To make disciples of all nations. The prayer focus use me for your glory. Use me for your glory. I'm going to go through here quickly the process of transformation. Divine initiative Jesus says no one come to me unless the Father draws him. Responding to God, drawing you, yielding to his work, cooperating with his grace. Just yield when is God drawing you, cooperate, respond to where he's calling you, to what he's tugging on your heart. Number two Heart preparation. Creating me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit. I did an in-depth teaching series on pursuing a pure heart. You can go listen to it and go watch it. Allowing deep heart surgery, embracing conviction, maintaining transparency before God. This is the process of transformation, where you allow the Holy Spirit to transform you as you consecrate yourself. Spirit-led transformation, known by might, known by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord. Okay, depending on the Spirit of God, allowing His supernatural to operate and then allow progressive transformation. Okay. So let me give you some practical steps in daily life Morning surrender Begin with worship and love expression, fresh yielding to the Spirit. Alignment with God's purpose Throughout the day, practice His presence, quick response to the Spirit when he's tugging on you, love-motivated service. And then, in the evening, allow the Holy Spirit to examine your heart. Gratitude and worship and renewed commitment. So what are the signs of biblical consecration as you are going through this? Deepening love for Jesus, increased sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, greater hunger for God's presence, natural flow of the spiritual gifts, christ-like character forming in your life, kingdom effectiveness. You see, as you begin to consecrate and yield and surrender and go through the things we have covered here, these are some of the things you're going to begin to see in your life. And here is a simple prayer of consecration Father, I come in response to your love. I yield completely to your purpose. Let Jesus be fully formed in me. May your kingdom come and your will be done through my life. Holy Spirit, have your perfect way for the glory of God alone. In Jesus' name. Amen. Dear friend, I'll make this prayer available online for you to just see. It's simple but powerful. Say it from the heart, okay. 2 Chronicles 16, verse 9, says For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to him. Others says dedicated, other versions say committed or consecrated. Whatever Bible version you read the eyes of the Lord, he's looking. He desires to show himself strong on your behalf, on my behalf. Okay. So here are some reflections for your growth. How is the Holy Spirit drawing you to deeper consecration? What areas of your life need fresh surrender? Number three how can you better align with God's kingdom purposes? So, dear friend, as we finish this broadcast, you don't have a relationship with Jesus. I want to invite you today to surrender, consecrate yourself to God, and it is simple by inviting Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. You're saying, jesus, I have fallen short, but I need you. Would you pray this prayer with me? Say, jesus, I acknowledge that you are the Son of God and you died in my name and in my place. I invite you to come into my heart today, be my Lord and my Savior, fill me with your Holy Spirit and empower me to do your will. Amen, dear friend, you have said that prayer. The Bible calls you a Christian. We invite you to go on our website, let us know and we have resources to help you. The number is on your screen For those who are listening it's kingdomimpactministryorg. Go and connect with us. We'd love to hear from you and I want to pray for you, dear friend, that God's presence, god's mantle, will come upon you. But before I do that, let me remind you again you know of my book Catch and Release God's Supernatural Keys to Operating in God's Miracles, healing and Power. You know I teach you those keys and then I also. I have Working the Works of God. The keys to supernatural ministry are in your hands. You know we serve a supernatural God, we serve a miracle-working God and I believe in miracles. Because I believe in God and I want to pray right now for the anointing of consecration upon you, heavenly Father. I pray for this one listening and the one watching, right now for the anointing of the Spirit. I plead the blood of Jesus over them, lord, that you release your power right now, holy Spirit, touch them, anoint them to see who they are, to see the love of God, to see how passionate you are for them and how you desire a deeper relationship with him. Lord, I release the power of the anointing upon the allies afresh and anew for this season of consecration, as they prepare, as many are fasting and many are praying. Lord, I pray for the power of the anointing of the Spirit of transformation that they are transformed right now For this season 2025. To be a year Of impact, a year of the miraculous, of the supernatural, of your goodness and the double portion of the anointing To transform their environments, where they are, where they live, where they play and where they work for the glory of God in Jesus' mighty name. Amen. Again, dear friend, thank you for watching. Come join us in the School of the Anointing. We desire your support and we ask you to prayerfully partner with us. You can give the information on your screen kingdomimpactministryorg, and we believe that together we can continue reaching millions around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Working The Works of God Book:

May God bless you as a believer. The keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, working the Works of God, dr Andrew teaches us how, through the glory of God and His anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today To become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner, or so a financial seed. Call us toll free 1-855-41-VOICE. That's 1-855-418-6423. Or log on to wwwkingdomimpactministryorg.


Watch Andrew on the Kingdom Come broadcast 24-7 online at kingdomimpactministryorg and on our Kingdom Impact Ministry TV channels available on Roku, apple TV, amazon Fire TV and Android TV To stream on the go. Get the Kingdom Impact Ministry mobile app for Apple and Android devices from the App Store today. To receive prayer order resources or to become a partner with Kingdom Impact Ministry, call us toll-free 1-855-41-VOICE that's 1-855-418-6423 or visit us online at KingdomImpactMinistryorg. You can also write to us at Kingdom Impact Ministry, po Box 2073, montrose, colorado, 81402. Po Box 2073, montrose, colorado, 814-02. This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

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